BooMan, sorry that I’ve been so busy,
The cake; best I could do in a tizzy.
If you’ll just click your slippers,
You’ll get a “Freeper Stripper”!
Who’s your pleasure for big birthday kissy?!?
After she steals the animated GIF, she notes with pride that the wave was created in Husky stadium in Seattle by a male cheerleader named Rob … can’t think of his last name … later ended up hosting Entertainment Tonight for a while.
In later years, it became unbearably uncool to do the wave at sports events. Sigh. It was just a lot of fun!
… and not just Cdn – ej is in Mich I think – but it’s all over.
It has rules similar to football – endzones and scoring touchdowns (we have catches) and defense vs offense roles and instead of kick offs we have pulls … Don’t need much equipment – some pilons, a disc, and cleets. And it’s not supposed to be physical/tackle, but when you’re running full out to catch the disc and someone is running full out to block it, well … collusions happen :o)
Ultimate – great game.
I played it in college, we ended up second in the national championship one year. Also played “Guts”. This was well over 20 years ago (in Norway).
Well I’d suggest that this party be a big Frog Pond Pool Party, bring your own lily pad and get comfy. And we can’t have a birthday party without silly hats and noise makers now can we? The secret password for getting into the party is Karl.
Everyone BYOB, I’ll be bringing the Kaluha, so someone put the coffee on. I suppose we could play pin the tail on the donkey or better yet a GOP dart board-everyone bring a pix of there ‘favorite’ elephant-as a nod to women I’ll be bringing Babs bush to throw a dart or two at..Yeah I know I might ruin my beautiful mind but hey what’s a party without someone named Babs there?
You must also wear some item of clothing that is green
and I’ll also be bringing by the band ‘Green Day’ for a set or two. Kermit’s coming by for a sweet serenade of ‘It ain’t easy being Green’ by the way.
Hey Susan! Please don’t spend too much time planning the food. Boo will just ruin whatever you’re serving by putting mayo on it. ;^) (Still shaking my head over the fabulous sandwich he destroyed)
We need a speech from the Boo, before he pops the balloons on his cake.
Happy Birthday, to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Booman, Happy Birthday to you!
Tradional Cat Family Birthday Toast
If we were living in days of yore,
We’d post a minstrel outside your door.
If we were living in the future
By thought transference, we’d salute yer
But since we aren’t living in the days of Chaucer
Nor yet commuting by flying saucer
This is our everyday endeavor
To wish you joy, both now and forever.
Ogden Nash
Here’s a little toast just for you Booman…it may sound a little rude but what the hell.
Here’s to you
And here’s to me.
best of friends we’ll always be.
If not, F you and here’s to me.
All kidding aside Booman, you the man and I wish you a very Happy Birthday. May it be as special as you!
Here’s hoping you get a nice present. Like, a brand new case of kidney stones for Rove. Or maybe some of His Nibs’ brain cells will wake up. Hey, it could happen.
The Harvest Moon. (OK, it was really last night, but it is clear and a great night to be outside in PA). Go find a high place and look up. And step away from the world for just a bit on your birthday.
But not too long. You don’t want to become hypnotized by the moon like frogs do. (Now, if we could just get Rove to look up at the full moon long enough to step into that bear trap. . ).
Dear Booman, I’m sorry I was away all weekend and missed the party. I like to celebrate my birthday all week long so I hope it’s not too late to chime in: Happy Birthday!
Bood, aka Dood, Abides helped find this!
I think the froggie’s name is Karl.
BooMan, sorry that I’ve been so busy,
The cake; best I could do in a tizzy.
If you’ll just click your slippers,
You’ll get a “Freeper Stripper”!
Who’s your pleasure for big birthday kissy?!?
Hipp-o Bird-y Two Ewes, as we say at Chez Cabin! Hope you have a fantastatic and idiot-free day today!
Happy happy, Martin!
Kiss that frog and he’ll turn into a Dem election win in 2008. Quick! Do it now!
After she steals the animated GIF, she notes with pride that the wave was created in Husky stadium in Seattle by a male cheerleader named Rob … can’t think of his last name … later ended up hosting Entertainment Tonight for a while.
In later years, it became unbearably uncool to do the wave at sports events. Sigh. It was just a lot of fun!
Well, as long as it wasn’t a male cheerleader named George Bush…(ewwww)
(I love those smilies.)
No. It’s impossible to imagine W. being that spontaneous and highly creative in the middle of a hot football game.
