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Please join us at Part 2 of the Memory Lane Edition,
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since I live in the Arizona desert and we don’t get a real autumn, my favorite memories span the time I grew up in Oklahoma. I was a young child, but I remember the autumn months as full of outdoor fun since the heat of summer had passed and the cold of winter was yet to come. The air had a scent that could only be described as Fall. I also remember taking the drive from Oklahoma City to Tulsa on the turnpike and seeing an endless sea of yellow, orange and red leaves in the forest trees. Absolutely breathtaking. Ahh the good ole days.
What about you? I hope some newbies or lurkers will post today, the cafe is open to everyone!
Manee, how do you make the colored background, can you give me the code?
Good morning! Instead of using a <blockquote> tag, use the <div> code. In this case I used the following:
<div style="background-color: #FF9900;padding:10px;margin-left:24px;border-style:outset;border-color:#000000">
To change the background color, change the "#FF9900" in the code above to correspond with the color you would like to use. A handy webguide for colors can be found here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp, or do a google search for "HTML color table"
Also, make sure you put the </div> tag at the end of the section that you want in the colored box.
Clear as mud? If you need more help, email me and I’ll try to walk you through it. Paz
About 16 colors are available such as red, green, blue etc.
And don’t forget
Either you read Damnit Janet’s comment below about her cat or that is one heck of a coinkidink! kansas (the BooTribber, not the state) would be proud. 😛
Thanks Manny and gooserock, I am going to try it right now and will get back to you how I do…..tried it last week with instructions I had saved from months ago and could not do it so here goes another try.
Anytime you want to see how someone has done something in HTML, you can highlight the section you like right-click on it and choose view selection source.
When you do that on the colored words you’ll see:
We are having a rare thunder/lightening storm that woke me up so here I am at 1AM…ugh!
My favorite memory of fall as a child growing up in the midwest was raking the leaves(had lots of oaks and maples)into huge piles and then jumping off the low roof of a oil shed into that pile. We were lucky we did not break anything. I haven’t lived in a climate that really changes for almost twenty years now. I do miss that scent of fall leaves. Back then we used to burn them in the ditch in front of the house.
has my all-time favorite weather, aloha. It seems like you’re guaranteed a perfect day no matter what time of year it is.
Not this year my friend. We never really had a summer at the coast this year. My all time favorite, consistant weather is of course Kauai. Always blue skies and rainbows with the exception of occassional sun showers. Then again I lived on the south shore considered the “suny side of the island” in all the travel brochures. The north shore is a tropical rainforest but lush, lush, lush.
The north shore of Kauai is one my three or four favorite places on this great old planet of ours. Hiking the Hanakapei trail, boogie boarding at Hanalei, Snorkeling at Ka’a. Oh the lovely memories. We’re going back in January which will be a welcome relief to the long dark of Wisconsin in winter. Of course, after Kauai we’re going to Anchorage which will lend a whole new meaning to dark winter days, but it’ll be a blast nonetheless.
The other three favorites are Edinburgh, Glacier National Park and home. The order varies from day to day.
My parents’ house has a huge side yard, and when my sister and I were growing up we’d rake up all the leaves and then use them to outline a “house” that took up most of the yard. It was like a floor plan from a set of blueprints, only in leaves. Then we’d drag out toys to furnish the rooms–I had a kidsized sink, stove, and fridge for the kitchen.
Inevitably, some rowdy neighbor boy would run through the “house” and kick the leaf-walls all over the place, causing me no end of outrage. And sooner or later my dad would insist on raking it all back up and burning the leaves.
made it up here this afternoon, Aloha. And I’m not a big fan of thunderstorms, so I’m sitting here cringing everytime there’s static on the radio and wishing the spouse was home; packed him off to go pick up a form at the doctor’s and take it over to work.
Electricity is flickering, so may not be cooking tonight, and not sure how long I’ll be online; running the laptop on battery power, but the cable modem and Airport Express both are plugged in…
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Wonderful pictures Oui. I was in 6th grade when Kennedy was shot. It was the beginning of my awareness of politics. To this day I vividly remember those days of mourning. I was in class when it happened and had asked to be excused for a bathroom break. The teacher’s lounge was directly across from the girls room and they had a radio on announcing Kennedy had been shot. I went back to class and told my teacher and the class. First they said things like “that is a terrible thing to make up” or something to that effect. Mr. Eisenminger told us to be quiet and left the room to check out my information. When he came back a few minutes later he was as white as a ghost and looked really sad. He told us it was true. I think I cried for a week straight. I also think that was the end of my innocense.
alohaleezy — why do adults talk to children like that? Assuming that you made up such a story! I hate Mr. Eisenminger.
god only knows Katie. On hid behalf though he did apologise and he cried in front of all of us. Other than that one incident, he really was an exceptional teacher.
