Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself!
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
So, rants can be about things you love, too. Anybody feel like going all Shakespearean on us this morning, depending on your time zone?
Or, maybe not. Me, I’m feeling utterly mundane. Got a lawn to mow, bathrooms to clean, and ordinary work to do.
Nice to see you guys. T’sup?
You aren’t by any chance THE Kansas from the old PADDYNET – are ya?
That depends. . .no, seriously, having never before heard of Paddynet, I’m pretty sure I’m not.
For your amusement, by Billy Collins.
All we need is fourteen lines, well, thirteen now,
and after this one just a dozen
to launch a little ship on love’s storm-tossed seas,
then only ten more left like rows of beans.
How easily it goes unless you get Elizabethan
and insist the iambic bongos must be played
and rhymes positioned at the ends of lines,
one for every station of the cross.
But hang on here while we make the turn
into the final six where all will be resolved,
where longing and heartache will find an end,
where Laura will tell Petrarch to put down his pen,
take off those crazy medieval tights,
blow out the lights, and come at last to bed.
No cavities anywhere — yahoo!!
The little one surprised the hell out of me by being so cooperative with the whole thing (cleaning, floride treatment), when we brush his teeth at home, he fights tooth and nail!
Maybe I should start paying the dentist to come over? He said it took him twice as long to get to work this morning as usual, Austin is TEEMING with people/traffic and more to come today and tomorrow….I see the same damn stuff going on that I did with Katrina — the mayor of Gavleston said yesterday that they had no more buses and people would have to get out ont heir own…WTF?
The evacuation routes are JAM packed, I’ve heard stories of it taking people 12 hours to get here from Houston, it is usually a 2 1/2 to 3 hour trip…why is this happening? Don’t they understand that when people seee that, they WILL stay home — who the hell wants to be out on the road in their car when a storm hits?!? Fucking fuckity fuck. I just get so damned irritated!
The 6 year old is eating breakfast, then off to school with him…then I get to spend the day battoning down the hatches round here — the air is so damned still, it’s foreboding, and we broke a record high yesterday and willa gain today…103, they say. Yeefuckinghah, welcome to the first day of fall….
So how are you all?
Please keep us posted on the local perspective. The headlines are pretty intense on the web news outlets.
We’ll send hugs to all of you throughout this.
Please let us know if we can do anything now or after.
What SallyCat said, Brinn. Plus 103 degree heat!!
Thanks, ya’ll we’ll be fine and I’ll keep you updated as I can….
In a Rita blog from one of the local Houston TV stations I came across a story of a 73 yr old woman who was told to go to the bus station in Houston and tell them she had no money but had to get out. She did that and was then told no one could help her so she’s sitting in the Houston bus station not knowing what to do, where to go, how to get out. Some mistakes are being repeated. I sincerely hope that this type of thing is not widespread. Stupidly, I didn’t bookmark the page, but I’m going to find it again and will post the link.
What in hell are they waiting for with opening both lanes for outward flow from Houston? I heard earlier this morning that it was rush hour traffic slowing them down. Well, it’s hours later and still they haven’t changed the traffic patterns. What are they waiting for?
Houston Chronicle’s Rita blog is where I read about the 73 yr old Hortense Davis waiting in the Houston Greyhound bus station for someone to help her.
I saw Aaron Brown talking to the mayor of Corpus Christi last night and he was saying that they are moving patients in the hospitals to higher floors of the hospitals!!!
Aaron said, um, well, that didn’t work too well in New Orleans…then cut to commercial.
What in the HELL is wrong with these people?
I started bawling last night to my friend on the phone when I saw them evacuating some disabled men from an assisted living apartment… how many disabled people died in the south because no one cared??
(((((((((Cat))))))))))))))) knowing that there are people like you and Shycat and others from this forum and others – do care – gives me reason to keep hoping and fighting to get this Red Regime out.
Sounds sappy but fuck it – here goes. I love you! Think you are so wonderful. You caravaned and cared for people traveling to Camp Casey, you’ve offered up your home and heart to strangers. You cared for AlohaLeezy and Tracy. You’re golden. And you’re not the only one.
I just got off the phone with my mom, a Japanese family that are like her family who moved to Houston a couple of months ago were still there as of this morning. I told her they need to leave right now and come here — so Taku called and got directions and they’re headed out in an hour or so…they have a 3 year old and a 9 month old baby…
I had totally forgotten all about them until my mom called this morning — she was so worried. I am gald they are coming, I would have been worried too — I wonder how long it willt ake them to get here.
But now I REALLY have to clean up the house! The inside too, not just all of the shit all over the yard….Yikes!
This is my season…autumn…with the warm days and cool nights.
The scent of spices in fresh apple pies and cookies…
This morning’s drink…hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick…
Kansas, I’ve come to watch others rant but I will offer this brief complaint. The boran2 boy’s (my son) first grade teacher has made it clear that she has only limited tolerance for her classroom duties. She has an unexpected animosity and has apparently declared war upon her students rather than being a friendly guide. Sheesh, they are first graders not some difficult teenagers. and this was made clear at the open house, I can’t wait for the individual meetings in few weeks. I come from a family of teachers, people who are incredibly dedicated and this individual does not fit that mold. Why do people like this go into teaching? I believe that teaching should be something that an individaul feels compelled to do, not drudge work as it is to this woman. Did I say that this would be brief? Sorry, when it comes to my son I do tend to go on a bit.
boran2 — i, too, have a son in the first grade, and will also have my individual conference with his teacher next week.
I am coming to know that all they learn in school is the rules and damnit, there are a TON of them….my son drew a picture a few weeks back and I said oh, that’s good one, Ethan, what is it? He siad, “Mom! It’s school, don’t you see all of the blue lines on the floor?” (When they are in the hall, they have to walk on the blue line, they have to keep their hands together in front of them, they may not talk, they may not deviate from the line….)
I SOOO wish I could afford to homeschool!
I’m right there with you!
It takes a really special person to be hateful to first graders. When you look up “sweet” in the dictionary you get, “first grader.” And no kidding, why DO people like that get into teaching? It used to be that women didn’t have many choices, so even the sadists had to pick nurse or teacher, but now. . .?
that her actions are going to set the pattern for a lifetime of education experience? A classroom of eager young minds are going to learn that school is a place to hate and dread…and future teachers are going to have to work even harder to reach those minds.
My niece is a 4th/5th grade teacher (depending on year); she’s had to do a lot of “unteaching” in her career.
If you don’t like teaching, get the hell out…it’s teachers like this that make people want to listen to the right-wing rail against tenure.
Blessings, peace, and best of luck to you and Boran Jr. —
A quick good morning to all my little dalin’s. So, how many times will they replay the “dramatic” JetBlue plane landing today? Place your bets. I watched closely yesterday on MSNBC and the scroll said plane to land at LAX any minute for over an hour. Then when it did land pretty uneventfully(lots of pilot skill, no doubt) it’s as if you could hear the winds go out of their disaster news lungs. Oh the disappointment must of killed the, No worries though we had a tornado in Minniapolis and Hurricane Rita upped to a Cat 5. So much disaster so little time. Then there is the two freight trains that hit each other head on this morning. Roberts gets moved on to Senate vote out of juciciary today. Why even waste the time with the vote, we all know the outcome. Is that enough of a rant for you first thing in the morning? No? How about Cindy’s caravan getting stopped and searched with bomb sniffer dogs? Just another day in ‘murka.
Did they suspect that Cindy’s entourage included undercover SAS operatives?
To tired to rant. Can one rent a rant, or perhaps write a runt of a rant that only needs a little bit of energy? Perhaps, after the caffeine has hit I could punt a rant. We’ll see.
For the moment, I’m just basking in surviving my first class. I went in with the goal that if they didn’t rise up and come after me with pitchforks and torches at the hour break, everything would be fine. They waited until the end, and I escaped barely singed.
Actually, it was fun, exhausting but fun. I had great students who were really interested in learning the things I have to share. I’m not sure how much they learned, but I’m sure that I kept them entertained. Lots of laughter and smiles and enough smart questions to keep me talking when I hit a lull.
A few of them even came up after class and thanked me for a good lecture. Cool! I’ve got the whole gamut, from one bright 16 year old whose just getting started on the idea of writing his own stories, through a young screenwriter who want to be able to novelize her own screenplays, to a former newspaperman and tech writer who is finally getting the chance to write what he wants to write.
Perhaps best of all, I have an extremely process oriented engineer whose great at probing questions that force me to articulate the things I know about the field. Yay, a shill!
So thanks again for all the good wishes on this class. It looks like I may even do some good.
Oh, and please pass the tea. Darjeeling would be good, or Earl Grayer, nothing to fancy this morning.
