Just got notice of this.  Anyone interested in the Secty of State race in CA might want to check it out:

Each Monday from 8-9 PM Eastern (5-6 PM Pacific), a guest blogger is featured on the My Vote is My Voice (MViMV) Blog at http://myvoices.blogs.com/blog/.   This is an Interactive Guest Blog. The MViMV guest stays for the scheduled hour to reply to comments that ask questions related to the guest’s area of expertise.

Tonight, California Senator Debra Bowen blogs at the MViMV site.  Senator Bowen represents California’s 28th Senate District.  She is also the Chair for the California State Senate’s Standing Committee of Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee.  Tonight, Senator Bowen will discuss the integrity of our voting system.

She’s getting her web site put together, and has some info up @ http://www.debrabowen.com

She put together the legislation requiring California Legislative information to be posted online in 1995.  Sorry for the rush, but just got the information.

[Disclaimer:  I don’t work for the campaign or MViMV].