Update [2005-9-24 10:50:46 by susanhu]: Note from Susan: I replaced this with a new thread so that the story shows up on our BoomanTribune RSS feed — so other blogs and media can pick up our stories. A shortcoming of the system: If we promote diaries, they don’t show up on the RSS feed. Sigh.]
Post March-related stories, comments, links here.
March? This is September. How do you expect me to remember what happened in March?
the two things I always remember about ‘March’ are my sister’s birthday and unfortunately my ex-husbands birthday.
I see bunnies.
Big chocolate bunnies.
carry on, OVER.
The bunnies are looking for homes.
the two things I always remember about ‘March’
The two things I remember are:
Glad those days are behind me! lol
They say: “God loves the Infantry!”
I say: “Nice comfy couch! Pass me a beer…”
Please recommend Real History Lisa’s diary at Kos … i think she’s going to cross-post it here too. It’s important.
I hope she does post that diary here. I wasn’t holding out much hope the March would be covered but with Rita and the media’s obsession with thinking they can only cover one frigging story at a time I suspect C-span will be it.
CSPAN coverage @ 11:30 EDT.
Please see my diary at Kos for media contact numbers. I fear Hurricane Rita will blow all march coverage out of the water. Ask them to give a portion of their time to saving lives in a different way by covering the anti-war movement.
Contact numbers in the comments in this post:
Already did… Will spend somee time calling later tonight.
I already sent 7 Emails last week to C-span in the hopes they would cover it. Apparently they will. Putting the phone numbers here so it is easy for everyone to particapate.
We don’t have to be on the ground in Washington to make a difference.
To call the media and demand that they cover the march, use the following numbers:
ABC News
CBS News
Fox News Channel
We all know Rita is the “BIG SHOW” right now. But I have seen the media cover 2 “missing pretty white women” at the same time. I am certain they can manage to cover both Rita and the March…
Make certain they know it too! And if you want brownie points, mention the fact that their coverage of Katrina was exceptional. Most of the media deserves a pat on the back for that. (professional suck up here…)
P.S.: I took the time to recommend your diary and rate everyone a perfect 4 too…
I actually read it too! (Even though I think it is safe to say that if susanhu said to recommned it, there was no need too! lol jk)
Some things are well worth the effort.
Don’t miss Larry Johnson’s new story below. He got relegated below the new weekend threads, but it’s quite good. My favorite part is his section titled, “Yugoslavia on Crack.”
I’m going to lie down for a bit. Call me if anything is happening.
Just kidding. Have a well-deserved rest!
I watched NOW on PBS. Very, very good … the first part was about what idiots people are to build right on the edge of a beach and what bigger idiots we taxpayers are to pay for them to rebuild everything every time. Grrrr.
The second part was about a documentary filmmaker who covered people rescuing PETS in NOLA. And they interviewed a guy from HSUS who said it’s a health care issue — let people take their pets with them because 1) people will risk danger to go back and get their pets rather than let them starve to death, 2) it’s a health issue since dead animals spread e coli and flies, and 3) dogs revert to a pack mentality and can be very aggressive. He said he was in Sri Lanka last year and among their biggest problems, post-disaster, are packs of dogs roaming everywhere and biting people. (Not to mention that it’s cruel .. at a student dorm, three dogs who’d been tied up to a railing threw themselves over the railing and all hung themselves.)
mlk has posted pics.
Mothers Plan Opposing War Marches on D.C.
There will be Communists there tomorrow. I read on a mailing list that one of the Commies called the Ed Schultz show today and told him that they support the insurgents because they’re fighting Bush.
Just for tomorrow: Revive the COLD WAR!
This thread over at dKos is sending chills down my spine.
Probably tin-foil-hattery at its finest (or worst), but…
(warning for dial-up users: it is a huge thread now)
If it’s that huge, can you summarize it for us? 25 words or less, buster!
I don’t think I can do it in that few, so I’ll just steal the ‘above the fold’ portion of his diary:
And he did put it under his copyright, so I will again provide the link.
shtfrbrains is probably fightened the Bastille will be stormed, Cat 6.
Oh that one. It IS huge. I linked it in the story about BooMan calling, and I told him about it on the phone. He said he’s been studying people, but hasn’t spotted anybody he’d think is undercover.
Who knows .. maybe Granite Shadow is over? Is it still going on this weekend?
Wow, I don’t know how I missed that. My bad 🙂
I don’t know anything more about ‘Granite Shadow’, unfortunately.
But BooMan’s a smart dude. He’ll be fine.
Hi friends, I just got to Columbia, Md. It’s 1 am eastern time and I gotta get some winks ;o)
I just have to find the nearest Metro stop before I crash. And, OH YEAH! I have to check out the pictures from Cap City Brewery.
Good night all :o)
at the spouse — tried to talk him into calling in sick today (hell, he’s been off for 2 months, one more day isn’t going to kill him) to go get his left ear looked at, but he wouldn’t do it — so now, instead of coming up to SF and join the maddening throngs, we’re going to be holed up at the Urgent Care Center at the clinic, waiting to see if it’s an ear infection or just good old fashioned sinusitis. 🙁
Will be with all the marchers in spirit — and if you’re going to the SF event, by all means take transit; there’s a “Love Parade” on Market Street Saturday morning, the SF Blues Festival is going on somewhere in the City, and Green Day is at SBC Park tomorrow evening.
SF Bay Area transit info here…
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is there any chance you could put the “March Thread” on top of the front page?
Seems as though if we want the networks to cover the march, it should be the first priority here.
Just wanted to let ya’ll know that TruthOut.org is live blogging the march as well — they did an EXCELLENT job reporting from Camp Casey in Crawford, with videos and pics and everything!
MSNBC just did some coverage of DC march. They showed a candle light vigil last night and talked of the March today and that Cindy Sheehan is the “headliner”. Also gave the wingnuts support the troops side. One wingnut said, “We must stay the course because if we lose the war, we will lose all our freedoms”. Say what? At least they are giving it a little air time. Let’s keep a close watch on them.
I am so stoked for the march here. It is at 2pm pdt. I have no idea what kind of turnout there will be but will keep you posted when I get back home.
Trains out of NYC have been “delayed” since at least as early as 6:40 a.m. The place was packed and there were lots of people holding signs for the march (my favorite: Make Levees, Not War). I went up to one of the groups and they said that they sat on a train for 2 hours before they were told to get off. They told me that they were told that some electrical repair was done on the route between NYC and Trenton, NJ….suggested that it was elective. I spoke to a couple of folks and the concensus was that the timing of the repair seemed, how you say, convenient. I also saw a very white, red-faced idiot who was saying something to three cops about the protesters signs being “fire hazards.” Fortunately, the cops were looking at him like he was insane. The signs were still there when I left.