Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door |
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday) |
May the 4’s be with you
Running around trying to get ready to leave for DC…mental iPod song for today is from Fountains of Wayne:
Good Morning CabinGirl, when do you leave?
At the rate we’re going, tomorrow! (We’re shooting for 11:30-12:00 at this point).
The mother of a teenage soldier killed in Iraq set off for a major anti-war protest in Washington yesterday.
Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son, Gordon, was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra last year, will take part in a march and rally in the American capital on Saturday.
Mrs Gentle, 41, from Glasgow, said the anti-war movement was gathering momentum across the Atlantic and the demonstration would be “huge”.
It is with very deep regret that the Ministry of Defence has to confirm that Fusilier Gordon Campbell Gentle was killed in an improvised explosive device attack on British military vehicles in Basrah on 28 June 2004. Aged 19, he served with the 1st Battalion Royal Highland Fusiliers, and was single.
Rose Gentle said: “Our troops don’t know who are their enemies and who are their friends now.
“The boys don’t need to be there anymore. It has been handed over, the Iraqis have got their government. It is time they were all back home, and I think they should start listening before we get any more killed.”
The Respect Party MP, George Galloway, is expected to attend the rally. It will coincide with a protest planned for the same day in Hyde Park in London, at which Scottish Socialist Party leader Colin Fox will speak.
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Pipes, Drums and Military band all from the RHS on tour in 1967, their first visit since helping burn the White House, according to the program.
This was soon enough after WW2 that the hockey arena was packed with Scots and other Brits, and bagpipes were much rarer on this side than they are today. It was a very live crowd and they went wild when the pipes marched in.
Since the whole company was all Fusiliers, instead multiple units as has more recently been the case for such tours, they brought along a comedy drill team and made ruthless fun of the English and the Buckingham Palace type drill. A few years later one of those Fusiliers moved to the midwest and I occasionally played in some folk music jams with him.
Scots have been dying for Britain for centuries. Scots and their descendents over here tend to be very conservative, but over there, with eons of experience with an economy mostly owned by a few people, they’re quite a bit more lefty.
Posted as a new diary at the request of SusanHu ::
Grand Coalition – London Support and Hyde Park Protest 9/24
Would appreciate your comment there! Great story – much to relive.
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I have updated my diary with excellent article published today ::
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
To all who go this weekend – have a safe trip.
To all along the Gulf Coast – be safe and well.
For some laughs this morning…go see the Dust Bunnies http://www.boomantribune.com/?op=displaystory;sid=2005/9/23/11840/6810 (Yes, I am HTML impaired on embedding!)
The Dust Bunnies are for Brinnainne (hugs sweetie!) and the rest of us who worry too much about the daily stuff. Let the Bunnies roam free!
Cool weekend evenings so:
Hot milk
Dark Rum – (lots)
A little dash of powdered sugar
My favorite hot toddy at bedtime…sleep like log!
to all who will be in DC. Many more will be with you in spirit.
Click on symbol for it’s origin/history
Be safe, be well…keep in touch.
I hope nobody’s feeling
–crabby today.
Picked the wrong lifetime to quit drinking…
it was on my desktop for a long time after November:
I hear you on that one Catnip. I even joked with my son the other day about havving a beer. Nah…sobriety has been too damn good for me. Sorry we can’t say the same for George.
Michael Brown (FEMA loser) is still being paid even after he resigned. WTF??
What the HELL?? Where is that bastard?
Where’s Chertoff? I haven’t seen his disgusting mug on my TV for the past two days…fuck them fuck them fuck them all.
Winds are picking up here already….still sunny and hella hot though — almost got the back yard secured.
Jeez…I didn’t think you would be effected. Silly me. Hope you get all secured and have no damage. Keep us posted. Let me know if you need anything girl!
So the lesson here is, fuck up and it doesn’t matter. How do you think this would be viewed if it happened under a Democratic administration?
That is a rhetorical question, right?
Through the global corporate, mostly Republican-owned and overwhelmingly Republican-sponsored media.
