I’m back home from D.C. Not happy to discover Soj has been outed by some jackass who couldn’t respect her privacy. I haven’t had the time to write about this as eloquently as k/o. Right now I just find it extremely irritating and unfortunate.
It’s a jarring contrast to the situation down in Washington, where people were outing themselves to each other with great glee and abandon. Yet, as Ductape likes to remind us, we should be careful about protecting our privacy, and we should respect each other’s wishes about maintaining anonymity.
Soj made it very clear that she wanted her identity to remain a secret, and I have never asked her for any personal information. Why someone felt it was necessary to dig into her personal affairs, I have no idea. But it will be a great loss to the blogosphere if she closes down her site and stops sharing her voice with us. It’s an even bigger loss to her. She was pursuing a dream…blogging is what she wanted to do. And someone has attempted to ruin it for their own twisted and selfish reasons.
I don’t know why the world is filled with so many bad people that do bad things. But it is. And I guess our job is to try to make up for them. I hope Soj can find a way to continue redeeming the world from the sins of others and making it a place that is just a little bit more tolerable to live in.
I did visit SoJ’s blog, “Flogging the Simian”, to read her statement in full.
I’m puzzled by the particulars of this situation. This is what she wrote on her blog:
“The truth is that someone decided to ruin all the fun for all of us and butt their nose into my private business. I’ve always had my two lives separated – my offline world and my online one. That’s the way I wanted it and that’s the way I set it up and I’ve got my own reasons for it. And someone decided to ruin all the fun and be a smug ass about it and go to incredibly great lengths to find out where I “live” online. And they managed to do it, and now they’re all snide about it.”
I’m not sure what this statement “lives online” means. I am concerned about this, of course, for issues of privacy for everyone who posts here and elsewhere, not just SoJ.
For example, I mask my IP address by going through a proxy server. This is because, as I understand it, hackers can determine your physical address, as well as much more, from your IP address (a hacker could attempt to break into your computer, websites could
keep records of your visits, and tracking software could map a path to your geographic location are some of the concerns).
I don’t know if this is the appropriate forum to discuss this, but here’s a link for those of you who wish to mask your IP address for any reason:
If anyone is in communication with SoJ and has further information that would clarify the exact nature of the intrusion into her privacy, it might be helpful.
Question? I access the internet behind a firewall, from ISP, cable, does that protect my address or do I need another program to do this. I noticed that the one you linked costs, does anyone know of any free programs.
There are free programmes but they slow your computer connection and are generally not pleasant nor easy to use. Your IP address is, I presume, recognisable even behind a firewall or else you wouldn’t be able to log onto a site such as BooTrib.
I consider the $19.95 one-time fee I paid for IPrivacyTools to be worth my while. I hate saying more about it, as it sounds as if I’m shilling for that company’s product, when in fact I’m not–merely stating that’s what I use and that there are legitimate reasons (as SoJ’s case proves) for using it.
We love you and we miss you already!
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Am I the only one who is reading Soj’s post in this way? It seems to me that someone from her personal life has intruded into her blog life, not vice versa.
This sounds to me more like what might happen if, for instance, BooMan and his wife had a fight and she threatened to come on this blog and air all their dirty laundry.
Although we all instinctively fear the unknown, sometimes (maybe often times) strangers can be kinder than those we know and love.
That’s how I read it as well — an offline person who found her blogging stuff. Still a sad situation, but not some random stranger hunting her down from an IP address. I’m sorry to hear it in either case.
like someone she knows found out what her nom de blog is and where she posts. It also sounds like that person is untrustworthy with the information.
This seems a little melodramatic, and frankly silly. I’ve been outed so, alas, I’m going to commit blog suicide. I like Soj’s stuff but I think she’s taking herself a little too seriously. Honestly, if not for this post I’d never had known she had been “outed” to begin with. The majority of people in the blogosphere. let alone the “offline world,” probably didn’t hear about it either, or even care. And if that’s an actual head shot of her on Flogging the Simian then perhaps Soj is not as brilliant as everyone thinks. I mean, how can one be so concerned with anonymity while displaying a picture of herself for all to see? (And if it’s not her picture that’s kind of weird on a whole other level).