Apparently, I really am too tired this morning. Not once, but twice with the wrong form of “to.” Sigh. I am sooo not a morning system.
We knew you’d be great!! Man, I think teaching is exhausting. My hat’s off, except for the ones like that first grade teacher boran2 mentioned up above. My mom was a teacher and I used to watch her and think, Uh huh, not me.
Good work! Sounds like an excellent group–and that engineer will teach you quite a lot about teaching and even more about your own philosophy of writing.
It’s hard work being Bush.
Well, jeez, no wonder he gets everything backwards and upsidedown!
We interrupt this rant to bring you a message for Bootribbers planning to march in S.F. on Saturday. Do you want to try to march together? I went by Dolores Park this morning to scope out a landmark where we can meet, and I think the tree at the corner of Dolores and 20th, at the top of the park, would be good. I can loiter there in my Booshirt.
Not sure if we’ll actually march; spouse’s ear is bugging him, hoping we won’t have to hit Urgent Care to check for infection. If we don’t march, we’ll head straight for Jefferson Square Park (need to Google location) and wait for the crowds to show up. I’ll be in my BooTrib shirt as well…
linked to march logistics page under “bus parking and pickup” here
I’m rushing into the cafe breathlessly reporting a story I heard on the tv. Listening to one of those strange men who fly tiny airplanes directly into hurricanes. He said that yesterday they had spotted a blackbird flying at 10,000 feet in the eye of Rita. Said it was not only odd that he was inside a storm, but that the bird was at 10,000 ft.
Since I believe everything, especially that jukebox music is significant – I took it as a good sign and abandoned all despair.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.
This is a strange and wonderful comment, Alice. You’re my kinda meaning-seeker. It’s funny, but blackbirds have been intruding into my consciousness every since Monday, starting with a store I walked into where there must have been 100 “toy” blackbirds on display. At first it was creepy, then it got interesting. Your report is the latest and most dramatic of my blackbird sightings.
Now I will be hearing that song all day, not that I mind.
The same blue truck that almost hit a car as my son and friend were walking nearby on their way home from school Tue… Just got a call from a school worker who said yesterday that the same speeder came around a corner and almost hit my son and others and Wesley almost ran into her car.
TWICE in a week this man has endangered our children on the country road.
This man.. this THING! was in the same car (no one really knows who was driving) when his girlfriend’s son was hit in his driveway causing him to be blind, and suffere major head and spinal injuries. Some people do not learn.
I’m very very upset. Police won’t do anything as several have called and complained before. Including the neighbor he ran off the road Monday.
Oh and this man doesn’t have a license. Lovely huh?
DJ – call the District Attorney’s Office directly and call the CA DMV office in Sacramento. They’ll need his name and vehicle license plate number.
Do not hesitate…the DA is political – the police aren’t.
Threaten to take it to the newspapers that the police and DA don’t prosecute people that are a threat to children.
DA’s are up for re-election in off years ’06 is next.
Thanks Sally! Wayne will be picking the kids up in the afternoon while I’m gone. Called him and his is pissed.
I didn’t think I had a rant this morning, then I saw once again all the oil refineries, platforms located laong Texas Coast, Louisanna coast, I am wondering what the thinking was of building all the refineries in this very hurricane prone area.
Texas refin. are shut down, said it takes several days to restart after the storm, if they are not damaged, so get ready for gas prices to jump.
I hope everyone in storm path, Boo tribbers esp. are taking every precaution…(Brinnaine, how are you doing and are you prepared)
Can I once again say that Emergency Preparations Info is on Village Blue, http://www.villageblue.com/node/120, please start now to plan for disasters wherever you live and if you are in danger area for storm, there is emergency go pack instr. there..
For beauty and inspiration I offer this image of White Buffalo Woman.

This is going to be a very tense week, my love and hugs go out to you all.
Hi Diane! Thanks for reminding us about your disaster prep list, and it’s good to know where to find it.
How are you doing this week?
I am doing pretty good, recovering my peace inside a little, but bracing for this next event….
How are you doing?
By the way I am watching a speech by Bush, with the whole cabinet lined up beside him to tell us how important it is to fight the WAR ON TERROR, and this comes on the heels of watching the Able Danger hearings last night on Cspan, which told me ‘we’ (US) don’t even know what the hell we are doing anywhere in this government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Correction, not the whole cabinet lined up, just Myers, Rice, Cheney, and some I do not know.
