Tropical Storm Rita is a potential new hurricane or storm possibly headed for New Orleans by this Saturday. That’s what i have read anyway. I have read that any storm could devastate the city with flooding. It doesn’t have to be a hurricane. Just a real strong down pour of a few inches.
What is the possibility that New Orleans will have a very strong down pour of rain in the next few months? This is hurricane season. It seems quite natural to assume it will. And if it does there will be major flooding and levee breaks once again. The levees have not been fixed, they have been temporarily “repaired”. They are not even repaired. What they have done looks stupid. It’s a stupid temporary fix. How anyone can say it’s safe to retun, I can’t imagine.
THere are unforseen possibilities, complications from a major new storm that could create an awful, awful situation to the physical envornment.
Are there any preparations or precautions being made? I was just wondering because Mayor Nagin is calling for people to move back to New Orleans. It’s no fun being Mayor to a deserted city. The new head of FEMA emergency efforts in NO Thad Allen is saying, …well …don’t move back because it’s not ready. That’s what he is sort of saying …because he doesn’t want to step on the political toes of the mayor.
How about telling the damn truth!
Seems like everyone is looking out only after the own interests once again. Nagin wants to be a pied piper and look popular especially to businees that are no doubt pressuring him.
Hopefully the storm will not bother New Orleans. But I have read that even a bad storm….far from a hurricane could break the levees.
I don’t think the incompetent people who run our government have suddenly become competent.
What if some people move back, the storm comes, and some people do not once again evacuate and the levees (which are improvised and look like shit to me) break?
I suppose it’s only natural to assume that if this storm hits New Orleans they are going to have a lot more flooding and a few more deaths…and it seems to me that some of the deaths will go unreported because I think that is exactly what is happening now.
I wonder if anyone is listening to those weather experts who warned about the Hurrican Katrina. Are they listening to them now in regard to this Storm?
I think the answer is they are not.
This is exactly why I think that months and years of congressional hearings to look at what went wrong in the Katrina response are basically a waste of time. Those so-called FEMA and Homeland Security experts ought to have looked at the situation by now and fixed whatever the deficiencies were so they’ll be prepared for the next disaster. There’s no excuse for them not to be prepared immediately.
I stated last night about rita. even if she gives up some of her outer/fringe rains, the bandaid on the levees will not hold. Such a think called common sense is called for here. To hell with the mayor. Who died and made him God?! As a society we have to do some thinking here folks. Good old common sense thinking will do a lot of good..
I know that everyone is touchy kind of thingee with hurricanes now, but it does pay to be prudent with ones thoughts and actions. Just look at what a hurricane cat I could do to an already raped city such as NOLA! let alone just a tropic storm of sorts.
I wonder if anyone has given out the predictions to the populace at all. Those in the FQ and Algiers might not be a lucky this time.
Yup-I am listening- and there is not one goddam thing I can do to help.
I’ve been listening since she was tropical depression 17…. call me a fucking cold-hearted bitch, but of course this was coming.
If not Rita then the next or the next, how absolutely fucking clueless does a person have to be to think NOTHING would touch the gulf for the rest of the season?? Shit, we still have six weeks left and we are currently at the peak.
And they want to put mobile homes along the coast? They are inviting people back to NO? They should ALL be made to sit their asses down in Rita’s path and then we can see how well they do.
I can feel Rita from where I sit this second, we’ve had winds for the past 24 hours that have not been seen the likes of for at least a month…breezes really, but when you’ve been sitting in Central Texas heat and humidity for the entire summer, believe me they are noticable!! Ask anyone who was at Camp Casey…
People in the govt. may be listening, but the bottom line is they do not give a shit. What is the new guy ont he ground gonna do? Get us all to buy some more duct tape and platic sheeting??