Probably from the moment Bushco decided he was….

What the hell is wrong with America….the pundits, the press, and the public at large?   Four major investigations by INDEPENDENT commissions and/or prosecutions should have been launched and impeachment hearings should have been called long ago

And no, Pat Fitzgerald who is investigating the Plame leak, however honest, is NOT independent.  Ken Starr was an Independent Counsel.  Pat is a Special Prosecutor employed by the US Department of Justice…and got the job because Ashcroft was hammered into recusing himself.  He still reports directly to Gonzales’ people.

Bottom line: Bushco got in the way of the law every time…and succeeded.  Go figure.  Read it all (continued on the site) and understand how powerless we really are….

Why Is George W. Bush Above the Law?

No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it.  Theodore Roosevelt


Once again, a massive failure of leaderships has been displayed in Washington.  And, once again, George Bush has escaped an independent inquiry into his in irresponsible actions.  For the fourth time in less than five years, the President of the United States and his cohorts been placed above the law.  That, in itself, is a major American disaster.

When, if ever, could this have happened before?  When else could one administration have pulled off four major scandals, – four devastating, potentially impeachable screw-ups, and never have to answer for them?  When else, in the United States of America, could so many crimes of an elected president and his cadre remain unexplained, unchallenged, and unpunished?  When? Probably never.

We’re not talking mistakes, here.  We’re not talking poor judgment or failed policies.  We’re not talking politics as usual, – with its underhanded array of pork and perks.  But we are talking about very serious violations of the public trust, and very possibly the law, perpetrated by the elected leader of this nation and his handlers.

Even more amazingly, we are talking about the shameful reality that not a single one of these offenses has been investigated by a truly independent, non-political, neutral commission, armed with subpoena powers and adequate funding, and answerable ONLY to the people of the United States of America.  Not a single one.

In every one of the scandals in question, calls for a non-partisan, independent commission were thwarted by the very people accused of misdeeds and crimes.  Something is really wrong when an American president who is accused of misconduct can determine who will delve into the facts behind his own actions?  Something also is really wrong when incriminating evidence can be redacted and withheld from the public by the very people incriminated by that evidence.

Something is even more seriously wrong when cover up after cover up goes unreported and unchallenged by the same corporate media that spent eight years in relentless pursuit of scandals related to Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Paula Jones and that awful threat to national security, Monica Lewinsky.

Of course, the targets of the media, and ultimately a Special Prosecutor, were Bill and Hillary Clinton, not George W. Bush, and accountability was not yet a dirty word.  And of course, in that far more innocent time, challenging the president was not considered to be an act of treason.  Tragically, today, it is.

For the SCANDALS and the STING they pulled off so well, and the FACTS behind the scandals: