“In a room with eight televisions, video screens and computers [at Peterson Air Force Base, home to the Northern Command in Colorado], Bush got a one-hour briefing from federal officials about the military response to [Hurricane Rita].” (WaPo)
“In a room with eight televisions, video screens and computers [at Peterson Air Force Base, home to the Northern Command in Colorado], Bush got a one-hour briefing from federal officials about the military response to [Hurricane Rita].” (WaPo)
I bet Bush was watching the traffic cams in DC just like I was. See how pissed off he looks.
And Chertoff, could the man be more of a cadaver? I’ve seen people dying of cancer who looked better.
They both look bad. Bush is missin’ his ESPN2, I bet.
Today was the absolute first time I’ve seen Bush with big bags under his eyes. You know how presidents always seem to age under the burden? Not Bush… he’s always fresh as a daisy. It’s funny to see him struggling to be a hero when so many people just roll their eyes at his posturing.
And Skelator… he’s very creepy looking, yes. I’m kind of glad he’s been hiding from the cameras. Let him stay under his rock. Or maybe he lives in a cave. With bats.
CNN played a clip of what Bush had to say (ie. “speechifying”) from NORTHCOM and he looked and sounded very tired. Maybe he’s just hungover. Who knows?
Susan, So sorry that I couldn’t spend time helping out today. I got involved with a lost tooth (my son’s) situation after my son’s game. But all is well.
Why do these gov’t officials always wear blue shirts? Especially Bush? I think he needs a Queer Eye For the Idiot Guy makeover.
Blue shirts symbolize blue-collar, hard-working people. On these people of course it is only a costume. Bush didn’t have time for the rolled-up-sleeves touch. His buttons were checked to match the button-holes this time.
I even wonder if the bags under his eyes are real. Probably from crying over his poll numbers. hahahah!
They wear blue because they’re really closet liberals. 😉
Has anyone explained to the President that there’s jack shit our military can do to actually engage a hurricane?
Think any of those eight monitors is covering the action on Pennsylvania Avenue?
Actually, there’s plenty our military can do about a hurricane.
It can round up all of the subversives who keep patriots like Michael Brown from doing their jobs.
It can make sure the poor aren’t allowed to flee to the places reserved for the rich.
It can protect retail businesses from falling victim to the starving who can’t find food elsewhere.
It can keep helpful individuals from going in to aid those too old or too sick to get out on their own.
There’s more, but I think you get the idea…
I was thinking of direct military action against the hurricane itself… it’s just the phrasing of the caption that made me think of it that way.
But you’re quite right, too. Unfortunately…
I know… and I didn’t mean anything cranky against you.
It was just too good an opportunity to express some of the uses the Bushites might conceive.
“eight televisions, video screens and computers”
I have a room with four computers and three monitors. Does this mean I got almost 50% of Northern Commands image display capabilities available to the Commode In Chief?
I got blue button downs too.
Two of ’em.
I’ve always wanted a Red Phone…the super duper secret hotline Red Phone…
You get one of those, we’ll get you a football too.
You know, suitcase with the big red button in it? The one Cheney keeps far away from Bush.
And I watched 24 last season too…
maybe it’s nap time soon… 🙂
Too bad Hack passed away. He would have been a great speaker for the movement today. sigh
Really 🙁
When you asked what I meant, I went looking, hoping to find the story of when Reagan was shot, and they couldn’t FIND the football for a while at the hospital.
But then Hack’s story came up, and that was great. I haven’t read it all yet. Must do that.
Dayaaam!!! I gotta get one.
Gotta find a town to invade. YeHah! Hah.
Then I can be a War Selectman.
You do know that Staples is selling Red Buttons…
I want to thank you for showcasing the march in DC today on the front page of this blog. I mean, whether it made a dent in the national consciousness or not, this was a big progressive event and we needed info about it. It was rather curious to me that Atrios and dKos acted like it wasn’t even happening. Yes, the diaries on dKos were useful but not one mention on the front page. Maybe tomorrow Kos will have a rant that embellishes my feelings that it was futile and I’ll hate him a little more for agreeing with me. Hell, I’m no pacifist either but I strongly disapprove of the Iraq war and it needs to be protested whether people notice or not.
It was a lot of fun. And it worked because we had a bunch of people at home who were really into it and a bunch of people at demonstrations who were really eager to communicate with us! And some demonstrations are still ongoing … can’t wait for Alohaleezy’s report.
I seesaw about the ability of such demonstrations to effect change or grow influence in the nation.
But, Jerry’s absolute delight today in the huge number of young people he saw — over 50%, he said, were under age 25 — was contagious. And he’s convinced they are our next anti-war generation.
If anything, it is an opportunity for people to connect and encourage each other. Every action on the part of good has a rippling effect…
from the front page at Raw.
Army private England described as overly compliant
By T.A. Badger
The Associated Press
Pfc. Lynndie England: a psychological defense for Abu Ghraib
FORT HOOD, Texas — A psychologist testified yesterday that Pvt. Lynndie England suffered from depression and that her mental condition, coupled with an overly compliant personality, made her a heedless participant in abuse of inmates at Abu Ghraib prison.
Xavier Amador, a clinical psychologist from New York, said England’s soldier boyfriend, Charles Graner, was her “social accomplice” whom she relied upon without reservation to guide her behavior. …
I am not gonna say what I think of ‘compliant(read dumass)behavior. This is exactly what I have been fighting my whole life long.
There is no honor in blind obedience.
‘Think for yourself and question authority’–Timothy Leary (but he’s dead).giggle- who can give me the band’s name–Timothy Leary’s Dead?
what do I win???
Can’t wait!
Will it have Moddy Blues CDs in it?? Please, please?
just kidding!
I might be able to dig out a vinyl disc— hahhhaaaaaa
dead, nah, he’s just on the outside, looking in.
She probably didn’t know enough to know she could fight, or should fight … she was so desperate for Graner’s approval, she just lost it .. btw, in the full story, her high school counselor talks about how he feels he failed her, that she needed a lot more help than she got.
yes ok– but somewhere there has to be some strength- unless you intend to be a doormat all your life- I DO understand that there a lot of very -intimidated women out there- that is why I play ‘momsie’ to the ones who need help- at the local shelter.
But I get tired of them running back all the time too.
A never-ending cycle,it seems.
Do you think it helps make her look brainier?
Or is she just getting older, like the rest of us, and she needs them to read?
I didn’t know she could read.
I doubt it- -she is trying to play an old hat role on Hill Street Blues maybe? Wear glasses- look — S E R I O U S.