Ah, good morning! Good morning, and welcome to Sunday Griot. It’s so good to see you here. I’ve had a rough week and could use the comfort of some familiar faces.
So grab a bagel or a danish, some juice or some coffee, and then come have a seat. Make sure the kids are sitting up front, because I think they’ll like this story. It’s called: Who’s The King Of The Jungle?
It was one of those days where the scent of the air, the calls of the birds, the buzzing of the insects abd the voices of the animals all combined to make a symphony of perfection.
It was one of those days that makes you feel good.
In fact it was making Lion feel better than good. Lion was feeling royal, and he decided he was going to go out and hobnob with his subjects. So he preened his mane just so, and he made sure that every hair on his body was just in place, and then he started struttin’ down the road like he owned it. Which, if you’re the King of the Jungle, I guess maybe you do.
So as he was struttin’ down the road, all of the sudden he met up with Giraffe. And no sooner did he meet Giraffe than he asked her, point blank, “Who’s the King of the Jungle?”
Giraffe froze in her tracks. This was not the behavior you expected from Lion. You expected to be chased or ignored, but not stopped on the road and asked questions.
“Ahhhhhh,” Giraffe finally stammered uncertainly, “you are?”
“You got that right,” Lion replied, and he struck a kingly pose, with all four paws on the ground and his head lifted nobly in the air, eyes firmly closed.
Giraffe wasn’t sure what was going on here, but she was smart enough to recognize that when a lion is acting oddly and he gives you a head start by closing his eyes and striking a pose, maybe it’s time to run for it. And that’s what she did, taking off down a side path as fast as her long legs would gallop.
Lion dropped his pose and it was almost as if Giraffe had never been there at all. He just went back to struttin’ down the road feeling all royal.
It wasn’t long before Lion came across two hyenas in the middle of the road, squabbling over who got to pick the best bits off a scrap of meat they had scavenged. They looked up, and just as they saw Lion he asked them, “Who’s the king of the jungle?”
The hyenas looked at each other, then at Lion, then at their meal, then at Lion again. Lions will sometimes try to steal a carcass from a hyena, and the hyenas thought they were on familiar ground here. They backed away from their meal, keeping their eyes on Lion.
He advanced, but paid no attention to the meat. “I said, who’s the King of the Jungle?”
The two hyenas broke out into a nervous laugh and finally replied, “You are, yeah, you are, you!”
“Boo yeah,” said Lion, and struck another pose, this one more royal than the first.
The hyenas, like Giraffe, weren’t sure to make of this, but they knew whatever it was, it involved getting away from a Lion who was acting more strangely than usual. They hightailed it down another side path while Lion was busy posing.
When he was done with his pose Lion started down the road again, struttin’ and feeling mighty fine that he was getting so much quality time with his subjects.
Then, as he turned a bend in the path, he saw Elephant’s tail, which was busy keeping flies off the backside of Elephant. He could just barely see the other end of Elephant grabbing a tuft of grass for a snack.
“Who’s the King of the Jungle?” Lion called out.
Elephant paid no attention to Lion, chewing his grass and then reaching down for another trunkful.
Hmmmm, thought Lion. I guess he didn’t notice me. Lion went around to the other side of Elephant and called out again, “Who’s the King of the Jungle?”
Elephant still just chewed his grass and didn’t say anything.
Lion looked at Elephant’s big ears, which were flat against his head, and thought, “Hmmm, I wonder if what we have here is a deaf Elephant.” So Lion went over to Elephant’s ear, raised the flap, and called out, right into Elephant’s ear, “Who’s the King of the Jungle???“
Elephant replied by grabbing Lion around the midsection with his trunk, lifting him up into the air and WHAM! throwing him to the ground and WHAM! lifting him up and throwing him down on the other side and WHAM! again and WHAM! WHAM! again and again. Then Elephant started down the path, careful as he passed to step on Lion’s mane — not hard, but just enough to add a little insult to the injury.
Lion lay there in a daze, watching Elephant’s tail disappear down the path, and just before Elephant was completely out of sight, he found enough breath to call out, “If you didn’t know the answer you could have just said so!!”
Omir . . .
Omir . . .
Did you folks hear that? For your sake I hope not.
Omir, I know you can hear me.
Excuse me just a moment, won’t you?
Of course I can hear you. You’re the voice in my head.
Um, Omir, what’s up with this story?
What do you mean?
Well, remind me again why it is you do Sunday Griot.
You mean to practice my writing and storytelling?
Besides that.
Well . . . you probably mean, to promote stories that have something to do with progressive values. Peace. Freedom. Justice. Respect. Taking care of each other. Accountability. Stuff like that.
So. Well, since you’re even more dense than usual today, let me spell it out for you. Exactly what progressive value does a story about a lion getting the crap beaten out of him, by an elephant of all animals, have to do with any progressive value you care to name? C’mon. I wanna see how far you have to stretch for this one.
I don’t suppose you’d accept “taking matters into your own hands in case of an abuse of authority?”
Not likely.
Okay, try this. What was I doing Wednesday afternoon?
Besides playing the banjo, picking your nose and pretending to look for story ideas?
You know what I mean. The phone call from my sister-in-law.
Oh yeah.
And I wasn’t picking my nose.
