The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
How many times a day do we seize on any news — any news at all — as a possible sign that our country will be saved from the Neocons? And that our values and our ethics — and our nation’s embodiment of those values and ethics in uplifting government standards and programs, from the Endangered Species Act to adequate unemployment insurance and federal housing programs — are being preserved?
So, when I see today’s headlines in the nation’s newspapers that Rita was not as destructive as Katrina, I am thrilled. And not just for the people of Texas and Louisiana. But for the lessening of the still-staggering amount of federal aid that will be required to rebuild these regions. And that’s not because I don’t want the federal government to be burdened, but because I don’t want the Republicans to have more excuses to dredge, cut off, and destroy the tributaries and rivers and creeks trickling out from the federal government to all people, just as has happened to the Mississippi River.
Peter Daou begins his essay, “The Ethics of Iraq: Moral Strength vs. Material Strength,” with this: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Matthew 16:26
Why else did all of you here march yesterday, if not for that sentiment deep in your souls?
For the left (broadly speaking), America’s moral strength is of paramount importance; without it, all the brute force in the world won’t keep us safe, defeat our enemies, and preserve our role as the world’s moral leader.
An’ how many times can a man turn his head,
An’ pretend that he just doesn’t see?
And so, when I am lifting my finger to the wind, and searching for any hopeful sign, I smile when I see a story like this because I know that the American people are, albeit a bit late, getting it:
Bush plea for cash to rebuild Iraq raises $600
An extraordinary appeal to Americans from the Bush administration for money to help pay for the reconstruction of Iraq has raised only $600 (£337), The Observer has learnt. Yet since the appeal was launched earlier this month, donations to rebuild New Orleans have attracted hundreds of millions of dollars.
The public’s reluctance to contribute much more than the cost of two iPods to the administration’s attempt to offer citizens ‘a further stake in building a free and prosperous Iraq’ has been seized on by critics as evidence of growing ambivalence over that country. … (From The Observer (UK) reporter Mark Townsend — in Houston! — on Sept. 25, 2005, via The Daou Report
An’ how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
An’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
An’ how many dead will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
Continued BELOW:
There are other little signs every day. You see those signs, your heart beats faster, and you share what you’ve seen with us here. We all search and pray that we’re not just deluding oursselves into being hopeful. But, at the least, no matter the outcome … at least we have left, if nothing else, our quests for fairness and a decent opportunity for every American.
It is ours — not theirs — that is the noble cause. You all expressed and embodied this noble cause yesterday with your feet, your voices, your words, and your reaching out to each other and beyond.
And Army Capt. Ian Fishback embodied our noble cause when he “told his company and battalion commanders that soldiers were abusing Iraqi prisoners in violation of the Geneva Convention [although], he says, they told him those rules were easily skirted.” And he further embodied that noble cause when he wrote, in constructing a chronology, that “that Army guidance was ‘too vague for officers to enforce American values‘.”
This summer, after weighing the possible effects on his career, he stepped outside the Army’s chain of command and telephoned the Human Rights Watch advocacy group.
He later met with aides on the Senate Armed Services Committee. On Friday, he authorized them to make public his allegations, along with those of two sergeants, of widespread prisoner abuse they had witnessed when they served in Iraq in 2003 and 2004 as members of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division.
Within hours, the Army announced it had opened a criminal investigation.
The review is the first major investigation by the military of widespread prisoner abuse outside the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, and the first time such a review has targeted soldiers in the regular Army rather than the National Guardsmen and reservists in the Abu Ghraib case.
But for Fishback, whom friends describe as a deeply religious Christian and patriot who prays before each meal and can quote from the Constitution, the ordeal may be just beginning.
Los Angeles Times, Sept. 25, 2005 (sub. free)
A true Christian, he is. With a noble cause. Matthew would be pleased.
For him and ours — for our noble cause — we’ll never give up, and we’ll keep marching, and we’ll keep seeking and yearning:
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they’re forever banned?
Dylan lyrics, with a nice history of the song.
What else can I say Susan but BRAVO!!!!! Standing ovation my friend. I hope you cross posted this at dkos. Post a comment would you so we can at least show our appreciation seeing the front pages you put up don’t include a recommend button.
Heart and soul, love and commitment, passion and hope. May we all keep these words in our heart. We will need them to continue on.
Thank you 🙂
The unabashed enthusiasm and love emanating from every single person here is so contagious that it’s impossible not to be inspired by ALL OF YOU!
C-posted at Daily Kos.
Leaving shortly to visit the relatives. Those relatives. Wish me well, and I’ll be back soonest.
You made my day, thanks so much!
Every little story that comes to light that shows the Bush regime’s facade of respectability and competence falling apart is encouraging.
The delusional and irrational nature of the ideology driving the Bush administration guarantees that it will self-destruct under the weight of it’s own dysfunctionality. In short, they will fail whether Democrats do anything or not. It’s just a matter of time. Obviously, the sooner they self-destruct, the less damage done to our country and the world, and the better those that follow will be able to repair the massive damage already caused by these lunatics.
I think though, that as great as this evidence of failed wrongheaded ideology is, our battle, (our challenge to take back the country from the extremists who’ve hijacked the government), goes well beyond the depredations of the Bush gang.
If the ultimate goal is to take back the country and restore the moral strength and nobility of purpose so eloquently described by SusanHu, we have some strategic problems to deal with first; problems that have little to do with failed Repub ideology. Simply put, we have to create a Democratic Party that is a real alternative to the Repubs, a pro-active alternative rather than just being a party elected by default, defined by Repub failure rather that by an intrinsic vision of their own.
