Its been over a week, and the coalition is going strong!  If you haven’t been over to the IBC site, please come take a look.
Since we have come online, “Impeach Bush” has been one of the most searched terms in Technorati.  We’ve been linked to hundreds of blogs, and our cause was recently mentioned in the Orlando Sentinel newspaper.

It’s been a grassroots effort.  And it is growing.  

But we need your support!  

Any blog can join.  It costs nothing.  We make nothing.  

There is no advertising on the blog.  It is simply a grassroots effort to promote the impeachment of George W. Bush.

Impeachment begins with discussion of impeachment.  Mass discussion of impeachment leads to political action on impeachment.  But first things first.  Initially, we need to lay the groundwork down for mass discussion.  This means, we need more blogs in the coalition.  Joining is easy.  Just send an email to and say you want to join.  Remember to include your blog’s address and name.

We need your support!