Second correction is I knew the admin. didn’t know beans about running country, just every day I learn a new level of incompetence? negligence oh and add Congress and the Pentagon, in fact the whole Federal shebang.
It is stunning how this administration seems to be able to exceed everyone of my expectations and take total incompetence to subterranean levels.
Kind of reminds me of the part in F 9/11 when Moore was filming in front of the embassy and the secret service police showed up huh? Can’t have anything like the truth get out now can we?
Just saw your comment on an old diary of mine. You asked about contributing to the research.
Just to let you know, the ePluribus Media guys and gals have started collecting Rita (as well as Katrina) data over on the ePluribus Media community site.
Here’s the url: Katrina and Rita Timeline project
Thanks for asking!!!
(Blush — wish I had seen your request earlier!)
Our audit is in progress, my boss waited till the last minute to give us the stuff we need to pull for the transaction test. WTF?!?
Other than that, Happy Fall Equinox SallyCat/everyone!
Mrs. Gooserock joins me in the workshop today.
This craft has a number of unrelated aspects, which keeps it interesting, but it can easily overwhelm when orders get behind.
So there’s nothing like having your best friend be your spouse and partner. Stomach–unwinding. Tension–fading. Backorder panic–ea-ea-easing. I think today we introduce her to the metal lathe.
Economically we’re in the most uncertain condition of our lives. But there’s one distinct type comfort in having what little income we presently get from this, being under our own control.
I and my family (mom, stepdad, husband, and two kids) are going to march on the capitol in Denver on Saturday. I am trying to decide what my sign should say. I have two candidates so far:
Worst. President. Ever.
U.S. out of Iraq
I have learned that signs need to be very short and have BIG words. Any other pithy ideas? Anyone else going to march in Denver?
Bring them home now!
OR What’s this noble cause? (maybe with a barrel of oil instead of the o???)
Both are short, to the point, and echo what Cindy Sheehan is saying!
I vote for taking flags too…I’m sick of the American Taliban claiming that for themselves. It’s our country too.
I like “bring them home now” a lot.
I also thought maybe “19xx” (filling in whatever the number is that day. 🙁
I definitely want to take a flag.
to the art supply store, I’m leaning towards either “Fire the US CEO” or “How Many Human Lives Per Gallon?” (saw that one at a San Jose rally and loved it — if I was an artist I’d do a gas pump shaped like a tombstone…)
Still hoping we’ll make it up there — if spouse’s ear is still bothering him Saturday morning, we’ll be camped out at Urgent Care… 🙁
Good morning BooTribbers.
So many rants… like Boo this morning – where to begin – but I also face a very demanding weekend of projects on several fronts – so I’m working hard on being effective in my many roles and serving the people I’m in leadership positions to serve – which requires finding some peace and focus even in turbulent times.
Got to looking through some sunrise pictures and thought I’d share this with my BT friends.
Didn’t I see that one of your responsibilities is that you’re going to be a front pager at the new Street Prophets blog? I don’t recall seeing that Pastor Dan did an introduction to it here. How’s it going?
I am indeed. It’s going very well. He meant/means to do an intro here, but didn’t want to just cross post the same one from dKos, but specifically address the BT community.
Then we had over 1400 users sign up on the first day just from the 1st announcement – and he’s been too busy getting that running to even do much there let alone here. (had some early gliches with posting ability and he had to manually set several hundred…)
I’ll keep bugging him about a proper intro/invite here. I personally invite all my BT friends (and those who don’t know me from, well Adam…) to drop by. I realize some of you have concerns about the fact that Markos is hosting the new site, but I think you’ll enjoy the atmosphere Dan and his list of front pagers are creating. (that FP list is one which I am deeply honored to be on – I feel completely out of my league 🙂
You need not be Christian, you need not even be religious – just a person interested in respectful dialog on matters of faith and politics. It’s going to be a fun place.
other than the apartment is still a mess, but I’ll work on rectifying that shortly. Enjoying my solitude; worked out for 20 minutes today, had a good breakfast, now mellowing before getting back to work. Dinner cooking in slow cooker, just need to run out and get some more veggies to steam for side dishes…all is relatively well with my world. I’m insulating myself from bad news for a bit, bracing myself for the worst…
Have a great day, everyone…here’s a Long Distance Dedication for all you fine folks; ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Sting:
You could say I lost my faith in science and progress
You could say I lost my belief in the holy church
You could say I lost my sense of direction
You could say all of this and worse but
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do
Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I’d lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do
I could be lost inside their lies without a trace
But every time I close my eyes I see your face
I never saw no miracle of science
That didn’t go from a blessing to a curse
I never saw no military solution
That didn’t always end up as something worse but
Let me say this first
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do
goosebumps — I love that song…and right back atcha, Cali.