Soj, take a deep breath and get back to work.
familiar with her background? She has good reason to protect her identity, and who cares whether that is really a picture of her or not?
I think it matters a great deal whether or not that is her picture on her Web site because if it’s not that’s rather dishonest, and if it is then her entire reaction to being exposed is even sillier than I originally thought.
No, of course I’m not familiar with her background — she posts anonymously. How could I?
worked in intelligence/law enforcement. I think it is safe to say that she has arrested, interrogated, and testified against criminals in the past. And I’m sure some of them are no longer in prison.
Well this just gets weirder and weirder. So Soj fears for her life due to her resumé so to protect her super secret identity she starts a blog on the Internet with her picture on it? Nice.
Honestly, posting stuff on the Internet (even without a photograph) is not a very good thing to do if you want to remain anonymous, especially after one starts to gain screen name recognition as Soj has. This is just common sense. A former intel agent should know this. But the picture on her site — wow — that really blows her whole argument for me.
Well, the photograph on SoJ’s site is not necessarily her. She does not state “this is me” nor does she state “this is not me”–the matter is left ambiguous. I assumed the first time I visited SoJ’s blog that it IS her, as it is common for folk to put a “headshot” on the front page of their blogs if they wish to at all (I did so when I had my own blog, although I’m sure the world would rather be spared the site of my unhandsome visage).
But I do agree (see my comment below) that becoming a prominent blogger is a peculiar choice for SoJ to make if she is truly hiding from those who wish to do her harm. SoJ’s own blog is not that prominent, nor is BooTrib (yet), but SoJ used to post quite frequently on DKos, and it is there that she makes some reference to her past work in intelligence/law enforcement.
I do agree that the entire matter is curious, indeed, but I don’t quite agree that merely posting a photograph on her blog is cause to disbelieve her. What I do question is the judgment of SoJ mentioning repeatedly that she’s hiding in Romania to escape criminals in the States in blog after blog that thousands upon thousands of people read (DailyKos). It just doesn’t seem good judgment to me, as my own advice would have been to blog if you must, but keep mum about that particular aspect of your past.
You are right about that- there is a little fishiness there.
her ever being quite that explicit about why she is in Romania. I assume that she prefers to keep a low profile because of her past work for the US Government. But that doesn’t mean that she is on the run from criminals.
It could be a lot of reasons in addition to, or instead of, that.
Whatever the reason, I don’t really care. Her work speaks for itself. Her motivations are her own business.
Well, if SoJ wishes to hide, I don’t think it was wise of her to give the city where she lives in a DKos diary:
“As most of you know, I now live in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.”
posted here:
Motivations for being in Romania:
“In any event, my name is “soj” and I wish I could tell you more personal details about myself but I can’t. I’ve worked for organizations in the past that have nothing to do with my life now and I’ve got a few crazy ex-cons and others gunning for me, so just suffice it to say that I’m XX years old, I’m an American born and mostly raised in the United States and I now live in the country of Romania.”
posted here:
And SoJ said that the National CounterIntelligence Executive, or NACIC, was monitoring her blog:
So, in conclusion, let me say
“Dear NACIC,
Stop monitoring me. I’m not your enemy.
posted here:
How SoJ determined that she was under surveillance is not explained.
umm- you could do some primary research- you could start with her diaries on Nick Berg on Dkos-does that help at all?
Well, if she gives that much away about herself in her diaries on dKos and Nick Berg then why are we having this discussion about privacy rights? If one can discover her background from only doing “primary research” on various blogs, and she publishes her photograph on her Web site, it’s a wonder her identity has not been revealed sooner.
As I said before- everyone takes a risk- go ahead and google me- you will find all kinds of stuff that I never authorized to be public-this is a risk we all take- and as I said- it looks like a personal problem to me, and that is something that will be worked out–or not.
Anybody’s background is exactly what they say it is– remember Gannon?
