As millions flee the gulf coast of Texas, the horror of piss poor planning hits on the highway where at least 24 seniors lost their lives in a bus fire along the side of the road.
I am so appalled. How many more people will continue to die? How many more here in the US? How many more in Iraq before this administration is taken out of power? Who of us is next? Where is the fucking outrage?
Each and every day there is another assault on our fellow citizens. Oh well, they were just a bunch of old sick people. Less social security and medicare checks to pay. I HATE this fucking government. I really really do!
I just don’t know what to do with all this anger I feel. I don’t know whether to laugh ot cry most days. Is that a sign of insanity?
No, Lee, it is a sign of sanity in an insane world.
And we’re all right alongside you….
Thanks Cat…I needed the hugs. Time to hop into the shower and get ready for the workaday world. Have a good day my friend.
Like brinn said, I think if you or any of us are not upset then we’d be the insane ones or drinking the fucken bush Koolaide. I’m wondering what it would be like to wake up one day and not have to read yet another new assault on the country, on us perpetrated by these crooks. That seems almost like some far off fairy tale land.
I so understand the outrage…how many more….
I’m now working on releases for my outrage…
This weekend I’m going to re-work a section of my yard – with a pick-axe. Nothing like tearing out something that is not useful and putting in new.
The ripping out is easy….then I’m going to tediously sift the old dirt for rocks and unbreakable clumps. This whole process to me is like politics.
Ripping out = taking a stand
Tediously sifting dirt = diligently working on issues when we are too tired…yet we do another day
Plant new = elect new progressive people to office
Fertilize = keep electing new and supporting the good ones.
Come to my virtual garden alohaleezy…we’ll do some ripping out together.
What a perfect comparison SallyCat! I love to get my hands in the earth and get grounded. It is difficult to do when you live in an apartment but I do have several plants on my balcony. I am honored and privelaged to stand in your virtual garden and toil the soil as they say. Hand in hand we must weed out and plant the new seeds of progress. Thank you for reminding me SallyCat!
Hurricane Rita moving towards the Texas coast, used the MSM and his personal PR to indicate the Louisiana failures should be blamed on the mayor and the Democratic governor Blanco. Yexas has excellent cooperation with FEMA and the POTUS George Bush.
The arrogance and bs dripped off his ugly face.
Vehicles jam the northbound lanes of I-45 while the southbound lanes remain empty in Houston, Texas. A mass exodus from the deadly threat of Hurricane Rita has emptied towns along the Texas and Louisiana coastlines, amid frantic last-minute preparations for the second super-storm in a month.
AFP/Stan Honda
Even more preparation than New Orleans, and it’s been a Texas oversized mess.
The poor, elderly, handicapped, sick, infants and children may die.
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makes ya want to shoot somebody don’t it darlin’/ Uh, FBI if you are lurking it was just a joke guys…lol!
YOu’re wondering where the outrage is?….well I have to say that I almost never leave my apt. but the other day went to laundry room and while there an older lady who likes me came out to ask me what I thought of this new hurricane coming. She also mentioned the monetary value. This is a nice little old lady, ex-schoolteacher but also a bush lover, church going christian who thinks the people in NO are at fault for not leaving, it’s not the governments fault, etc etc etc…so I mentioned that the Billion dollars a week in Iraq might be better used here and her response was that she had no problem with that money being spent there cause it was all for supporting the troops. Almost implying I’d said something unpatriotic of course…
So in answer to your question…her(and most of the people in this apt. complex if not all)believe bush is wonderful and he’s still there fearless and wonderful christian leader. And at this point there really isn’t any use for me to engage them in discussions because some people it’s just pointless.
In other words she is absolutely NOT outraged at bush and company, none of this is his fault.
and that is the other part that just drives me totally insane. how can anyone in their right mind believe a fucking word these assholes say? What will it take for them to snap out of it?
What will it take for them to snap out of it?
Americans will wake up when disaster walks right through their living room.
Not before.
What we are seeing now is unlike anything the world has seen since the collapse of the Third (French) Republic (in 1940). There is a good lesson in that one for any who would care to learn it.
The US is going down for real. Few believe it is possible and many any more Americans will die before we notice it.
You are not living in the country you thought you were. My condolences.