Regarding Kennedy, I was not even 20, newly married with a baby, when my neighbor ran down to my apartment and told me the news, I didn’t believe it until I turned on the TV and saw the reporting, it was a shock no one was prepared for. During the 2 week period, the nation plunged into mourning, like I have never seen since, even on 9/11 or now. The nation cried.
I think everything changed that day for my generation, who had been so delighted with the young vibrant president, filled with so much promise.. We had been through a lot already, born in World War II, then the bomb in Japan, Korea, Cuban Crisis, now this, and then to be followed by the Vietnam War, draft, and .,……..
State Burial in Washington DC and carriage on its way to Arlington.
Just last month, had all my old 8mm films transferred to dvd – many memories came back. Historic scenes, family holidays and some SLU NCAA Soccer matches.
I was thrilled as the quality overall was satisfactory.
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It was The Black Watch Highland regiment’s famous “torchlight tour.”
The auditorium went black. Then the crisp, snappy Highland drumming began somewhere out of sight, and the pipes & drums entered playing, with torches. Everyone who saw it was convinced it would be the lifelong memory of that year. I was a kid and interested in folk music and Scottish music, but though most of my family attended in the Cleveland area concert, I’d stayed home to work on some electronic project I was duct-taping together on my bed.
There’s a photo of the Drum Major at the White House with the Kennedeys, playing around with the big feathered bonnet.
A few days later they were called off the tour to report to Washington DC to play The Fleurs o’ the Forest.
Ohh, that’s lovely. I saw them in late summer a bit over a decade ago at the Edinburgh Military Tatoo, when my wife and I got married. This brought it all back for me. Splendid show!
My grandfather used to tell a story about seeing the Black Watch, when he was a very young man, march through . . Windsor? Toronto? Probably Windsor.
It was toward the end of or just after WW1, and he said they marched in full formation, with open spaces for those no longer there. Spine-tingling.
True? Who knows? My grandfather had a good grasp of fiction in many areas of his life. Maybe not even the Black Watch, but it’s a good story.
So that memory may well have been accurate. I don’t know anything about where they are/were based.
Later in the 60’s the Black Watch (RHR) joined with the Black Watch (Canada) for an LP recording called “War Pipe and Plaid.” One medley was a “Salute to JFK.” We had relatives who had the record that I used to hear as late as the 1970’s.
We happened to catch Britain’s exit from Hong Kong in 1999. Everyone remembers the midnight ceremony in a hall, but earlier The Black Watch did a ceremony at a park somewhere outdoors that aired just before 8 AM Eastern Time. We just happened to flip the channel on our way out to work so we stayed and watched. It was pouring, driving rain which was reported a sign of good luck for the Chinese. The Scots were in full dress with no rain gear, absolutely soaked but completely unmoved. They played a few pieces in really breathtakingly good tune, and concluded with the pipes, drums and brass band slow-marching away to “Auld Lang Syne.”
We were both total wrecks. There were so many traditions and implications at play. Burns’ songs were for the common people, and maybe if Britain and the west had done right by the common people in that part of the world they’d have all been in pubs singing it together instead. We had new Chinese neighbors at that time and their daughter had brought over her accordian a few months earlier. The tune she played for us was “Auld Lang Syne.” It’s a lovely pentatonic melody very compatible with traditional Chinese tunes.
Then I have to look to America with Renquist and his assinine drum-major striped robe. I always thought he should top it off with the big feathered bonnet.
Probably a kind of genetic abnormality, according to some, but I think bagpipes are one of the great musical instruments. Properly played, they bring tears and laughter at the same time.
Thanks for the HK description. I so wanted to go one more time before handover, but the timing didn’t work.
I know exactly where I was when I heard about Kennedys death. I was in Gt. Lakes, hospital corps school, in pharmacy class.
God those pictures are just great. Don’t you just love the colors of the fall on the trees? Thanks Oui. YOu never let us down here.
