I’ve got an unusual problem today. I have too many things I want to write about and I can’t decide what to do. What do I want to write about, you ask? Well, I want to talk about why Rumsfeld has muzzled the witnesses that were prepared to testify about Able Danger yesterday. I want to respond to Kid Oakland and Meteor Blades’s criticism of Armando and me over Max Baucus. I want to talk about Hurricane Rita and Jeb Bush’s invocation of his warrior spirit guide. I’d like to get to the bottom of the British prison break in Basra. I’d like to talk about the protests this weekend in Washington (which I will be attending).
Is this an omen?
Yeah? Bring it on!
I feel like writing about personal stuff. I feel like writing a fantasy piece where I get to take over CNN and direct all the programming decisions. I picture matching up Ductape Fatwa on a Crossfire-type show. We take a jackass like Clifford May and a clown like Paul Begala, and then we put Ductape in the middle. It would be total mayhem.
The morning show would be called Froggy Bottom Cafe. It would be hosted by a different person every day, and it would be dedicated to the better things in life: travel, food, cocktails, photography, sex… whatever.
Maybe we could have the Sue and Boo televised radio program. We’d put Don Imus out of business.
Lou Dobbs? Gone. Replaced by Jerome a Paris and Bondad. Instead of harping on illegal immigration they would harp on alternative energy.
Anderson Cooper? Gone. Replaced by our best looking member (yet to be determined) who will make fun of the vanity of musicians, athletes, politicians, and movie/television stars. Bood Abides will provide the graphic parodies.
Larry King? Gone. Replaced by Charlie Rose, (ratings be damned). I will instruct Charlie to attempt to boost his ratings by insisting that he physically remove any guest who lies, and to ban them for life. This should effectively remove all Republican guests from his rolodex in fairly short order.
Aaron Brown? Gone. Replaced by an unknown philosopher that concludes every program by saying:
Is that asking too much? Can America handle it? And can they do without their daily dose of Paula Zahn? I hope so, because I plan on replacing her too.
just wait a few minutes and he will be back on the other side of the fence… nothing to worry your pretty little head over.
He reminds me of that British Minister who bashed Blair for going to Iraq until he made her an offer she could not refuse and a great position in his inner cabinet… but then she flipped flopped again…after realized that she could not pee inside her own tent.
I suppose dignity and probity are good standards … and god knows sometimes I wish I had more of that (Bono). but (Bush Bono) sometimes I can’t help myself.
Half of it is the impending onset of madness (Bolton Bush Bono) that comes from the wild rush of news (Rumsfeld Roberts Ashcroft Bolton Bush Fallujah Sudan Bono Wolfowitz Niger A–a–o Blair O’Reilly Hannity Rove FDA Geldof Bagram Limbaugh ad nauseum) —
and a person has JUST GOTTA BLOW!
(And if a mild explosion such as calling a U.S. Senator a punk is what results, that’s not too much, is it? Plus, it feels so damn good, and god knows we all need a bit of relief from time to time.)
P.S. It made me laugh, BooMan. And probably a lot of us too! Do it!
When did taunting and mocking merit fours on Booman tribune?
I mean, what’s the point?
I’m not the one building fences here. And, if you ask me, the fence being built and validated is pretty nasty.
Is that the kind of community we want?
Whether you agree or disagree with my take on the “punk” post or not, I’d invite you to put yourself in my shoes and imagine this comment were addressed to you.
What message does this comment and the fours it received send to you?
Is that the way you see booman tribune?
I have to agree with k/o here. He is entitled to disagree with what I write just as you are Parker.
I’m a little surprised to see his character assassinated as though he has no core positions. He seems very consistent to me.
I’ve seen him quit a gig on principle before, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him do it again.
I know this will mean absolutely nothing but you are one of the reasons I don’t frequent this blog more often. I just don’t get what you have to gain by being so utterly pointless and heinous in your attacks against everyone.
Answer one question for me, is there any goddamned person you agree with or are less prone to slander and tear down?
What do you hope to gain with your constant attacks? We’re in a world of hurt here in this country and you expend an extraordinary amount of time and energy adding absolutely nothing.
hmmm…. sounds familar….is this a new frame?
Give Paula’s job to Tracy.
Wait a minute – what about Wolfie?