It’s impossible to see him as being creative or spontaneous in any situation.
Yo! Happy birthday!
“ta ra ra boom de-ay”
(clears throat)
This is your birthday song
it isn’t very long…
Happy Birthday to you……
Happy Birthday to you………
Happy Birthday to you, Dear Martin,
Happy birthday to you…….and many, many more…..HUGSSSSSSSS
Good work, Boo’s Mom!
Ribbity, ribbity, bippity Boo, Happy Birthday from us to you!
Happy Birthday Mr. Boo
Hopefully by the end of the day the Yanks will be up in the wild card spot and half a game ahead of the Sox. That works for me anyway.
Well a tie is better than nothing. I’ll take it.
Help me plan today’s party — to which you’re all invited!
It’s almost noon in Boo Land so … late late brunch with bloody Marys.
Wait a decent interval .. but not too long … and off we go to pick up ribs-to-go at Boo’s favorite BBQ place + his favorite brews.
Then it’s back to Boo’s place. (We promise we’ll clean up. In the morning.)
Since it’s such a nice day here on the east coast, I say we head out to the park and play some froggy softball.
he’ll like my gift?
That’s very ummm…err…well…let’s see…uhhh…that’s very unique.
I just hope it goes with the rest of their decor…and of course, I’d be hurt if it wasn’t prominently displayed in the front window…
I have to think about that for a sec……
beautiful lamp I’ve ever seen. I think I’ll put it in the front window!!
about letting the BooGal dust it…accidents can happen, you know!
a snarky comment about her dusting (or lack thereof) but I thought better of it.
if you want to live till your next birhday!
a wise decision :o)
Are you thinking of starting another business, Boo?
It really needs a fish net stocking, however. And maybe and green and red garter?
… ejmw and I can teach all the BTers to play Ultimate, and we can get a game going!
Canadian frisbee football?
… and not just Cdn – ej is in Mich I think – but it’s all over.
It has rules similar to football – endzones and scoring touchdowns (we have catches) and defense vs offense roles and instead of kick offs we have pulls … Don’t need much equipment – some pilons, a disc, and cleets. And it’s not supposed to be physical/tackle, but when you’re running full out to catch the disc and someone is running full out to block it, well … collusions happen :o)
It is a great game! (although one of my friends broke her leg in one of those collisions you mentioned…)
Yikes! One of our teammates broke his arm, but he did it by laying out for the disc and landing on his twisted arm.
And I did mean collision – not collusions! Too much politico-conspiracy reading :^)
Ultimate – great game.
I played it in college, we ended up second in the national championship one year. Also played “Guts”. This was well over 20 years ago (in Norway).
That’s awesome ask. Forget teaching … It seems like we’ve got a ton of BTers who play/played and we’d have a rocking team!
Never heard of Guts … Thanks for the link!
Who’s this “we” that’s doing the cleaning up?
BooMan the dog has already signed up to help with the clean-up!
Isn’t he the sweetest dog.
where did you find that?
Thanks, Susan!
And I’m 36. Hard to believe.
A mere babe in the woods, but a smart one.
I called on the EXSPURT here, Bood Abides… even though he was AFK until late last night, he came through 🙂
Well, in that case still way to go and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. 🙂
Well I’d suggest that this party be a big Frog Pond Pool Party, bring your own lily pad and get comfy. And we can’t have a birthday party without silly hats and noise makers now can we? The secret password for getting into the party is Karl.
Everyone BYOB, I’ll be bringing the Kaluha, so someone put the coffee on. I suppose we could play pin the tail on the donkey or better yet a GOP dart board-everyone bring a pix of there ‘favorite’ elephant-as a nod to women I’ll be bringing Babs bush to throw a dart or two at..Yeah I know I might ruin my beautiful mind but hey what’s a party without someone named Babs there?
You must also wear some item of clothing that is green
and I’ll also be bringing by the band ‘Green Day’ for a set or two. Kermit’s coming by for a sweet serenade of ‘It ain’t easy being Green’ by the way.
I’m of course assuming that cake is CHOCOLATE!
May I suggest Shycat’s deep dark chocolate cake with chocolate mousse icing and rasberry filling?
sniff sniff sniff
Did somebody say CHOCOLATE?
chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate
gas in the truck: check
napkins: check
BIG spoon: check
all I need are directions :o)
Go south til you hit Ricmond,turn left and keep drivin til your hat floats.