Great lakes in Waukegan Brenda? If so we were only about thirty miles apart or so. I grew up in McHenry County just west of there in a very small town called Wonder Lake.
Waukegan…yes!!!!!!!!! Got the best shrimp fried rice there ever I can ever remember…..
Yes Gt. Lakes, USN…Hosptial corps school….
Have some very fond memories of Waukegan….:o)
born and raised in a town down state..called Salem, Il. down by Mt. Vernon and Centrailia….down on interstate 57
Another downstate brat here–I grew up in Hillsboro, about an hour south of Springfield. We were surrounded by corn one year, beans the next.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm…the best freaken sweet corn ever. I grew up in the middle of corn fields. We would go to the “corn stand” a couple of times a week in the summer and pick up a couple dozen ears fro $1. We would have contests to see who could eat the most ears. It was sooooooo sweet one would suck the cob dry. oh jeez, that sounded bad huh…lol? Sorry!
i was about 20 minutes from the Wisconsin border and we would go to Lake Geneva because the drinking age was 18 then.
My mom worked for the USDA, and one of her farmer-clients would bring her a truckload of fresh-picked sweet corn every year. We’d enlist all the kids in the neighborhood to shuck corn and help with the canning and freezing process. And, of course, we ate corn on the cob until it was (pun alert) coming out our ears.
Similar story. Seal-a-Meal was invented when I was a kid. In the winter Mom used to buy the frozen green giant corn in a pouch that you boiled on the stove. She was a single mom from the time I was ten on and trying to support us on a elementary school librarian’s salary. She made us start in late summer par boing the corn, cutting it off the cob, putting it in the seal a meal bag with a little butter. so you know how many ears of corn go into one of those bags? I hated having to do the work but boy did that taste good in the middle of one of those brutal Illinois winters.
Visited Lincoln’s log cabin and village in New Salem, Il and of course his mansion/museum in capitol Springfield, sometime around 1959. His writings and life was very inspiring for a youngster and Abe became my hero for a few years, and was slowly replaced by JFK from his 1960 presidency.
We lived in St. Louis County and visited the Illinois State Fair in Springfield every year, ‘t was great fun. Forever in memory the life stock and farmer’s equipment with amazing crowd enjoying the day. Fascinating was the square dance performed to music, by four giant combines!
I am getting a feeling we have known one another from those inspiring times.
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well, what ya know…a lot of good ppl know about my stomping grounds.
I know where Hillsboro is. I was in Peoria when I decided to move down to TN.
Did you know that Il had 2 state fair grounds? the other was in DuQuoin, the first site of the Hamiltonian…..horse racing….trotters….
Ah, Peoria! Some good friends of my ex-husband lived there. They had a big boat that they docked on the Illinois River, and we spent some idyllic weekends on that boat just floatin’, eatin’, and drinkin’.
I loved going to New Salem! I believe it was my first visit to New Salem that sparked my lifelong fascination with history. There’s still a big part of me that wants to live off in the forest in a log cabin–although nowadays that cabin would more likely be located in the Colorado mountains.
And of course the State Fair–we’d always check out the cow sculpted from butter. I never saw the square-dancing combines, though. That must have been a hoot!
I enjoyed collecting the freebies from the politicians’ tents at the fair–paper fans, pencils, rulers and the like. Paul Powell was the Illinois Secretary of State for most of my childhood, so I always came home with something that had his name on it. Of course, I would rather have had one of those shoeboxes stuffed full of money that they found in Powell’s room at the Abe Lincoln Hotel after his death.
I love to see the fall colors burning brightly. I should scan my pix in from D.C. that I took a couple of years ago during Veterans Day weekend. The trees looked like they were on fire with the reds and oranges. I have some good shots in Arlington Cemetery and the Viatnam Memorial area. I love this time of year.
OMG, yes that areas is just full of the wonderment of fall. I know what you mean!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I brushed your shoulder that time…:o)..for veterans day is my time for visiting that city. Hugs….been there only for one rolling thunder…if ever you are there that time of the year, go to headquarters, USMC over by the Navy yard and go to the silent rifle presentation. It is so great!
I love to buy popcorn and feed the ducks.
