People assume that NYC is blue. They take it for granted despite clear indications that this is not secure. Sure, most New Yorkers are Dems. But, NYC Dems, particularly in Brooklyn, don’t vote. Voter turnout is usually quite low. This allows the Republican vote to have a disproportionate influence, giving NY State a solidly Republican State Senate, giving NY State a Repub Governor, and giving NYC two Repub mayors in a row. And many Dems here even like Bloomberg, despite his secret back-room deals with developers, despite his walking all over our Civil Rights, despite his “No Child Left Behind” style approach to education reform, despite his being a top Bush donor, etc. etc. etc.
Well, folks, the Democratic Primary in NYC is over. There was good and bad that came out of it. I would like to see a better showing by progressives and reform candidates, but the disorganization, disunity and laziness of the left continues to interfere with our chances of winning. We have to do better, not only nationally but most especially locally.

But the primary is past. Now we need to focus on Bloomberg. Here in NYC, the city where Republican incompetence led to nearly 3000 deaths on 9/11/2001, the city known to be liberal, we have to get rid of our pro-developer, anti-civil rights Republican mayor whose number one accomplishment has been to bring the Republican Convention into our midst.

First of all, let’s diffuse the myth that Bloomberg is really at heart a Democrat. He may have been once, but he has sold his soul to Dick Cheney and George Bush. His method of governing has been a big problem and he has HURT this city…unless you are a rich developer.

Remember that Bloomberg is selling our homes to rich developers in back-room deals and threatening to use eminent domain against us if we refuse to cooperate.

Bloomberg is claiming to be good for education, but all he has done is give students more tests, made getting into Middle School a huge ordeal for 5th graders, and sued the state (ineffectually, so far) for the funds it owes us. In the mean time, our schools continue to decline, with funding so tight that in some schools children have to bring their own toilet paper. And teachers have been without a contract for three years, I think it is. Bloomberg has NOT been good on education, whatever HE may claim (and I have a child in school here).

And Bloomberg is bad for NYC in general, as I outline in THIS DIARY.

It is time to support Freddy Ferrer for mayor of NYC. Here is what Howard Dean has to say:

Many Democrats don’t consider Mike Bloomberg a “real” Republican or a threat to our values. Those Democrats are wrong. While Republicans have been in charge of New York City, more and more working families are falling behind. Freddy is running for mayor because he wants to build a city that works for everyone — where there are good public schools in every neighborhood, where there is plenty of housing families can afford, and where there are good jobs available for all of us.

And the problems facing New Yorkers aren’t the only reason to support Freddy Ferrer. The New York City mayor’s race is one of the most high-profile elections in the country in 2005. Pundits and political operatives are watching this race to gauge whether we are ready to take on the Republicans in 2006. I urge you to help show them that we are…

Republican Mike Bloomberg gave more money to Bush’s re-election effort — more than $7 million — than anyone else in the country. Mike Bloomberg also helps raise money for conservatives throughout our country, including over $1 million to help reelect the anti-choice George Pataki. Mike Bloomberg will fund his campaign to the tune of $100 million just by writing a check. And he can tap his $5 billion fortune if he needs more.

But Freddy Ferrer believes in the grassroots. We’re asking Democrats to join his campaign to show that our government can work better for all of us. We can build housing that families can afford. We can give hope to the more than 50 percent of New York City school kids who drop out before they graduate. We believe that government exists to serve the needs of all the people, while Mike Bloomberg and the Republicans believe that government exists to make things easier for the wealthy. I hope you will join me in supporting Freddy’s campaign.

Freddy was raised in the Bronx by his single mother and grandmother before earning scholarships and working his way through NYU. As a city councilman and Bronx Borough President, Freddy helped build 66,000 units of affordable housing, helped create 34,000 jobs, worked with Bill Clinton to create the Bronx Empowerment Zone, and oversaw the resurgence of a forgotten borough. Freddy has proven that he can bring Democratic values to local government and meet the real needs of local communities. He is clearly the best man for the job.

Freddy knows the struggles regular New Yorkers face because he has lived those same struggles. He wants to build a city where the same opportunities he had are available to every child. Those opportunities are created by a steadfast commitment to our Democratic ideals. I know I can count on you to help Freddy build a city that works better for all New Yorkers.


Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

And here is what John Kerry has to say:

If you wouldn’t vote for George Bush, why would you ever vote for Mike Bloomberg?

Think about it. Mike Bloomberg is one of George Bush’s largest supporters, contributing and raising nearly $7 million for Bush and the Republican agenda in 2004 — sometimes he likes to pretend he’s a Democrat, but he doesn’t stand up to the Republicans who shortchange New Yorkers time and again.

Freddy Ferrer is different — he’ll put New York first. Freddy Ferrer is running for Mayor because he wants to build a New York that works better for all New Yorkers.
Under Bush and Bloomberg, New York has lost hundreds of millions in federal housing dollars.

Freddy Ferrer has a comprehensive plan to build and preserve housing that working and middle class families can afford, which was hailed by housing advocates.

Under Bush and Bloomberg, New York schools have been left behind due to draconian budget cuts and a failure to fund the No Child Left Behind Act. In five key programs — Title 1, IDEA, Teacher Quality, Education Technology, and Innovation — President Bush has shortchanged New York City by over $2.5 billion, including $221 million for Brooklyn, $153.6 million for the Bronx, $110 million for Queens, $78.9 million for Manhattan, and $9.6 million for Staten Island.

Freddy Ferrer’s education plan is designed to attack the drop-out crisis in New York City and graduate 50,000 more students within four years and reach the national on-time graduation rate in eight years.

Under Bush and Bloomberg, the President’s proposed Fiscal Year 2005 budget cut federal Medicaid spending by $1.5 billion. As 13% of federal Medicaid money goes to New York, this $1.5 billion cut put New York at risk of losing $200 million in funding.

Freddy Ferrer’s health care plan aims to break down the barriers that prevent New York City’s most vulnerable groups — the young, poor, and old — from getting the health coverage they are eligible for.

This race for Mayor represents one of our best chances to send a message to George Bush and the Republicans that we demand a change in direction and a change in leadership.

Support the Mayoral candidate who will stand up to Bush and the Republicans, not the one who is afraid you’ll figure out he stands with them.

Support Freddy Ferrer today.

So please, donate either through Howard Dean’s DNC or through John Kerry. But DONATE to elect Freddy Ferrer now! And PLEASE, volunteer with your local DFA or Democratic group to defeat Mayor Bloomberg, the man my daughter says looks like the Grinch.