That said- you can never hide from people who want to search you out and either support or destroy you. I am very sorry this happened to Soj,but I am not surprised.
Yes, exactly so.
There’s a chap on the Smirking Chimp who signs all of his posts with his Christian name AND surname (in other words, the Full Monty) AND his hometown and state.
And then he got quite exercised when someone investigated and learnt that he was, in fact, a Republican Party activist in his home state. This was on a thread on the Smirking Chimp in which he questioned the credibility of the other members at that site for not revealing THEIR full identities.
Anonymity is a good idea if you have something to hide, or someone from whom you wish to hide. Let us take the tale of SoJ as a cautionary one and learn from it.
I was under the impression, that it is not her in the picture on FTS. A couple of posts by her suggest that it isn’t. In fact, IIRC, there was speculation whether she’s actually a woman.
I have no knowledge of who Soj is, and I will resist trying to find out her/his identity. But now I really want to know. That’s just a natural reaction to what has happened.
I hope she/he finds a way out of this mess so that the posts can resume.
Well, there are some interesting questions here.
Why post a photograph of yourself on your blog if you are in hiding from criminals?
Why mention that you used to work in intelligence/law enforcement on the Net (where your statements can be easily Googled) if you are truly in fear for your safety?
Honestly, I’ve made enough statements regarding my past and present (places of work, residence, military service) so that anybody who wished to, could track me down without much effort. I’m not in fear for my safety, as SoJ says she is, but rather merely wishing to avoid malicious mischief from hackers and other folk who inhabit the Networld–however, if I was in fear for my safety, I would think it unwise to give clear clues as to my identity.
I’m still not clear exactly on why SoJ has chosen to stop blogging, other than someone has chosen to be “snide” about where she “lives online”. Anyway, hope all works out for her and that she’s safe and well.
From Booman’s comment, I assume the identity issues involved here are more serious for Soj than for you or me. I too could be tracked down via Google if anybody really cared. Actually, the same is true for most people, and this fact is independent of the internet. There are credit records, etc. Private investigators do this all the time. Witness Jeff Gannon, just to take one example.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the photo of Soj (who is, in my opinion, rather nice looking) is really just a front: no different than a spy’s alias.
I doubt Soj is simply being snide, and I wasn’t aware that Soj herself has given out any clues to her identity.
Oh, I’m afraid there’s been a misunderstanding.
I wasn’t accusing SoJ of being “snide”–it was SoJ who said that someone else was being “snide”. Here’s the quote from her blog:
“I’ve always had my two lives separated – my offline world and my online one. That’s the way I wanted it and that’s the way I set it up and I’ve got my own reasons for it. And someone decided to ruin all the fun and be a smug ass about it and go to incredibly great lengths to find out where I “live” online. And they managed to do it, and now they’re all snide about it.”
I have no idea to what this refers.
And yes, I doubt that the rather fetching young lady is actually SoJ–as you said, probably just an alias of sorts.
And yes, she has given out clues to her identity–she stated that she put drug dealers in prison during her “brief sojourn in law enforcement”. My question is, why mention that part of her life at all if it’s a concern? If I had been in the British SAS, I wouldn’t mention it on a blog because the SAS have many enemies (amongst them IRA assassins just to start the list), even though I’m fairly anonymous here.
That’s really all I have to say on this diary. SoJ’s decision to stop blogging is an unfortunate one, as many people have enjoyed reading her comments and diaries, so perhaps she will reconsider and return in some form.
My bad for mis-interpreting the “snide” remark.
I ageee totally with your comments.
well that just plain sucks
Soj is one of the best bloggers around and her series on Jack Idema is legendary and showed what investigative blogging is all about.
This is a huge loss. There are a lot of good blogs, but soj is special.
I am in awe of her facility with languages, and the way that she uses it to bring the world press to her readers is something that can’t be easily replaced.
And when she pursues a story, she really pursues it. Her attention to detail, following the loose ends wherever they may lead, is another quality that has made her blog special.
I’m annoyed too. I just discovered her blog this summer, and I look forward to it. I will miss it.