I don’t have a lot of great fall memories from my childhood (grew up in East Texas – nuf said), but I do remember taking a vacation to Angel Fire, New Mexico a few years ago in September. If I’m correct, the name of Angel Fire (which is just about 25 miles from Taos) comes from the color of the aspen trees in the mountains at fall. It was gorgeous. And what a spiritual place. While hiking on trails around town, I stopped for a moment and really “took in” the scenery. After we started walking again, I had a moment of real soul cleansing that just washed over me. Never had an experience like that before or since. But it will be one of my all-time best memories ever. No camera at the time – but its forever captured in my soul.
My husband lived in Angel Fire back in his other life as a ski bum — he’s promised to show it to me someday — it sounds so beautiful. I know he is going nuts for not being able to ski and the lack of snow around here. He says our older son (6 now) is getting kind of old to start him skiing! lol
I promised him that when I am done with this degree that we will move somewhere near mountains…don’t ski myself, but I know I would get a huge kick out of learning alongside my kiddos. The hub, though out of practice, is an excellent skier…we’ll see about the teaching part! 😉
I’m a bit crusty today. The start of Fall. I don’t like Fall because it only leads to Winter and here in the northeast it’s several months of misery. Make mine endless summer. I’ll go away now.
I hear ya. Boy do I hear ya.
Get this kicker — I slaved away all summer and didn’t get to take a vaca while my boss was golfing and taking vacation… I finally say “I’m taking this week off to enjoy the last remnants of good weather here in toronto” & he gives me grief over it.
Oh well, enough pessimism, gotta enjoy the day and my time off, winter is literally knocking on the door… 😉
if it’s cold-and-snow-misery you want to avoid.
If it’s dark & dreary & damp misery, Hawaii or Bermuda–if you can get in to either place.
I was in first grade when John Glenn ‘took off’. We had to write a little story on that big wide spaced paper with those huge fat pencils.
My Mom saved that til she died-
I think it said–
Today we watched John Glenn take off.whatever date– 1963?
My bloody sister threw it away,may she burn in hell.
Growing up in the Rocky Mountains (Utah mostly, plus some Colorado and Wyoming areas) I miss the mountains in the fall most of all.
Best memory: walking through crunchy autumn leaves, kicking them into the air, collecting branches and different color leaves. Halloween was a friendly time…all the neighbors made cookies and popcorn balls and candy (Yummy – divinity!). No fear of the food you got trick or treating.
Jumping into piles of raked up leaves- and laughing- and that funny,dry musty smell they had.
I look forward to fall.
To me it means that it won’t be too long before I can lace up the skates, or slap on a pair of skis, and have some fun. It also means the my favourite hockey team would already be hitting the ice for pre-season.
When I was in high school fall also meant it wouldn’t be long until the first school dance. Nothing like a good excuse to slow dance with your favourite girl! For our school the “Halloween” dance would be the first one of the year. Sneakin’ off to the golf course behind our school with a bunch of friends to have a couple of beers before we went in.
I always used to look forward to the day my dad would rake up the leaves in the backyard just so I could jump in them and send them all back to “all over the place.” Yeah, my dad would get a bit mad about it. You all know that stern look dads can get some times. BUT he would always laugh about it later.
We have a few leaves that have started to fall in our backyard already. Yesterday my son asked me when I was going to rake them up. I figure I will do it later when all of the leaves have fallen, but I am going to skip a ste on my dads ritual: I will start laughing as soon as my kids jump in that first pile, not later on. Heck! I may even jump in the pile myself for old times sake… And than tell my dad about it so he could get a laugh as well.
All of this talk about fall is making me nuts — Fall is my favorite season, I spent my college years in Blacksburg, VA (and then two more for a masters and two more tending bar and waiting tables) — I miss the mountains too, the Blue Ridge Mts. in Fall are beautiful, I miss the feeling in the air, the crispness, the smell of “new”….
Did I mention is is FUCKING HOT here? 98 yesterday, going to reach 100 today and tomorrow, the humidity is cranking up the heat index and I am getting quite GRUMPY about it all — fall doesn’t usally come in full force ’round here ’til almost thanksgiving and to see colored leaves one has to drive through the hill country in late Nov./early Dec. and they don’t last long, but it is not usually this FUNCKING HOT in September. I don’t know if Rita will help the weather here or not. Did I mention I am GRUMPY??
