The following letter from the humane society sums up what they are asking for from Kossacks and their friends and from Americans at large who have compassion (so much for compassionate conservatives).

FEMA had announced a couple of weeks ago that they would allow the national guard to help save animals but that was a political ploy apparently because the animal rescuers are still appealing for help from Bush’s government:

The Humane Society of the US has issued the urgent plea below: Go to web site to request needed animal rescue help from the federal government:

On Wednesday, one of our Disaster Animal Response Teams in New Orleans
rescued a St. Bernard from a rooftop a dog they described as the most emaciated animal they had ever seen in all their years of handling
animals. The veterinarian who treated the dog was shocked that the animal, who weighed just 40 pounds, was still alive.


Who helped us rescue this animal? It was several National Guardsmen who heeded our rescuers pleas to take them through the water on a tank so they could get up on the roof to save the dog.

But the troops actions were not ordered by the National Guard  nor by the White House, the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security, or the state of Louisiana. In fact, despite our repeated requests, none of these entities has formally agreed to marshal their
ground forces to help rescue the pets and other animals slowly starving to death in the affected areas.

At apress conference just a few hours ago, I implored the federal government to come up with the nation’s first animal rescue plan.

Now, I am writing to ask you to give them the same message:

Time is running out for these animals. Every hour that passes means more pets, locked behind closed doors in the disaster zone, will die of starvation. Our teams are working as hard as they can to reach as many pets as they can – and as we reported to you on Wednesday, we’ve
rescued thousands. But there are thousands more.

At this 11th hour, when so many lives are at stake, we are asking you to help. Contact these officials today before it is too late. Please
click here to call or send an email to President Bush and other federal and state officials who have the power to order National Guardsmen and other responders to assist with food drops, help supply our own operations, and do whatever else it takes to save animals.

One of our rescuers said it best: We should not have to rely on the compassionate instincts of individual Guardsmen to rescue these animals. We need the full commitment of the government.

Members of Congress have also been calling on President Bush and the federal agencies to actively assist with direct animal rescue. With most of the human victims of the catastrophe removed from the city, it’s not too late to save animals’ lives. It’s time for the government to recognize the incredible bond between people and their pets, and step in to help.

Thank you so much for your support of our disaster teams, and for all you do for animals.


Wayne Pacelle

President & CEO

The Humane Society of the United State