Okay, the loudmouth part was just so I can participate in the thread…

I’ve never hosted one of these before so I know I’m missing something about cookies and cognac, but we do what we can with what we have right…

Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick.. umm.. spider) How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?

This Froggy Bottom Cafe is brought to you by the letters C & T. Why C & T you ask? Because a friend of mine who I have frequently mentioned in my comments about dancing until dawn is now no longer lurking and has joined the site! (and of course didn’t tell me until now… and wouldn’t even tell me actually, I had to guess with cryptic clues…)

Now you’ve probably run into him already but if not, meh, oh well, not a big deal.

So who else is a newbie or a lurker here? Say hi and be showered with 4’s and snark by your friendly neighbourhood spiderleaf (seriously, I don’t participate that often so this is your one shot to talk to me… take advantage of it before I’m banned for good!)