Hey Susan! Please don’t spend too much time planning the food. Boo will just ruin whatever you’re serving by putting mayo on it. ;^) (Still shaking my head over the fabulous sandwich he destroyed)
well I know you can make a chocolate cake with mayo….but do you think he’d put mayo ON the cake?
Well, Elizabeth Taylor used to put it on her aspirin ;^)
Joining everyone in extending best wishes to Booman!
35 or 36?
Hope your day is filled w/ fun and happiness!
Than he looks much younger than I had thought!
Happy birthday!
Hey! Congrats! Have a wonderful day.
We need a speech from the Boo, before he pops the balloons on his cake.
Happy Birthday, to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Booman, Happy Birthday to you!
Tradional Cat Family Birthday Toast
If we were living in days of yore,
We’d post a minstrel outside your door.
If we were living in the future
By thought transference, we’d salute yer
But since we aren’t living in the days of Chaucer
Nor yet commuting by flying saucer
This is our everyday endeavor
To wish you joy, both now and forever.
Ogden Nash
many many more! and hopefully– In Peace!
Very best wishes, Boo, on your birthday,
for a long and happy life in good health.
Channeling Stevie Wonder? 🙂
Hope it’s a good one! Wishing you many more, each and every one governed by peace, prosperity, and true progressives.
I wish you the best of everything today and every day…and in your own infamous words of ‘don’t be a prick’’re not.
Ho it’s your Birthday
We’re gonna party like it’s your birthday
That’s SO cute, Parker :):)
Make a real good wish when you blow out the candles!
Happy Birthday and thank you for the btribune.
36- you baby you
Have a Great one!
Best wishes. Here’s to a great year.
Happy Birthdy, Booman!
What did you have for lunch with your parents yesterday, Boo?
Was it tasty? Did you go silly and have birthday cake? (I hope the restaurant staff didn’t sing happy birthday .. sooo embarrassing.)
I went to Zorba’s Taverna. They rock.
Here’s a little toast just for you Booman…it may sound a little rude but what the hell.
Here’s to you
And here’s to me.
best of friends we’ll always be.
If not, F you and here’s to me.
All kidding aside Booman, you the man and I wish you a very Happy Birthday. May it be as special as you!
and the Niners suck today, so only got the energy to wish you Happy Birthday, and many many more…
I’ll be by later to administer proper birthday spankings…
Many happy returns! May you be surrounded by loved ones, amusing gifts, and good things to eat! 🙂
Have yourself a fabulous birthday, Booman. And when it’s done, I wish you many, many more.
(ala Monroe to JFK)
Happy Birthday to… you
Happy Birthday to… you
Happeeee Birrrrrthday
Mister BooMan
Happy Birth… Day
First star on the left and then straight on til morning.
For your B-day:
photo contest of frogs:
follow the link for lots more.
Froggy gangstas:
if you’ll e-mail me the image, i’ll send you a URL that works for you….
they worked when I previewed …
found them at this link.
they were Chopper Frogs
and frogstarap.
A fellow I know runs a blog
It features a most unhappy frog
His birthday’s today,
but a happier day
will be when BushCo is thrown in the gulag.
Happy birthday, BooMan!
The proverbial hat tip to ya, dude. Thanks for who you are, and what you do. And I hope this is the latest in a very long trend.
“If not me, who? If not now, when?” Thanks for taking this to heart, my man.
and thank you for the wonderful Birthday present you have given all of us, Booman Tribune.
I hope you have many wonderful birthday’s in the future and thank you for making this community a place where people can share ideas and commentary.
Happy Birthday.
That made me cry.
I have been away for a long time and it is absolutely wonderful to find that the waters in this pond still taste the same.
Happy, happy birthday and many happy returns.
Chronia polla.
Here’s hoping you get a nice present. Like, a brand new case of kidney stones for Rove. Or maybe some of His Nibs’ brain cells will wake up. Hey, it could happen.
The Harvest Moon. (OK, it was really last night, but it is clear and a great night to be outside in PA). Go find a high place and look up. And step away from the world for just a bit on your birthday.
But not too long. You don’t want to become hypnotized by the moon like frogs do. (Now, if we could just get Rove to look up at the full moon long enough to step into that bear trap. . ).
Happy Birthday BooMan!!!!!
Dear Booman, I’m sorry I was away all weekend and missed the party. I like to celebrate my birthday all week long so I hope it’s not too late to chime in: Happy Birthday!