by Pat Lang
I had the chance to speak on this NPR program yesterday. Here is the link with which to listen.
Iraq: Iraqi Insurgents Proving Hard to Suppress
… In Iraq, insurgents are steadily adding to the death toll, even as U.S. forces try to rout them from their strongholds. On Sept. 14, more than 160 people died in a string of bombings, the biggest single-day killing spree yet. Retired U.S. Army Col. Patrick Lang offers his insights to Debbie Elliott.
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
I just got this in an e-mail from JPol, and it’s very important here because Pat talks about the importance of holding Baghdad in his interview … Juan Cole:
Isn’t this amazing!!!??? Oh but listening to dubya dn the president of Iraq, all things are coming to gether and we could leave soon…What the hell is going to come of all of this? I dont think anyone in his right mind knows how to get out os this mess.
And even for the mighty England, the day came when colonization of South Asia was no longer profitable.
Not to suggest that the intended beneficiaries of US democracy-spreading are hurting in the spreadsheet yet, in fact, what makes US operations a success where similar plans in the past have fizzled is the reduction of those beneficiaries to a very small number as opposed to the obsolete and as history shows us, ineffective philosophy of colonization as a means to benefit the colonizing nation as a whole.
Americans must learn to accept this, as they have accepted so many other things from their beloved government, and take comfort in the large numbers of Iraqis, Afghans, and others to whom their tax dollars give the gift of eternal liberation.
I really don’t understand Juan Cole or Patrick Lang’s desire to keep US forces in Iraq because “it would be irresponsible to leave”. Lang and I think Cole argue that we have made a mess of Iraq and we have unleashed forces which would continue to fight if we left.
There is no way that US forces which are at 130,000 plus 100,000 contractors doing much the same work are going to be sucessful. If there were 500,000 troops they would not be sucessful.
The Iraqi government does not want the US there. They want their help to come from Iran.
So let Iran help them, if that is what THEY want. Why does the United States always think that it knows best what’s best for IRaq.
We have destroyed large parts of their country, enitire cities…for no reason.
We are not competent. We are misguided, we cannot communicate with any one there, there’s no language skills…thats so basic..we are have no business being there.
If we shouldn’t have gone in in the first place, we shouldn’t be staying in the second place.
Let the forces we have unleashed go to battle if that is what they are going to do. Let all hell break loose. It wasn’t any of our business to begin with. Get Out. The longer we stay the worse it will get for everyone.
I hate Juan Cole for not opposing the war in the first place. Yes, you may not know it but he did not oppose the war. He opposes the way we went about going to war. And I don’t know what Patrick Lang’s ideas were but I cannot fathom why he would suggest keeping troops there.
The U.S. Military is incompetent and quickly becoming very corrupt by it’s exposure to these contractors who are stealing everything they can get their hands on. Now the soldiers want a piece of the action. The war is corrupting the military morally and by graft as well.
You are going to get a crooked military if you don’t get them back now.
This war has no point whatsoever. It is the dumbest thing that could ever have been done, why anyone would suggest that we need to stay there …..our intentions for being there are destructive, self serving, self destructive and the results so far are abysmal. We cannot now act morally.
A person who kills someone for their money and then has a guilty conscience and returns the money, stuffing it into the pocket of the dead person is worse than one who just walks away and keeps the money. We have done too much damage to try and pretend we now care about Iraq and want to help.
The US doesn’t care about Iraq and who kills who. Cmon.