I think we are a long way from this now, but if we can accept the idea that, as true progressives who genuinely see government as something whose fundamental purpose is to serve all the people,our first “battle” is to challenge and defeat those within our party who would betray these ideals, then we can go on to do the restorative work so badly needed in the wake of the Bush insanity.
In essence what I’m saying is that, from a strategic, tactical standpoint, the DLC and corporate Dems are are a greater obstacle to our progressive values taking hold than the Repubs are. We simply have to stop funding and voting for these self-absorbed sellouts and start supporting only those candidates that do in fact stand up for our views.
The Repubs are spiralling out of control anyway; we need to have a real message and a principled philosophy that we can articulate fearlessly, and in order to do that we need candidates that can and will support those ideals. Right now I can count on one hand the number of Senators who I’d be willing to vote for affirmatively, (that is, to vote for them, rather than cast a vote for them as a method of voting against their opponent).
It’s my belief that if we don’t do this, (purge the party of capitulators), that in the end, even if we do gain a majority due to Repub overreaching and self-destruction, the results might not be much better than what they are now.
I absolutely agree. Democrats need to get back to a platform that is rock solid with no wishy/washy sorta kinda well I don’t know maybe they’re right in parts but but..
It seems to me you can be a big tent and be absolutely speaking in one voice on basic principals. All democrats should have complete unity on this while also being able to champion certain causes that they particularly believe in.
And I don’t see those principals as being that difficult to relay to the general public either.
Equality/Civil Rights for everyone. (I personally don’t see how you can be a democrat and be pro-life as this automatically starts to chip away at the right to choose nor do I see how someone can say they are for civil rights but are against gay people marrying)
Be pro-union/livable wages.(and livable wages and more jobs mean more money going into Social Security which will keep it solvent.)
Make Education funding a real goal and not some ‘no child left behind bullshit testing’, with funding for x amount of new schools built in each state, smaller classrooms, more teachers hired, repair schools, make sure they have all the books etc they need. As some say build schools not prisons.
Universal Health Care Program-start over from scratch and do this right and not all these half assed programs that are costing taxpayers twice as much for less and less.
And for shit’s sake keep church and state separate and get rid of our new fucken ‘preemptive’ invasion policy.
I can think of lots of other issues that could go on a rock solid platform but these seem that they should be fairly basic to get behind..if you’re serious about being a democrat.
Yes! Why would we want to create a place in the big tent for those who are against equal rights for all, equal access to affordable education and health care and housing, basic individual rights including speech, religion, reproductive rights, a living wage?
How would it advance our progressive perspective to include those who would deny these basic things?
mmmmmmmmgh! *mmmmmgh!
(that’s the sound of effort from me karmically willing a recommend to Susan for this post)
Again ,I would like to point you’all to ‘The Control of Nature’ by John McPhee-he addresses in one section- the Mississippi levees and how it was all going to come crashing down sometime.I made a mistake- on the title in an earlier post- that was ‘The End of Nature’,I believe by Bill McKibben.
It was a disaster waiting to happen, but as MitM-says– the vultures are circling.
Maybe Bu$hiepoo could contribute his salary which he has not done one lick of work to earn?
And he’s loaded! I’ve never understood why he doesn’t donate his fucking salary.
Dashing … later…
More on Fishback:
Frist and Torture: What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?
Time magazine yesterday revealed new allegations of systematic abuse of Iraqi detainees made by a “decorated former Captain in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division.” The Captain revealed this abuse to Human Rights Watch in July 2005. He also reported his charges to “three senior Republican senators,” including Majority Leader Bill Frist and Sen. John McCain…. Bill Frist needs to come clean: Was his office told of the “systematic abuse” in the 82nd Airborne before he torpedoed the new detainee laws?
Linked: 9/24/2005
— via Daou Report
I for the life of me simply can not understand the ordacity of this world in which we live! I was brought up to respect each others rights and values. I was always told by my family to consider the other person in my searching for truths and consequences of things. I am so bewildered by the likes of ppl nowadays an dhow they can simply just turn their head and not acknowledge the facts before their own eyes.
I always thought ppl of all nations did not want to see the poor suffer or the bad things in our world get to the point that we have to have wars over them.
I always thought that the humanity in all of us simply would not let the shit that goes on today go on.
What is the matter about the $600 that he [bush] has asked for to rebuild Iraq!!!??? I thought that is why we are sending billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ over there to do the job. In fact our military does not have their needs met! IN fact Iraq does not have electricity or sewage disposal or gasoline of any worth [being right beside the oil derricks] What has halliburton been doing for God’s sake!!??
This whole mess don’t even begin to make sense of things.
Where is john, Martin, and Bobby and all the rest when you need them!!!??? like the song says……
Where are our leaders of today? There seems there is none..WHY??!!
This administration is all hat and no cattle for sure. My heart is very saddened today for all the wrong done to our world. Whata mad, mad world in which we live….
I always thought that the humanity in all of us simply would not let the shit that goes on today go on.’
I thought so too, but apparently not.
We have to fight every fucking day now- for the respect that every single person deserves.
Unfortunately, I am one who has ceased to believe in America’s moral strength. Weaned on this faith in the 50s, it has been slowly squeezed out of me ever since. The more I learn of the true history of the US, the less I can believe in any version of reality that sees the US government as a force for good in the world–much less as a ‘moral leader’.
The US is a bloated, myopic bully stumbling toward its own inevitable decline and fall, despite all the good efforts of the progressive minority represented by the readers of Booman Tribune, etc. It’s desperately tragic, on many levels, but I don’t see how it can be reversed. The rot is deep.