Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself!
Come on in!
What do you want for your birthday breakfast, Boo?
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
BrotherFeldspar can’t be with us today, Brothers and Sisters, but he’ll be back next week. Quick, somebody do the New York Times crossword puzzle in his honor.
How’s everybody today? I’m moovving slooow.
Hi Kansas, I was beginning to worrrrrryyy…..<smile>.

Thanks for putting this up.
I brought these with me, more in the car (interesting I now have a car?)
Morning everyone or afternoon and evening to all.
Good thing you said something! I was just blissfully cruising along toward the end of my first pot of coffee, reading the blog and thinking about doing some thinking about house cleaning. I haven’t thought about it enough yet, though.
Ya know,I have a cousin who does the NYT crossword, in INK, in about 15 minutes. Scary.
The Sunday crossword!!!
Lol! I got it the first time, but I was too stunned to speak.
Amazing guy- he was an intelligence geek in Korea.
I think he’s an “intelligence” geek wherever he is. 🙂
Wow, shycat. all I can say is WoW.
a big, blue dot sized ego — I’ve found a bunch of reviews of your books and the reviewers just fall all over themselves loving your writing. Noticed all those awards (and past president of ‘Sister in Crime’), too. And all this time, you’ve been modestly hiding out here as just another flatlander in flyover country (and missing opportunities to sell some books, I should add).
And, of course, because everything in the world needs to revolve around me, I must also point out that I have lost innumerable opportunities to mention to people that I have traded smirky remarks with an award-winning author.
where can I find these reviews? I’d love to see what Kansas has written.
Here are just a few:
Whole Truth review
Another Whole Truth review
Reviews from Mostly Fiction
And here’s an excerpt from a review of ‘Ring of Truth’ from Publishers Weekly:
Enough with modesty already. We want some diva action!
Seriously now, take a bow. Very impressive.
YOWZA!!! kewlies Kansas!
And, hey, I just ordered The Whole Truth thru Powell’s Books and made sure to tell them I learned about them thru Booman Tribune. That’s not the truth; I’ve ordered from them before but I opened a new account just so I could give Boo credit and could encourage them to continue advertising here. I feel double-good and can’t wait to eat my way thru all of Kansas’ published works.
If any other writers currently in print are here and have modestly restrained themselves from letting the rest of us know — don’t be bashful!
Wow back atcha, sjct! Maybe we should have a Boo Book Fair where our “local” authors could promote their (our) books for ordering from Powell’s. There definitely are others besides me.
otherwise, I’d be pointing people to a link. I think a book fair is a great idea!
Do you write fiction or non?
One about Kabballah, one about Witchcraft, one about Ritual Magick. O, I’ve written novels that get lovely rejection letters from editors who tell me they adore my writing style but describe the content as “not commercially viable.” One of these days I’m going to sit down with the latest formula and try Romance. I think that would be fun. Right now I’m keeping a journal on our Back-to-the-Land Venture that might become a how-to or what-not-to-do manuel. LOL!
If you do go for a Romance, consider joining Romance Writers of America. They are an incredible organization and really helpful to Romance writers, or even to non-Romance writers who have romantic elements. I’ve been VERY impressed with them.
On WebMage getting published. I’m a big fan of SF&F, used to go to the Cons when I was younger. If we’re all still here a year from now, please remind me to buy your book.
RWA is indeed impressive.
Please email me, sjct (Npickardatkc.rr.com). One of my dearest friends publishes lots of esoteric fiction and non-fiction. It’s possible that she might have some ideas for you about other editors or publishers to send to. I am positive she’d be really happy to e with you. (If you miss seeing this comment, I’ll bug you about it elsewhere!)
plenty to be modest about, starting with how scattered-brained I have been all weekend! Also, you really should see my house. Dust bunnies are having a convention. As I type, a bunch of them are gathered at my feet, sticking their thumbs in their ears, waggling their fingers and sticking out their tongues at me. They think they have me outnumbered. It’s a horror movie. If you don’t hear from me ag. . .
(Thanks. Blue dot smiles.)
with a few dust bunnies. I could supply the raw material to clothe the entire country of Luxembourg if I just swept up the dog hairs in my house.
But I think you may have a career as a screenwriter to look forward to — you definitely could sell that scenario to George Romero.
George Romero :o) Good hint
You lips to somebody with money’s ears. I have never had the slightest luck selling to H’wood. Perhaps I have been spared. 🙂
Run away! Run away!
I was thinking that if I get all the cat hair up, I can build a new cat.
My dust bunnies can whip your dust cat any day.
Ladies, to your weapons!
Ah, I’ve been wondering how we wound up with a third dog…now I know.
