Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Hi, It seems that almost everyone is out and about tonight.
But I’ll be here for most of the evening, if you’d like to stop in and talk for a while.
Hello Katiebird & anyone else,
Is that Mt. Rainier? I’ve seen a very similar view the few times I’ve flown in or out of Seattle.
I’m hanging around the house with just The Boys (our 2 Totos). We celebrated a productive day in our family biz craft shop yesterday by eating out last night, which we can’t usually afford, and something disagreed with me. Nothing serious, it’s just a bit of soft tummy I’m treating with broth and, of course, chocolate.
We took The Boys over to a local beach and let them clamber around on the rocks. This is our now-13-year-old rescue fella, in month 11 with us and very proud of himself for scrambling up a hill of sizeable boulders.
I think I’ll go up & get myself a cup of green tea now.
Yes, Gooserock — you’re right. It’s Mt. Rainier.
and I am so lucky to be able to see her whenever the clouds permit.
not Gooserock. Ummm. Well.. Gooserock (and his little dog, too) could be beautiful, but I wouldn’t know…
I wish I could see a mountain whenever I want.
I see Rainier to the south and Mt Baker to the north. And the Olympic Mountains to the west and the Cascade mountains to the east. I am so blessed.
I have a brother and a sister in Seattle and another brother on Vashon Island. I go back to visit them as much as I can, but it isn’t like living there. And with other siblings on the east coast, I can’t even go there every year.
It’s just not fair.
when my daughter lived in Brooklyn I would visit 2 or 3 times a year. For a week or two at a time. Now she lives in LA. I get to see her more often, but I miss NYC so much.
PLus you have a sib on Vashon.
It’s just not fair.
I’m here, resting my poor tired feets, re-hydrating, and watching the Nats slim wild-card hopes go down the drain. Weary like I haven’t been in a looooong time, but it’s a good weary. If I could trouble someone for something in the way of an Irish coffee I’d be eternally grateful.
So … what’s been doing around here?
the cat got the first one…

Yours is coming right up…thanks for being there today, those of us who couldn’t be really appreciate it! KUDOS to all.
For Heaven’s Sake!
We’ve got plenty — Let the cat keep her own!
That good kind of weary is really a wonderful feeling isn’t it?
As I used to say in my days as a Texan “Ya’ll did good!” And “We’re fixin to get rid of those cowboys!!”
I just started a new mystery novel,
, by Jacqueline Winspear.
I’ve just started, but it takes place in London several years after WWI and it seems to be about a woman who at various times in her life was a house maid, a field nurse (in France during the War), an Assistant to a Private Investagator, and has taken over as Private Investagator.
Her first client is a man who wants verification that his wife is cheating on the marriage (she has been lying about where she goes on Tuesdays & Thursdays).
And so far, what she (Maisie) has discovered, well it’s very moving. I’ve cried (a mystery that makes you cry tears of sympathy in the first chapter?). It’s not at all what you would think. She’s very gentle and is surrounded (so far) by the most interesting kindly people.
If you’ve read any Delano Ames, this is a little similar.
If you’re interested Here’s a link into Powells to Maisie Dobbs.
I believe I got the link right so that Booman’s account is linked to it. (I copied the link from the ones in the margins and just replaced this ISBN for the other)
I am very grateful to you brother feldspar for all you did to co-ordinate our little contribution to the march today.
To introduce you to the love of my life, Libby. She’s 15 and has been with me for the last 13 years. The absolutely sweetest dog that ever lived!
How do you do Libby? What’s your favorite meal?
I’ll eat anything you’re having. But my favorite is popcorn!!
Really? Libby eats popcorn? That sounds like the greatest thing! To sit around on a couch sharing popcorn with Libby.
Like mommie…like doggie. And you nailed that one just right, laying around on the couch eating popcorn is just about our favorite thing to do (other than walking in the park and chasing squirrels).
I can picture you!
Mr. katiebird plays video games while lying down. And our Digby (a poodle) used to sit on mr. katiebird’s stomach eating salty snacks off his shirt while he played.
Libby looks so sweet. Sounds like you chase squirrels with her.
Libby likes to chase squirrels and I like to lay on the couch and eat popcorn.
Sounds like a good separation of responsibilities to me.
My very first dog EVER was a Springer Spaniel named Buckie — my mom’s boyfriend got him for a hunting dog, but Buckie wasn’t into it at all — he loved me and my sister, so he gave him to us instead….
Buckie was the most awesome dog ever — we had to move into an apartment across town in Tucson that didn’t allow dogs and leave him with friends of ours….he showed up at the apratment door three days later, never having been there.
Thanks for sharing the picture of Libby!
Thats absolutely amazing. After doing all that, did Buckie get to stay with you?
Not officially, but he came back to visit so often after that that we had to set up regular visiting days to keep him from making the trek accross town on his own — very very smart that dog as well as being the bestest friend a kid could ever have!
Will head to Urgent Care tomorrow to get the spouse’s ear looked at; I think we both needed a mental health day. We did get out to find a really nice card for his folks for their 50th anniversary at least.
Been looking at all the march photos and getting more and more jealous… :'(
I now have two books from the library by none other than our own kansas–“Say No to Murder” and ” Storm Warnings”.
Enjoying them muchly.
Oooh, I want to read books by kansas!!
Will I find them in my library? “Storm Warnings” is such an awesome title!!
If they have them in my buttfuck,VA library-then you can surely find them in Austin! Only prob is,they are too short!
Does your library have an online catalog for you to check now? I’d be pretty shocked if they don’t have her books.
At my library you can request that anytime one of kansas’s books come out a hold is placed automatically (the guy who places the holds sits in the next cubicle to mine).
We only do that for the popular authors.
I am one of those people that disappears completely into a huge fat book- ie. The Raj Quartet– –Paul Scott- think it is thousand pages or so– or Neal Stephenson’s — Baroque Cycle— the Raj Quartet is where PBS got –‘The Jewel in the Crown’– but the whole thing is just– well hypnotizing. The Jewel in the Crown is only one of the four.
OMG–I just walked into a spiderweb with a GIANT spider- had to yell for help
Accck! AK! AAAAAkkkk!
This is the trouble with living in a house with cathedral ceilings- poor hub heard me yell and came right to the rescue-broom in hand!More than half asleep–MY HERO!
I wonder if there is a setting that could be switched so the first in the drop-down list is 4 and the last 0.
Maybe at other sites having the low numbers first makes sense. But not here (unless it can’t be changed).
Actually,I have never seen a troll here – not yet. But give it time- there weren’t any at the Whiskey Bar either at first,or at Kos.