Hi Grumpy, I’m Crabby! You knw what they say…”If you can’t say something nice…come sit right here next to me!” 🙂
I have a quiz in Neurology class tonight, too much stuff to do for work, and I didn’t get much sleep the last few days! Argh…I wish the sun would come out!
I hope the weather cools down for you after Rita passes….we got the most awful hot/humid weather from Ophelia.
Hi Crabby, thanks for making me grin!
I’ll happily sit down right next to you, though I know next to nothing about neurology and will probably only succeed in keeping you from getting work done —
I wish the sun would give it a rest already! Heh, the grass is always greener, eh?
We did it backwards. We got married in a park shelter among the autumn leaves, and had our party in a church. The wedding was completely simple & traditional Protestant, maybe 9 minutes long with friends and family, little more than some publicly-given suggestions, and at the end completely relexively I picked her up and swung her around a full circle. Everybody cheered.
Then we went to the local church, because we could serve booze, and had a folk dance for the reception, where everyone who could do anything had a chance to entertain.
A number of our friends were into folk music or dance and did the same thing. I’ve been a wedding musician myself for 35 years but those are the only weddings I can easily remember.
Well hell Gooserock- you cut off your faces!
And I too, am very lucky in marrying my best friend.
of Tim Allen from Wilson.
We got married at the beach in San Diego—right in front of GAAWD and everbody.
i was not aware of it at the time- but there was a pretty big audience watching this-
They were VERY cool- all quiet and respectful- at this silly, solemn, occasion.
It’s so sweet that two people with partial faces could find each other and know that they want to spend the rest of their lives together.
Are you in the witness protection program? :0)
(moping water from all over my monitor and keyboard)
for “open-minded”?
Good morning all,
My favorite memory of autumn is sensile rather than event based. It’s of walking through the woods, looking at the colors, listening to the crunch of the leaves, and smelling that wonderful dry crackly smell when they break. It’s something I love and have done hundreds of times with dozens of different friends and family members. I’ve done it so often that the various instances blur together in my memory, so that looking back I get to walk with all of them, even the ones who have left this world. Sweet and bitter at the same time.
For anyone whose interested, I posted another diary in response to my local paper’s kool-aid drinkers. It’ll be going out as an LTE. I’ve tried to be coherent in the letter proper and keep the snark and the ranting in the explanatory materials that won’t be in the dead tress version. If any of you wanders over there and notices a slip on that count, please bring it to my attention.
Pass the tea, please.
I found some great recipes at Totalitea.com which is based in Calgary, Canada. Yum!
As you all know, I have a daughter that has passed away from this earth. She was only 30 y/o. In that short time here with us, she determined the autumn/fall her favorite time to start off the holidays. She simply loved halloween..she loved carving faces out of pumpkins, giving candy and such to the trick or treaters. She would just go on and on with the little ones and their constumes. She simply love this time of the year. When it came to thanksgiving, she just had to have her time with her mom and sometimes with others. When Christmas came, which was the topper of all the holidays, she was so excited…from the time as a child to the last Christmas she had with us. She has been gone from us now for 6 years. At times it seems like forever, then others, like this, it seems just like yesterday.
This is the reason, I love this time of the year. I take this time to simply share it with her and her spirit.
For me I finally can look forward to cooler weather and not having to mow the grass…:o)…Not having to run the AC for the most part. Starting to buy Christmas presents. By Thanksgiving I usually am all done with that chore.
My favorite recent autumn memories are of the pumpkin carve and potluck dinners we have every year, out on the patio, surround by the changing colors in the woods. Everyone working feverishly to get their pumpkins carved before dark, eating, enjoying each other’s company.
My other favorite memory is of my 2-year-old son playing in the leaves, but keeping his hands up high, because he didn’t want the leaves to touch them. Silly guy.
They say, “Make love not war”, well yesterday I thought I was having one of those panic attacks… the kind where your heart hurts, you can’t catch your breath and it hurts to move your shoulder/neck a bit.
Turns out I need to declar war on my mattress. It’s 16 years old! It’s been beat up in military moves… and jumped on by my two hairless monkies… and it’s killing my back. At least I’m not going into panic attacks 🙂
Well I see MSOC’s diaries are up and all over. It’s apparent the info I gave Rena and C&J swept the blog world. ShyCat, I have one more person in the Friday room. And I have another for the FRI/SAT room but just for Fri only – tentative plans she can come. I’ll know soon.
Great that there are different days and a way for people to meet others at some leg of it.
