I’m headed to D.C. See you there.
Update [2005-9-23 16:57:55 by susanhu]: C-SPAN is carrying the demonstration live Saturday morning, beginning at 11:30 am ET / 8:30 am PT. Let me know if it’s also carried on C-SPAN radio.
ALSO: A cadre of those of us at home wiill be live-blogging the demonstration, and we’ll be getting live updates by cell phone and e-mail, and we’ll get instant photos from JPol’s cell phone. Stay tuned! Come visit tomorrow, and add your own news about the demonstrations… around the country!
For more march news, visit “It’s the “Official BooTrib DC March Plans” Diary!,” which is chock full of details, where to find other marchers, and more events going on through the weekend.
~ Also posted in FBC: Frantic Friday ~
The mother of a teenage soldier killed in Iraq set off for a major anti-war protest in Washington yesterday.
Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra last year, will take part in a march and rally in the American capital on Saturday.
Mrs Gentle, 41, from Glasgow, said the anti-war movement was gathering momentum across the Atlantic and the demonstration would be “huge”.
It is with very deep regret that the Ministry of Defence has to confirm that Fusilier Gordon Campbell Gentle was killed in an improvised explosive device attack on British military vehicles in Basrah on 28 June 2004. Aged 19, he served with the 1st Battalion Royal Highland Fusiliers, and was single.
Rose Gentle said: “Our troops don’t know who are their enemies and who are their friends now.
“The boys don’t need to be there anymore. It has been handed over, the Iraqis have got their government. It is time they were all back home, and I think they should start listening before we get any more killed.”
The Respect Party MP George Galloway is expected to attend the rally. It will coincide with a protest planned for the same day in Hyde Park in London, at which Scottish Socialist Party leader Colin Fox will speak.
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Oh god, Oui!
What a story π
Maybe you should do this as a diary.
Posted as a new diary ::
Grand Coalition – London Support and Hyde Park Protest 9/24
▼ ▼ ▼
I have updated my diary with excellent article published today ::
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Now my (I can’t help it) mommy worries start! Be safe! BE GOOD! Give ’em HELL!
bail me out π
Send me all of your brothers’ phone numbers! I mean, we can’t even get a PayPal button to work … how can I manage to collect enough bail money for you!
(Make it a misdemeanor, please … it’s cheapter, probably.)
Like Warren Zevon says: Send lawyers, guns and money.
I totally love that quote.
Hey, Boran2, are you going to be around tomorrow?
I’m trying to assemble a team of people who are staying at home to live blog the demonstration — WHICH IS ON C-SPAN! — and hopefully whatever live reports we get from the frog-marchers.
And, given my poor performance this morning in over-sleeping, I may need a wake-up call!
Maybe I should put up a demonstration story tonight, before I go to sleep, so people can just post stuff there?
Susan, I will be around for at least part of the day tomorrow. But, I only get C-span 3 on my cable package. If I can help, I will be happy to do so.
That’s odd. You’d think you’d get C-SPAN1 and C-SPAN2. Can you live without C-SPAN2 on the weekends? I can’t π (she said sheepishly)
Catnip, I can’t tell if it’ll be on C-SPAN radio.
C-SPAN1 schedule tomorrow:
starts at 11:30 am ET!
Anti-War Rally
Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (A.N.S.W.E.R.)
Ramsey Clark , Department of Justice
Jessica Lange
(Odd choice of names for the “stars” of the event.) Oh well.
Never mind! Laura Bush is featured on CSPAN2 this weekend .. she spoke at some book conference. Ewwwww.
Has she solved the whole street gang problem thing yet? I’m waiting…
What street gang problem?
Oh – she must have fixed it then. Good for her. π
Will this be covered on C-SPAN online too? What time?
My daughter’s coming over first thing in the morning (approx. 11 am ET), but I can help out after that if you need me.
Catnip, are you up for it if you can get C-Span video/radio?
You’re much better at it than the rest of us.
Diane101 and Boran2 are helping too! Anyone is WELCOME to help! We’ll need LOTS of eyes and ears….
we’ll need to track the news wires, the newspapers, the other blogs, our own e-mails, the radio (!) — isn’t Air America on the air live tomorrow? (I hope) — and what else …
Raw Story / Yahoo / Google News / more?
I’m not “much better” than the rest of you! I’m just a breaking news junkie.
I’ll help out and I’ll start compiling links today to get a diary ready for tomorrow. Then, after my daughter’s gone, I’ll jump in.
Take yer [PR http://jec.unm.edu/resources/benchbooks/magistrate/2-6-2.htm ]with you…always worked for me…but back then I wasn’t dealing with BushCo…:{)
Be Safe
from Colorado, has a proposal for paying for hurricane relief:
The guy in the White House is an imbecile, but he’s got plenty of back-up in the Congress.
So we can find plenty of money to “rebuild” Iraq but to rebuild NOLA we need to sell of precious assets. How about putting advertising on air force 1 instead?
On September 24th, tens of thousands will take
Part in protests in Washington and San Francisco. In Ireland, a peace rally and festival in
Shannon will take place to coincide with these protests. We will be stretching out across the
Atlantic to join our American brothers and sisters in saying: NO to WAR.
There will be a bus Leaving From your Area.
Book your Place on the busses going to Shannon.
Call 0878289243 or018727912
Help us build this Event Take posters and leaflets, put them up in your work place, Local
Shopping area School or college.
People to Contact About Busses
North Dublin: Tel 087 2839964
Dun Laoghaire: Tel 087 2703564
Dublin South City: Tel 087 6650442
Dublin West: Tel 087 6838746
Belfast: Tel 004477 425 31617
Cork email patsull@esatclear.ie tel 0872994796
CNN just reported that Bush has cancelled his trip to Texas citing something about how his presence would disrupt the hurricane Rita planning efforts (??). Apparently, he’s going to watch the hurricane from the Northern Command center in Colorado.
You are kidding me … post that as a diary and i’ll FP it … jesus. Wuss.
Maybe — just maybe — the local officials told him that they can’t spare the people.
And I’d like to add that we, the American people, can’t spare the fucking jet fuel for his CYA appearances.
the diary is done…ewww Tom DeLay is on my teevee.
like a job for the Squeegee Guy
Bush, yer an asshole!
Thanks to C&R…Enjoy, I did.
SEPTEMBER 24th-25th – Spread the word about Democracy Now!
Hand out fliers about Democracy Now! at upcoming anti-war demonstrations.
If you’ll be in Washington DC — Please pick up DN fliers on Saturday morning. Arrive at the North side of the Washington Monument (the side facing the White House) on Saturday, September 24th, between 9:30AM and 11:00AM. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Chuck at: 510-816-9393. If you’ll be in another location — contact: danielle@democracynow.org or 212-431-9090
Make some noise for me. Watch out for the guys in the dark suits wearing shades with little earpieces. They’re not nice.
Democrats getting organized? Sheesh.
An interesting article in the San Francisco Chronicle (on page 4, linked from the front page, no less) titled “Anti-war groups try to focus on message.”
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) released a press release yesterday stating that he will oppose John Roberts’ nomination to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. In it he is also critical of “largely Democratic advocacy groups” that came down hard on Senatory Leahy following his announcement that he would vote for the nomination.
Chicago? Illinois? Midwest? Visit us at SoapBlox/Chicago.