The results of the polls are in, and a significant majority of Americans think the Iraq War is a mistake and Want to Bring Our Troops Home – Immediately. Over 50% for all Americans, and among Democrats over 70%. Not only that, but a Majority of Americans (before Katrina) supported Cindy Sheehan and wanted President Bush to meet with her.
So, dear Democratic Senators and Congressional Representatives: Who among you is going to be brave enough to Stand with Cindy Sheehan and all the other Americans who will be protesting this senseless war at the National Mall on Saturday, September 24th?
More after the break . . .
I mean, some of you are willing to support the ultra-right John Roberts for the Supreme Court, the choice of the Most unpopular Republican President since Nixon. Surely some of you can stand with your fellow Americans to support an end to this most unpopular and quite probably illegal war. Right?
So who will join us? Who will stand with Cindy and all the other Gold Star for Peace mothers and fathers?
Representative Pelosi, will you be there? If not, why not? What could be more important to you?
Senator Clinton? Senator Schumer? You are my Senators. You voted for the 2002 resolution giving Bush the authority to go to war. He won’t ever admit his mistakes. Won’t you have the courage to admit yours and stand beside Cindy as you do so?
Senator Kerry, will you stand with fellow veterans like you once did before?
Senator Feingold, you were the first Senator to come out for setting a timetable for our withdrawal from Iraq. Will you be with us on Saturday?
Senator Reid, you’ve been a great leader of the Senate Democratic Caucus. Won’t you get out in front of the position on Iraq that the majority of Americans now favor?
Senator Byrd and Senator Kennedy, you are our old lions in the Senate. You have been leading voices against this Administration’s reckless war policies. Will you join us on September 24 to lend your support and gravitas to this cause that I know you support?
Representative Lynn Woolsey, you’re slated to appear, and you’ve come out against this war, the First Member of Congress to call publically for our troops to come home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But who among your colleagues will join you? Will you stand alone?
For all of you elected Democratic officials, what are you afraid of? What could keep you from joining us? The majority of Americans support this cause.
Are you afraid you’ll be called part of the loony left? Afraid you’ll be criticized by Sean Hannity and Brit Hume, Bill O’Reilly and Chris Matthews, and all the other political hacks of the Right? Afraid of being called weak on National Defense or having the “traitor” label thrown in your face?
I’ve got news for you: they are already doing that on a nightly basis. They harp against Democrats all the time and sing the praises of Bush and the GOP Leaders, and this President’s approval ratings are still falling! They paint him as a stalwart determined war leader, and the people are starting to see through their lies. You have everything to gain by joining us now.
The country is fed up with the deaths of our soldiers and the massive corruption, fed up with the lies and deceits that got us into this disaster. Fed up too with the bull crap from the GOP noise machine that fighting in Iraq is making us safer. Fed up with the torture and violations of human rights and the deaths of innocent Iraqi civilians. Fed up with the dimunition of our civil rights at home. Fed up with Halliburton and Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld. They — we — are ready for leadership from the Democratic Party in opposition to the GOP’s failed policies of death and destruction.
You are our leaders. Be proud Democrats. Stand for something, damn it!
Stand with Cindy Sheehan.
Stand with all of us who will be at the Mall this weekend.
Do the right thing! Join the March and Speak at the Rally. You know you should.
I really hope to see you there.
at Daily Kos.
will stand with Cindy
Thanks Janet.
It would be nice if some of our purported leaders would have the courage to show their faces tho.
to the ones who don’t show up.
It is just as bad to be silent when one could have spoken up. OR something along those lines. 🙂
Right on Steven! Now, send this to them directly and the best way would be to fax it to their DC offices. I called Feinstein and Boxer today and will fax them tomorrow.
…can’t afford to be linked with commies, after all.
I’d like to see Rep. Freedom Fries. Whats his name again?
Howard Dean too.
Forget Clinton and Schumer. They’re my Senators too but we won’t be seeing any Senators.
The only Senator who had the integrity and courage to be there was lost in a plane crash 2 yrs ago.
Paul Wellstone
On second thought, I can see Barbara Boxer being there and my heroes the Congressional Black Caucus
and soul. We can’t buy gas/food/lodging because of Republican leadership. and we’re white. go figure. Bushco’s War on Poverty…Fuck you Bush, Cheney, Rice and enabling minions…Go Fuck Yourself!
Movie makers, steel workers, longshore men, military, teachers, students, first respondents, builders, painters, writers, nuns, pastors, hospital and nursing home workers, policemen and women, persons from all walks of life; young and old, motivated and ready to take activism and determination home into their community, and spread the message of patriotism through peace; focus on real terrorists, not by a policy to create them overseas and at home.
That should bring plenty to Washington on the 24th!
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