Hordes of MyLeftWingers, Kossacks and BooTribbers intend to participate in the anti-war protest in Washington DC this coming Saturday, 9/24.

Plans have been solidified. Meeting places chosen. Dress codes considered and abandoned.

And I, your intrepid compatriot in liberalism and righteous ranting rage, arrive in DC on Friday morning and will live-blog the entire day of protest. My husband, Adam, a professional photographer, will be feeding me pictures as he takes them to download into my entries.

Here are the details as of this evening:

Friday Afternoon/Evening (4pm – whenever), we gather at:

Capitol City Brewery
1100 New York Ave. NW, Washington DC.

Happy hour is 4-7pm, then again from 10-Closing. Appetizers are half-priced during Happy Hour.

Saturday, 9 am, Breakfast at:

Holiday Inn
1155 14th Street NW, Washington, DC.

Saturday, 11am, meet at:

Visitors’ Center on Ellipse
(inside the Ellipse at E Street and 15th) MAP

For more information about the Protest Day itself, see United for Peace & Justice.

EVITE with INFO. Please give some indication that you will be there, if you will, indeed, be there on Friday and/or Saturday.

I’m mildly concerned that meeting at the Visitors’ Center will not be a simple affair; but some people intend to bring DKos-Orange flags and banners and such. Also, anyone who attends the breakfast will have a leg up in the rendezvous department, since we’ll all be headed there together.

So, the poll: Happy Hour isn’t QUITE as important as an RSVP for the breakfast, so PLEASE let us know in the poll if you intend to be there Saturday morning at the Holiday Inn.

And if you would be so kind as to give an indication in the comments as to your attendance at the Cap. City Brewery Friday night, you’ll have my undying gratitude. Not MUCH of it – this is hardly worth my firstborn, you understand – but definitely whatever gratitude I give will be, you know, undying.

Adam and I will be in DC till Tuesday night (cheaper airfare that way), so if any DC/Virginia/Maryland/whatever residents want to get together anytime Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, give me a holler in email (myleftwing AT gmail DOT com).

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