I am currently unemployed….move over Paula!
Your comment is welcome …
UK Soldiers (SAS) Arrested ¶ Updated!
Latest news ::
I didn’t read your linked article, Oui, but just about the last thing I need is one more article on that story … BooMan is right … it’d be something to get to the bottom of THAT story.
I.e., what we need are fewer “news” stories on this incident, and just a wee bit of truth-telling.
Juan Cole has been trying hard too. Haven’t checked him today to see if he’s learned more.
It’s unfortunate the British are having a worse time of it in southern Iraq because, god knows, they did a better job than the U.S. did overall.
The area is rife with Iranian and other influences, which seem to be fomenting a lot of the problems.
Hey Oui, we don’t see you on European Tribune anymore! Anything wrong?
So many stories, so little time. What conundrum.
What in the hell are you doing up at this hour?
Pot, meet kettle… 🙂
Bring ’em on … what’s cookin’?
(Woke up in a start at 4am … I leave the TV on when I fall asleep. I think it was the news about the 212 mph winds that did it! … almost time for Amy’s live show on FSTV … and it’s COLD out here in the kitchen! May crawl back in bed and turn on Amy and try to fall asleep for an hour or so.)
The Capitol police really stopped Cindy and used bomb-sniffing dogs on her? WTF. On the heels of the NYPD. Is this coming out of the ‘winger sections of the police departments?
I woke up around 5 (having fallen asleep with the TV on), and they had Cindy on our local morning news! My understanding is that Cindy and company were stopped, and then proceed to walk the rest of the way to their press conference on the Capitol steps.
I take it as a sign that she’s making progress, and now they’ve stopped trying to laugh her off.
Maybe it’s a “top-down” approach on the part of the police?
She’s also one of the lead stories on NPR this morning when they do their half-hour updates…”Cindy Sheehan is in Washington to lead the protest against the war…etc.”
I did the same thing. Said to myself, “Self, this is nuts! Went back to bed and got a couple hours of sleep. I do that alot. Part of aging I guess.
Saw that indy got stopped. They are looking for any excuse to arrest her and shut her up. What do they think? No one will show up Saturday if Cindy is in jail? Bomb sniffing dogs? Give me a freaken break!
Katrina devastation done – Rita just hours away from another catastrophic impact on Gulf Coast.
NEW ORLEANS Sept. 22 — Searchers looking for bodies smashed into homes that had been locked or submerged under Hurricane Katrina’s highest floodwaters, pushing the overall body count past 1,000 as another hurricane threatens to prolong the hunt for the dead.
The death toll in Louisiana stood at 799 on Wednesday, an increase of 153 since the weekend and nearly 80 percent of the 1,036 deaths attributed to Katrina across the Gulf Coast region. Officials said the effort could last another four to six weeks.
“There still could be quite a few, especially in the deepest flooded areas,” said U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Jeffrey Pettitt. “Some of the houses, they haven’t been in yet.”
About 500 people are involved in the search of locked homes, the third and most intense phase of the recovery effort. Initially, authorities made a hasty sweep to identify the living and dead. That was followed by a door-to-door search, though locked doors were off-limits.
Dr. Louis Cataldie, medical incident commander for Louisiana, said the elderly appear to make up the bulk of the dead but that searchers also are finding more children. “That’s tough,” he said.
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If you’re trying to freak us out about what’s going on in this country, trust me — we are freaked out . (At least I am… I can’t begin to imagine how we’ll pay for all of the destruction / rebuilding / displaced and ravaged lives.)
We need soothing words, not news stories 🙂 HUGS, OUI!
It’d be HEAVEN if you were in charge of programming at CNN.
Can we have Tom Snyder back on our Colortini’s?
Can Amy’s show be on? With Juan too? (Juan is great.)
Oh, and INN World Report‘s half-hour news show? (You’ll want to watch ’em just a bit though .. recently they had some very sweet dotty old man on who talks to several thousand-year-old men in India or somewhere around there.)
Larry Johnson needs some regular air time too … on tape delay, because you’ll have to bleep him a lot.
John at Crooks & Liars! With his saxophone intro music … oh sweet … and he can give zippy blogospherer recaps with dashes of video!