Crappppp!!! I gotta get the kiddo to the bus stop. FOrgot the time! ACK!
You make me laugh and cry so hard …
it takes a ¼hr before I can find a key on the board and start writing again.
Good thing you had to leave the house, so I can recover.
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Cry?? Egads! No salty tears on account of me. Say it isn’t so! 🙂
I’ve been waking up so much this week – between 3 – 5 am and I started to worry if it was my Scorpy senses trying to tell me something about my Red Eye flight to DC… naw… just a crappy mattress.
Can’t forget our beloved Military Tracy. She’s in.
Hey you…I just called you! 🙂
and I done did called you backaroni 🙂 Was great hearing from you and spending my non-breakfast time with you 🙂 Speaking of breakfast… any plans about… oh nevermind 🙂
Ready for a trickle and finding myself down river heading for a waterfall. Typical in my life. 🙂
I can sleep in the bathtub, and with no good beer in Alabama and Friday night starting out at the brewery I could see where certain sleeping arrangements could make perfect sense.
You got bootrib email. 🙂 No need to sleep in a tub. Cripes I haven’t done that since… checks watch…
Since I was at least 16 or 17. (I think) 🙂
Fall in MI is special–my favorite time of year. Warm days, cool nights, campfires, football, hunting, going back to school–I love fall in MI. After the first freeze no bugs and you still get absolutely gorgeous days. Bowhunting in a tee shirt, quiet and dipped in nature–I can’t wait until October 1. It’s good to be back up here–I missed it the last two years down in AL. It’s nice there in Jan-Feb, but it’s not worth it to me, they can keep it. Halloween, probably my favorite holiday, though I love them all. We’re going to have our first of ongoing annual Halloween parties on the 22nd, lots of kids and costumes and semi-scary stuff and the Wolverines on the tv and my kids will be about as close as you can get to heaven on earth for a day.
Man, do I love fall.
A huge group of my friends have been bowhunting all week here in Arizona. They had quite the competition leading up to the hunt for buying gear. I couldn’t believe how elaborate the new bows are compared to the old stick and string method.
Yeah, like most things, you can spend a whole lot more than you need to–and most of it doesn’t help out all that much.
You know, I struggle with the whole hunting thing and my kids. We were at Cabelas (World’s largest outfitter) after their first trip to the Big House (not a good game, but nothing like 109,00 plus) on Saturday, and they tried the Bison sandwich I got and liked it fine. They understand that we eat animals, but a little while back my six year old and I were watching a bear gorge on salmon (on tv), and he turned to me and said “That bear’s mean, right?” I told him no, that that was how God made him, and that bears need to eat fish to survive. Hunting is different, of course, you have the whole eating meat is evil crowd, and then those who eat meat but can’t stand the thought of shooting those defenseless deer–people’s stances run the whole gammet. I’m fine with my stance on the whole thing, wildlife management is necessary without the predators we killed off, and I’m ok with hunting and eating meat anyway. But as with all things, I try very hard to present all sides, to the extent that they can understand it at their ages.
but I can definitely relate to the thoughts on hunting. I come from a long line of hunters, growing up in a small town, my dad tells stories of the days when everyone would be out hunting rabbits to prepare for hard times during the copper mining strikes. Nowadays it’s more about fellowship and getting away for a few days (for my family and friends), than it is about survival or the kill. I am not a big fan of guns so I just go to cook and drink heavily 😛
and we have some non-hunters come through–some even stay for a day or two. We have a good time, and we don’t actually drink much while we are there–no drunks with guns in the woods from our camp. The fellowship–I can remember when my dad used to take me when I was too young to even hunt, it was awesome, mystical. I am going to pass that along to my kids, and they will choose to shoot, or not, as they see fit. No pressure from me on that score. Just get out there and lose yourself in nature.
Cloudy and overcast this morning, with an edge to the air. Chilly, after a glorious day of brilliant blue skies yesterday. It’s the first morning where I could feel the cold to come, the harbinger of winter to be.
Bright leaves, crisp air, new apples, newly made cider, butternut squash, check the winterization in the car, caulk the windows, change screens for storms, put the garden to bed, get out the winter woolies.