You made me snort diet Sprite.
Very nice reviews! And the awards! I hope the exposure here generates some well earned sales for you. I’m glad I had a small part in bringing your day job out into the light.
It’s ALL your fault, Kelly. I thought I could just mention it in paranthesis and get away with it, but people are too alert, not to mention nice. We should time a book fair to coincide with you book launch. Keep us posted.
I’ve known for awhile, but was trying to respect your privacy…silly me!
I will indeed keep people posted. Again, thanks to you and everyone else at Booman for the warm welcome
Okay, getting myself back on track, slowly but surely. Just came from a short session on the treadmill; will have breakfast as soon as I’m done here. My eating habits have really sucked lately; yesterday I didn’t eat anything till dinner, then ate too damn much. 🙁 I need to be spacing my meals better.
Plans for today: start pork chops marinating for tonight’s dinner, clean out dining area, take stuff out to Goodwill and to recycling center, do laundry, and make sure the dining table is clean so we can actually sit together when eating a nicely cooked dinner! 🙂
Will check back in with you fine folks later…it’s probably going to be soooo dead here next Sunday with all the folks recovering from the September 24th marches…
Sending best wishes to BrotherF, whereever he may be…
What are you soaking the pchops in?
I recently had the most amazing salad that had, among other goodies, big soft croutons made of sweet cornbread. Oh, my. I think your “pork chops” made me think “cornbread.”
Recipe out of my old George Foreman cookbook (it came out shortly after the original grill came out — I bought the book way back in 1998, the receipt was still in the book!)
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup herbed vinegar
1/4 cup white wine
1 Tablespoon honey
2 teaspoons crushed sage
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced
Works best if you marinate 4 hours to overnight; I have a Foodsaver container that supposedly cuts the time in half, so if I start the marinade soon (waiting for the spouse to come open the wine bottle), I’ll be in good shape for a 5 to 6pm dinner.
(Recipe is for 4 pork chops, but I’m only cooking two…portion control!)
Went to the pantry to start the marinade…and I’m out of olive oil! 🙁 Will add it to today’s shopping list…and instead we’re having Tuna Melt Pitas (recipe from one of my American Heart Association cookbooks) and tomato soup…actually a decent substitute…
So the first week I actually have a picture of my “bad boy” – there is no dog-blogging diary. So I’m just going to have to put it here. Anyone else have (had) a beagle??? Then you’ll know why its all about being a bad boy. But most of the time, I just call him Henry. He’s at least 15 years old. Don’t know exactly because he was a “runaway” I got at the Humane Society. Now isn’t that just typical – a beagle who ran away!!
What a sweetie. But I can see Bad Boy in his eyes.
We’ve had two. One that lived to be 16 and was a holy terror (at least in her own mind) until the day she died. She was also the smartest dog I’ve ever had. And we have one now who is a little over two and is still working on building his bad boy rep but I have confidence in him (especially since he keeps trying to boss around our other two dogs who both outweigh him by 50 pounds).
BJ, aka lord of all she surveyed
Never a Beagle, but for almost 16 yrs. a Basset Hound (Sebastian)…talk about yer Bad Boys…really a basic, no frills dog, sweet and gentle, great w/ kids, but nearly untrainable…walk w/o a leash? Ha!
Another great weekend end weather-wise here in the foothills. Sunday pm harvesting today, cutting the rest of the herbs: basil, oregano, chives and sage before the frost comes. And tonight I’m going to try my new cooking toy, thanks to my Bro…ye olde vertical chicken roaster made for a grille:
Hope some of you heard the Higher Ground PBS Benefit Concert last night…their were some exemplary performances and comments in spite of the inane hosts.
Vldada the Impaler!
And you always seemed like such a nice person!
p.s. yum.
It’s a republican chicken if that helps ease your mind…:{)
Yes, I thought it bore an uncanny resemblance to Karl Rove in handcuffs.
I’d keep my eye on those beagles a few comments above this. I’m positive the lower one is drooling onto your chicken.
since if sniff was close enough to drool, he wouldn’t need to.
It looks like it’s ready to sit down and eat WITH you, all propped up like that…
Damn, and I had just cleaned up the Sprite I snorted last time you spoke.
And that diet stuff is really rough on the nasal passages…sorry!
