The people’s Email Network offers an online petition for opposition to John Roberts here. It reads:
“We the people of the United States hereby call for a NATIONAL REFERENDUM, by email, by phone call, by fax, and by letter, on the choice of a new chief justice for our Supreme Court.
We are presented with a pleasant, smiley face who so far has refused to answer questions about whether he agrees with the holdings in cases upon which we have long relied, which we have a right to know, and who has refused to deliver for examination any of his memos for the last 20 years, which we have a right to see.
The now most unpopular second term president in history does NOT have the carte blanche to appoint any crony ideologue of his own choosing, and we are deeply suspicious of the motives of this particular nominee, who cannot even tell the truth about his leadership role in the reactionary Federalist Society. We therefore call on our senators to DEMAND a different and more forthcoming nominee who better represents the mainstream of the American people.”
Go sign it, and call your senators at the Capital telephone 877-762-8762. Insist they stop this Stepford nominee.
Done. and here’s the “personal” message I included:
It is obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that John Roberts has been groomed for this position for the past 20 years. The lack of a record, his refusal to answer questions and the withholding of documents from the Senate make his appointment a slap in the face to a people’s democracy.
Unfortunatley, my senators are Hutchinson and Cornyn and my rep. McCaul (after many years of being represented by Lloyd Doggett, and being damned proud of it, I was redistricted away from being able to vote for him — thank goddess he’s still there though!) — Republicans of the worst kind, one and all.
I did both earlier today and letters to Boxer last week. Called Feinstein’s San Diego office today and asked how she was voting. Robert was very polite but said she has not made a statement thus far so he doesn’t know how she will vote yet tomorrow. Doesn’t know how she will vote for a guy that could spend up to 30 years on the Supreme court?
Don’t get me wrong. It is a done deal but I am still torn that we are not opposing this guy. I am starting to believe that there is absolutely nothing we can possibly do until we take back the majority in at least the house. I don’t have the money to give so much to candidates but I can do some GOTV and calling type work. I am good at stuffing envelopes too. If any of you have a candidate that you really believe in for ’06 let’s work together to get the job done.