Here in ‘way northern New England, summer’s lease hath all too short a date, and winter is a-comin’ in:
Ezra Pound
the chill in the air during the evening hours here in the desert. We don’t get much of a winter in Tucson, which is why the ‘snowbirds’ come in full-force. Love the poem btw, I followed the link and have been reading some great stuff.
for those who’ve been around here longer than I have. What’s the protocol for when you get a diary front-paged? Do I update with a thank-you to Susanhu who promoted it? Post a comment with same? Blush modestly and mention here at Froggy Bottom how much I appreciate being singled out? I’m flattered and clueless. Help.
Usually people go express their amazement in the comments section of the diary in question-Good for you, BTW! 🙂
Off to do that now.
Woke up late (again) — spouse fell asleep on the couch and didn’t come to bed till 4:30. 🙁 I’m mad at him today…
Other than that, not too bad; put in 10 minutes on the treadmill (about all I was up to for today), and about to have a late breakfast. Still need to get back on routine, but that’s par for the course.
Got to go for now…back later…
Eye can relate two this, can any won else?
Ewe bet! Eye can knot stick a round, I half too meat sum won. Buy Buy.
Well, I tried, Man E, I really tried. I un-blogged for several days because I was all frazzled and frizzled and totally bummed out by all the horribleness going on in the world.
But then . . .
I snuck in the back door to read a few comments at the FBC, although I don’t thank anyone saw me. There was some more sureptitious reading. Then, on Saturday, I went over to the orange place for Saturday Garden Blogging and . . . Started Posting Comments.
One thing led to another, and next thing you knew I was muttering into my keyboard, posting a few things here and there.
But today has been my undoing, jumping back into the frog pond with both feet. Posting comments, throwing 4s around indiscriminately–next thing I’ll be dancing around with a lampshade on my head while I chortle about someone’s funny comment. <sigh>
Un-blogging for a couple of days did help a lot, though. Now I have to sign off because it’s thundering and I have to go walk the dog in the rain.
for those lightning bolts! We don’t want a sequel to the movie Powder. (Glad to have you back, Mnemosyne, I know what it’s like to need to unplug for awhile)
I’m having a crappy stressful day and this made me laugh so I thought I’d share the fun.
apparently that was copyrighted. Never pass along an email if you don’t know where it came from. Can you remove it Man Eegee?
Thanks. :0)
only susan and boo can delete comments, i think.
Ooooooohhhhh Nooooooooooo…..
Oh well, does anyone remember when that happened on dkos, and instead of it being a cute little frowny face it was like THE worst pornographic picture I’ve ever seen? That poor guy will never again post a picture of unknown origin. Even MSOC was grossed out.
Sending good vibes your way Second Nature, I hope your day gets better. Thx for the well-needed laugh.
Thanks, I needed that laugh!
# 27. Mail Phil Ochs CDs to our dear OMIRtheStoryteller. (Check)
As you can see I had some “help”.

Hey now… look at that box. It’s look just my size!

Yellow Tissue Paper: A nutritious part of any ideal breakfast. M-m-m- good.

Getting mail out the door is “hurrrrd werrrk”

So, OMIR, it’s on its way.
Wait a minute… where the hell is Kitty!?!?!?!?! Here Kitty Kitty Kitty. Where’d ya go, baby!
Don’t ya just love it..what a wonderful cat. they are so courious and get into just about everything. Mine are just like kids. their own little personalities and dispositions. :o)
Oh yeah, she’s a curious cat. She has to be involved and in the midst of everything.
She really likes it when I’m wrapping presents.
When I got her “fixed” it ended up costing over $300 dollars because she had magenta curling ribbon in her tummy… ack!
One of my favorite things is the “extra” hour of sleep I get when the clocks get set back to Standard time.
Then, let’s see. Well, wet season is over, and dry season begins. And hurricane season ends!
Better yet, Knaus’ Berry Farm opens the week before Thanksgiving and all us country folk can get giant sticky buns, pecan pies, strawberry-rhubarb ditto, mango milkshakes, and all kinds of bread, including herb sticks. Giant fresh strawberries follow in “winter.”
But best of all, if we’re VERY VERY lucky, the Marlins may go to the post-season again, and I can postpone baseball withdrawl a little longer. Sigh. . .
What’s this clock-changing business you speak of, Limelite? I’ve never heard of such a thing. (I jest, I jest, we’re weird in Az and don’t honor daylight savings time, we have enough) You’re making me hungry for some fresh bread and jelly!
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