Damn it’s been a long day….
It’s no longer morning, but I’m pleased to have made it through the day without removing anyone’s head. After all – that hurricane. . I have to say it is truly strange to see one of your own names in 3 inch type on the front page of a newspaper! On the other hand, it was downright fun to tell our less than spectacular assistant “don’t mess with me, I’m a category 5 today” when the tests were missing multiple copies, and pages were assembled upside down. Small irritations, and a really bad joke. I do hope everyone will forgive me for joking about what is a disaster in the making, truly terrible. I should get 50 lashes, etc. I apologize. I guess.
Yay, my copy of Bayou Farewell came in from the library. I haven’t started reading it yet. When’s the book group meeting?
We haven’t set a date yet. There was some delay getting books at Powell’s.
That’s pronounced “inver-NESS.” Rant: if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a billion times, a rant is a dance!!!!
Hmm, there’s a lot of stuff in here I don’t play on accordion. This is probably a bagpipe version.
% TUNEdb Number 13384
% TUNEdb Number 13384
|: A|
{Gdc}d2{g}A3/2d/2{g}B/2d3/2{g}A3/2g/2| !
{a}((3f/2a3/2efg){gfg}fe{Gdc}d:| |:
{g}c/2{d}A3/2{gef}e3/2A/2{gfg}f3/2A/2{gef}e3/2c/2| !
{Gdc}d2{gfg}f3/2d/2a3/2d/2{gfg}f3/2d/2| !
{gef}e2{GdG}e3/2f/2{afg}fe{Gdc}d|] !
Source wooden flute database.
GRRRRRR- Someone Who Shall Not Be Named (but whose initials happen to be WP) screwed up my Firefox at an unacceptable hour this AM.Lost all my passwords,the weather thingie,Bugmenot, the skin I had for Kos, and all my bookmarks.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
These pictures from the night sky in Tustin Ca., just minutes ago, must be something from base up by Lancaster, can’t remember the name, very strange, daugther took pic. and called me to ask what the I thought it was, I don’t know.
Base would be Edwards Air force Base.
Wow! That is amazing that I saw the same thing here in Del Mar right out my livingroom window like I said on the other thread Diane.
Gotta tell you though, even though it is strange looking in the pics it was HUGE here and really brilliantly lit and kept changing color. I saw whatever was shooting that crap out and it sure was not a military jet, more likely a missle!
Did you see it in the north west….my daughter said it west of her and a little north and it looked very large, she said it was very bright and looked like daylight behind it and then changed colors, from pink to blue before it disappeared. She was talking to me while it was going on and I thought it was jet trails she was talking about so I did not go out to look, till it was over, dumb me.
I just read over on a Kos thread about some enormously loud boom heard near Phoenix and the poster wondered if a missle blew up. Could these be related?
Boom could have been a simple sonic boom.
God, I don’t know you guys. There has been an awful lot of military activity since then. miramar is just south of where I live. I don’t think it could have been out of Phoenix because Diane’s daughter saw it at least 100 miles north of where I saw it and it was headind straight south towards Mexico and then it just disappeared. Not off in the distance either but right in front of me.
When the serious men come to the door, don’t resist the injection.
From a Kos comment:
I live in Phoenix. Here’s the scoop… (none / 0)
NO UFO: A rocket carrying a military research satellite launched from California’s central coast just after dusk, wowing spectators all the way to the Valley with swirling yellow, orange and green lights over South Mountain.
by AZnomad on Thu Sep 22nd, 2005 at 20:30:45 PDT
Military Research Satellite, makes me think about what Gen. Honore said the other day about a *new communication * system they were about to put up or stand up or launch, something like T-4 system, when asked by press he sidestepped it and said, you don’t need to know what it is just that we got something better coming on line, seemed like he might have slipped with that. So I just wonder if the one has anything to do with the other.
Thank goodness. Really had me worried there.
I was afraid it was a routine military training exercise.
But, but, but…when I lived on Kauai they did these missle launches from the range there often but they always notified the public when they were doing these “routine training excercises”.