Well it super sucks, we have sleazy ass Dems voting for Roberts and we are fighting and bickering amongst ourselves now because we feel powerless.  Booman and Kid Oakland take their jobs as bloggers very seriously and everybody feels they are doing all they can to bring some change and still we feel and experience our voicelessness.

I saw something in Crawford take place though, something that I had heard rumors about but certainly it couldn’t be that bad!  It all just had to be rumors but it isn’t.  The right has their own film crews that travel about and take film footage of what the Bushies want footage of from the angle that causes them to be perceived as powerful.  I saw the film crews in Crawford and they were only there to shoot the counterprotest and they cut the protesters out of every shot and made sure that they were shooting when the counterprotesters were in their maximum numbers which only lasted two hours usually while the Cindy Sheehan protesters LIVED out there.  I suspect that that film footage was provided to the networks free of charge and it hit the television so fast and it was every where on the air so quickly my head was spinning!

It wasn’t as if I didn’t see CNN or MSNBC out there because I did but they didn’t orchestrate much to make sure they got certain things on film.  They like hotel rooms and showers and they would show up around noonish and be gone around fiveish.  The Bushies filmers go where they need to go when they need to go to shoot what they are supposed to shoot and then they get that free footage right to the networks as fast as they can and the networks use it!  People still watch T.V. more than anything.  Where is our press coverage people?  Where is our independent press coverage that will shoot D.C. and every other protest out there and send that footage to the networks for free?

I know that it is no guarantee that it will be used but at least we would have a leg to stand on then that the media is bought off.  If it started being used though there would be more than a couple of sleazy ass Dems sweating!  Doesn’t Soros have a couple of bucks laying around and isn’t there any real journalists out there tired of this bullshit and wanting some full coverage of all this?  I swear to God if I didn’t have a disabled child to care for I would create my own job.  I know nothing about filming events but I’m not afraid to make calls, tell people what I need and where I need them, and talk to people to start certain balls rolling!  The Bushies have better financing than we do but that is a pitiful excuse if anybody attempts to use it! I couldn’t believe what a little bit of heart and little bit of soul and little bit of elbow grease accomplished in Crawford, the Texas no where town from hell!