Woke up with a headache and slight bug, so slept in today. Just trying to get myself stirring…
Spouse’s ear is still bugging him, so we may not make the SF rally — boo hiss! 🙁 We’ll probably be camped out at Urgent Care and hoping he doesn’t have an infection; he’s had it cleared out twice but it still feels plugged. Hoping it might just be some sort of sinus gunk that can be cleared up with a good nasal spray.
Oh, my brother had his heart surgery earlier this week; he had several angioplasties and about 5 stents put in, but came through it well according to my sister. Still need to find him a suitably insulting card…
Wishing safe travels to all those on the road, whether it’s in the cause of free speech or just to get out of harm’s way…
Glad to hear your brother is doing well Cali Scribe. It’s good news on a Friday morning that has not been lacking in bad news.
Well I’ll be looking for ya and hoping Mr. Cali’s ear gets well soon! Best wishes for your brother likewise.
The audit is progressing, I can’t wait for it to be over. I’m driving out to Barstow, CA this weekend to take a load of stuff for my friends who just moved out there. Ironically enough, we will be staying right off the army base, so I’ll keep you all posted to see if there are any peace activists in the area (other than me) 🙂
And on another note, Bud missed the Thursday Dog Blogging yesterday. He’s sad, as you can see:
I hope everything is ok with keres!
I love Bud! Thanks for the pics Man E – he’s such a cutie-pie.
So is that the “Can you please get my dinner” or the “Will you please scratch my tummy” look?
He is always hungry but also needs to be touched constantly. He is a snuggler and will fall asleep anywhere as long as his sides are in contact with someone he loves/trusts. I think this picture was taken when he was feeling particularly ignored.
That’s how I picture him! From that photo you put up, when he was on the couch sleeping and you didn’t want to wake him … He looked so snuggly!
Hellooooo everyone, just got back from visit with daughter and trip to grocery store, where I was finally able to stock up a little on some items. Plus I got some fresh food, as I haven’t really shopped for 3 weeks, (TV dinner’s I ate, but so sick of them).
Trying to catch up on the news, oh my gosh I was out of touch for a couple of hours but did hear about the levee in NO. anything else happen.
I was tempted to pick “other” because I do like coffee with a teaspoon or so of chocolate syrup and about short shot of brandy or cognac(about 2/3 of a shot)…
But I chose good beer.
Now all I need to do is get to a country that has good beer?
Not sure if you’ll see this, but I wasn’t sure where to post it.
You were talking about a light in the sky witnessed last night… Well, I just came across this flickr photo, taken by John Parres, with a short description:
Well I saw it Olivia, hand up, I posted pic. last night taken from socal. BTW fwiw I just talked to my son in law, who saw this last night and he said he still cannot believe it was a satelite launch, said the bright yellow light went from the bottom to the top, then exploded into colors.

Here is the pic they took, from Tustin, Ca.
So your pic above was taken from near LA then, Olivia,? Thanks for posting your pic and link.
I’m guessing that’s where he was. Just saw it while browsing through the latest photos and I thought of your comments. I wasn’t sure if you had found out what it was. Those spirals in your pic are certainly out of the ordinary… And who knows what the heck they’re doing these days.
Here’s some more, showing the spiral: link.
Just between you and me olivia, he also said that he was amazed at how quickly all the smoke, everything disappeared and maybe it was his imagination but he thought it looked like a saucer shape the the top of the corkscrew right at the end of the spectacle, either that or a saucer cloud shape, but very eerie. He thought it looked more like the second part chasing the first part, than falling away…but as you say, who knows these days. Also my daughter thought it looked like a misile taking out another object…to that I said, well that can’t be true, we couldn’t hit anything with our misile defense system…
As I said last night, I think, we see a lot of these here in the sky because of Vandenburg, but he said none like this one, ever before.
Ooooohhhh a conspiracy theory developing here, don’t tell anyone….lol.
Hello everyone. Is anyone left? Andrew just went down after a very long day, no nap.
Anyone who is going tomorrow needs to raise a little hell for me.
Is it 2009 yet?
I wouldn’t mind if it instantly became 2009 just as long as no more political decisions could be made between now and then…
(and maybe an impeachment or two as well)
Nixon walks with bases full. Sox still batting. Poor BooMan.