Whatever you say.
So what was I doing Wednesday night?
Ummmm, I forget.
Yeah right. You just don’t want to admit I was trying to arrange plane tickets for my wife and two of my kids to go to Utah to see my wife’s father in the hospital. Maybe for the last time.
And what was I doing Friday at 2 in the morning?
I don’t remember.
Hey, that’s a good thing to know, because if the 102° fever knocked you out I may have to do it some more.
Look, I said I was sorry.
And what have I been doing the last couple of days
Ummmm . . .
C’mon, I know you know the answer.
You were alternately taking care of your granddaughter and going to the doctor.
Where, may I remind you, I had to suffer the indignity of getting an injected antibiotic. Right where I sit.
Shut up.
So if I feel like telling a little story that has no purpose other than to make me smile, and give a few other people a smile or two at a time when smiles are sometimes hard to come by, isn’t that worthwhile? Isn’t that a progressive value?
You know, just because you actually exist doesn’t mean you don’t have some good ideas once in a while.
Thank you. I think. Why don’t you go start kicking around some ideas for next week’s stories and I’ll say so long to the audience.
(pause) Whew. I thought he’d never leave.
I heard that.
As you can tell it’s been a rough week here at Chez Omir, so I decided I could use a bit of a break, and hoped you could too.
Remember back before Katrina where I said I had something different coming up, something that was a bit of a departure from the normal Sunday Griot routine? Well, next week you’ll get to see if it was worth the wait and the effort. Unless, of course, I change my mind yet again.
Thank you all for coming by today! If you enjoyed the story, please drop a comment below so I know you were here. Until we meet again may all your stories be happy ones and as always, cheers to all of you.
and yes, it makes sense.
if only it could have been a donkey who kicked the snot out of the lion….
there probably is a story somewhere where a donkey kicks the crap out of a lion (or maybe even an elephant), but that story will have to wait for me to find it. Or maybe I’ll write it if I can figure one out.
There was the story of the Arrogant Elephant a while back where the donkey met up with the elephant when it wasn’t quite so arrogant, but that wasn’t quite the same.
Maybe that story will be written about 13 1/2 months from now. We can always hope.
Dropping in to say hello Omir. Your story makes no sense at all :o) but it made me smile as you hoped it would. Hang in there now.
I love the quote from Pitt the Elder: “Don’t talk to me about a man’s being able to talk sense. Everybody can talk sense. Can he talk nonsense?”
So maybe he would approve of this story. 🙂
It actually comes across very well as a spoken-word story where I can get just the right inflection on “Who’s the King of the Jungle?” but I wasn’t up to recording it like I did for one of my eariler stories. Maybe if I’m feeling better I’ll record it one of these days, just for the heck of it.
I loved it when you recorded that story before; I played it for my guys. I wish you would do it again.
Now I have those Geroge of the Jungle drums in my head.
Monday, I go into “town” on my oxen pulled wagon of course, so those CD sleeves shall be purchased. 🙂
LOL . . .
you just reminded me of a joke I remember from the cold-war USSR.
Ivan: “Says here in Pravda that Albania is developing atomic bomb.”
Dmitri: “That crazy Hoxha will get us all killed!”
Ivan: “Not to worry. Is also saying here that delivery mechanism is ox cart.”
Thanks for the smile…I really needed that. :{)
Many blessings to you and your family.
Like I said, I figured we could all use a chuckle today. Thanks for stopping by!
makes sense to me…:o)..thanks for the humor and the satire today. Greatly needed for us all, it seems…I posted an email over on boomans open thread of last night that simply had me cracked totally…maybe it was not that funny to others, but at the time, I laughed like I was crazy..my cats even came in to the office to see what was up with me. I guess they thought I was crying out loud…
The response from them was even more humorous than the email…I went to bed last night feeling rather collected of thought, btw.
Thanks Omir. YOu are a treasure…
I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories.
Let me tell you a secret . . . there is nothing better than reading, or hearing, or seeing something so genuinely funny that it makes you laugh so hard your eyes water, small animals run for cover and family members rush in to see if you’re all right. There’s snark, and there’s sarcasm, and there’s gentle humor, and there’s self-deprecating humor, but every so often I think we need to just hear something that makes us let go.
One of my most vivid memories of my father stems from when he thought something was that funny. He would take off his glasses and throw his head back and just laugh. It was a sight to see. I specifically remember two movies that set him off — Young Frankenstein, during the darts scene (specifically when the cat yowls) and Airplane! at the very beginning (when the Jaws theme is playing).
We could use a lot more of that in this world.
…there is nothing better than reading, or hearing, or seeing something so genuinely funny that it makes you laugh so hard your eyes water, small animals run for cover and family members rush in to see if you’re all right.
One of my best friends and I always wind up giggling hysterically, falling off our chairs, gasping for reath between giggles every time we get together. We’re usually just talking about the everyday circumstances of our lives, but we crack each other up with the ridiculousness of it all. It’s one of the best parts of our friendship…and I think we’re overdue for a visit, now that you mention it.
This story made me smile too!
That would be gasping for breath, not reath…
When we get to talking we will start laughing over the stupidest stuff, or she will say something that made us both laugh when we were kids and we’ll crack up all over again.
Come to think of it I need to call her too.