How about, don’t laugh, Bryant Gumbel? Even my daughter, who cares not a bit about sports, likes his HBO sports show. Very much.
Can Terry Gross and Brian Lamb get a show too? Maybe together! WIth Diane Rehms, who I find so lovely.
AND LOADS of protest coverage! Woohoo! (I’m sad about Saturday — I fear that it’ll be Rita all day/all night — which is understandable — but that the marvelous protests won’t get much airtime.)
After hearing about the senate hearings and able danger, I wondered why there hadn’t been more discussion about that here. I was curious, but now I understand.
By the way Boo, I’d love to hear your thoughts about Kid O’s and Meteor Blades’ comments. You are three of the people I respect most on this blogosphere. But it can wait for quieter time.
Now onto more fun at CNN…how about Ghostdancer taking over for Wolfie? (of course Infidelpig would probably be the logical choice if someone could find him!!)
Amy is interviewing Bill Richardson — she’s in New Mexico.
Very good … he’s going to set up rebates, etc., because they have a surplus, to help people through the winter.
He says heating oil costs will double. He didn’t mention natural gas, but how much is that going up? 70%?
JUAN: Shell … has highest profits of any corp. in history … raised prices 6 times after Katrina, twice in one day …
RICHARDSON: unexplained trend between price of gas at pump and crude. Increases are so high … need effectve strong price gouging legislation that involves rebates.
Archived audio/video should be up – Democracy Now! — or listen live.
Amy asked him about Cuba and Venezuela’s offers of help.
Richardson says we should have taken their aid … Castro and Chavez wwere putting their thumbs in our eye a bit … but we still should have taken it.
quoted a report that there are so many oil refineries and platforms in the path of Rita, that gasoline may hit $4-5 a gallon. [No, I wasn’t awake at 2am Pacific; was listening to the Podcast while on the treadmill this morning. I’ll listen again and get more details…]
LOL Well at least I would be prepared. I could just recite threads from here 😉
I would rather replace Kyra Philips. This would free her up to follow bush around and have her orgiastic seizures in a setting which, if public, would be a little less embarrassing for normal people to watch.
Then I could invite panelists like Arundhati Roy and Uri Avnery to analyze world events. And for special things, like big hurricanes or new invasions, I’d have Hugo Chavez on to give out phone numbers people could call to get cheap gas and free health care.
I guess that I’ll have to replace Anderson Cooper. < boran2 looks over both shoulders >
A point with hurricane Rita that folks might not have thought of – NASA’s Mission Control center is halfway between Houston and Galveston on a stretch of grassy floodplain as flat as a tabletop. AFP is reporting today that NASA has decided to switch mission control functions to their Russian counterparts for the space station “until the storm has passed.” I expect it might be a liiiitle bit longer…
Woody Allen denied custody and visitation rights.
we could lure Keith Olbermann over? He’d be perfect for the skewering of celebrities and whatnot…though Susan and I would have to have a pie fight to determine which one of us would be his co-host… 😉
Oh you would have me to fight over keith too gals and I have been working with a trainer for three months. Now I know why…lol!
Oooh! Can I watch?
Ooooooooooo boran2…you a bad boy! Naughty, naughty!
we could put it on Pay Per View…might raise enough money for the next new server… 😉
Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!
Triple threat Death Pie Match!!!!
I’d be terrified to be on air with such a great mind … I’ll gladly bring him coffee, and empty his wastepaper basket (oh, can you imagine what’s in THAT?!!).
I’ll powder your nose and watch the blogs for you.
see my live diary
(I’m good looking…just thought I’d throw that in)
I volunteer to write the news crawl.
But, but, you’ll radicalize people!
“Mercenaries deployed on streets of NOLA by Bush admin with machine guns and right to shoot to kill Americans” * “Gulf Region toxic wasteland, uninhabitable for decades, no plan by Bush administration for clean up” * “Baghdad without drinking water for months, reconstruction money used for bribes, Bush administration not concerned” * “Global Warming will produce many more catastrophic storms in the coming years, Bush administration claims scientists not qualified to discuss science & calls for nephew of lobbyist to conduct study pro-Global warming”…. Coming up next on CNN, Peak Oil with Jerome a Paris.
You have my vote – as long as you promise to write it in Canadian.
Joey Biden is a good boy.
— Joey’s mom