I have an ongoing argument with my brother (he favors siberian huskies) who keeps telling me that ALL dogs are trainable (read in that I’m not doing it right!!) I told him about our local cable tv dog expert who says two things: (1) NEVER leave any hound dog without a leash or fence, and (2) ever noticed that when people want to demonstrate their latest dog-training technique – they NEVER us hound breeds! But they are the absolute BEST with children. I had a young woman and her 11 month old son move in with me for awhile. Henry absolutely loved him and would take after the mom if she ever even raised her voice to him. This after the young man demonstrated his affection by pulling on anything he could get his hand around, ie ears, tail, leash, etc. Anyone else who had tried that would get the wrath of the “bad boy” immediately!
When my nephew was little, he and BJ had a real love affair going. He would eat stuff so he got it all over his face and then lie down on the flow so BJ could clean him off.
BTW, my vet once commented to us that beagles will turn any other dogs that are around them into a beagle.
And are your ears looking a little longer, too?
I do shed, chase chipmunks, and dig large holes under the porch.
So that explains it!!! Henry’s sister is the sweetest-ever springer spaniel Libby (pictures of her coming soon). And she became a barking nightmare soon after he joined us. After 13 years together – Libby’s sweetness remains. But she’s a lot more “beagle” than she was before he came into the family.
It’s 11 months now since this 12 year old’s family broke up and we, who were looking for an older doggie friend for our other Toto, were given him. Cairn Terriers are very people oriented–heck, all dogs are pack animals–so we know he’s been through quite a trauma losing his lifelong family. And we can never explain it to him.
We’ve been watching layers of stress and concern peel away from him gradually like layers of an onion. For the first few days, in his mind, he was a visitor. Then he was a house guest. And so it’s gone, every few weeks he’s become a little more open, a little more assertive, a little more playful.
He seems to have passed yet another threshold this month after having gotten tummy-sick from eating too much sand and crunch seashells. We can’t know if it was just coincidental timing or if he recognized the care we were giving him, but he’s now more playful than ever.
This was only a subject for passing reflection until Katrina hit. Now our Toto experience has us thinking about the long series of adaptations that a million people are facing, undoubtedly for years to come under the best of circumstances.
What a sweetheart! Oh, and the dog is a cutie patootey too.
A sneak attack!
rating for something that funny.
Now up on the mp3 player: Faure’s Requiem for Lost Dust Bunnies.
Waste no pity on them. They’re never lost, they’re only hiding, coughing bwahahaha in their little dusty throats.
We had a very nice rain storm this morning and I didn’t even turn on the computer until just a couple of minutes ago. I keep a log of everything I eat and all exercise & had to post what I’ve done today.
And I suddenly realized that I hadn’t been here all day!
What a wonderful morning you’ve all had. I’ve always wanted to meet one of those NYTimes Crossword experts.
kansas — I’m grinning from ear to ear.
; )
Grinning ear to ear?
I just love reading all those good things about your work. Is that so wrong?
Do you think anybody at your library would be interested in attending a mystery book convention in Manhattan, Ks. in a couple of weeks? I could send you info about it. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.
Ohhh! YES! Including ME!
Do you want my work e addy?
Cool! Really I could shoot myself for not thinking of this sooner, esp. for you, personally. It would be so neat if you went!
Here’s all the info on the Manhattan Mystery Conclave:
LINK: As you can see, Carolyn Hart is a keynoter.
It looks so interesting, but would a non-writer be welcome? Especially at your session — I haven’t any writing samples to bring.
Although if by bringing a paperback book to mark up, you mean we would pretend to edit a book we’ve read — I could do that. Is that what you mean?
The whole conference is absolutely definitely completely for readers, too, kb. In fact they’re making special efforts to attract reders. There’s kind of a writer’s “track” and a reader’s track, although of course anybody can attend anything. (My workshop on rewriting is really intended for people who are working on novels or short stories, but everybody’s welcome.)
Now there’s two things I wish I could get to in September…
One of these days I’ll have to post some of my fiction somewhere…I have some that might fit Diane’s site with a bit of polishing…
Consider yourself nagged!
I’m hoping that soon I’ll have a bit more time for writing — the spouse has promised to look into the Transitional Work program with his employer, so that’ll get him out of the apartment for a few hours and get a little semblance of normalcy back in my life. And I’ve promised myself a getaway to somewhere special beginning of October; not sure just where yet (has to be transit accessible, so no remote cabins in the woods unfortunately), but I told the spouse I need a vacation from him! lol Part of me is thinking Reno, just because I can have some fun there along with writing time/space, plus it’s a great place to people watch for character development.
Of course, the laptop goes with me; hopefully we’ll have the new desktop system by then so he won’t be totally bereft of computer…
This has been such a lazy day for me that I haven’t done my walking yet (I did _7_ miles yesterday!) today.
I don’t know that I’ll get that far today, but just walking to the high school track and back is a 1/2 mile. So, I’ll probably do at least that.
See you soon!