I’m in a hotel room, thousands of miles away from my home, on a unfamiliar laptop and never had a photo diary before. Hope this works. Just getting a few photos out to share with you all. I think the massiveness of this march is from the connections made from one stranger to another stranger where friendships were made for a few seconds that will carry with us forever and the chance meetings that will create a path for us to help lead our lives with peace, healing, love and justice.
All I can say is that I love you all. This is not a war, this is genocide. This is lies. This has to stop. We must march every damn day that we have breath in our lungs. We must carry 9/24 and the people we met there – with us forever.
l-r Tracy, me – CabinGirls boys, Dan O with his dad StevenD, (can’t recall name), Supersoling, BrotherFeldspar, Ryan, & BostonJoe.
Beautiful Supersoling
Our beloved BrotherFeldspar
a thousand words can not describe what this photo means to me. Each time I see it, I want to hold supersoling and make this war go away. Just for him.
I LOVE THESE LADIES (will diary that later after this weekend)
making new friends is one of the great things about trying to stop a war criminal. Justing, RNinNC – aren’t they gorgeous? Great guys! We kept each other out of trouble at one leg of the march 🙂
PastorDan!!! Holy Hottie!!!
This one is for the SFKossacks and HighAcidity
Sorry if this is a bad diary, just wanted to get some of these moments out to you all. More later.
Update [2005-9-25 22:1:2 by Damnit Janet]: Sunday, Teary Sunday
Gooserock’s dog!! Let me tell you, BrotherFeldspar is a fantastic tour guide and dear friend. If he ever needs, like a transplant or help removing some bodies or other “deeds” he has MT, me and SS and Ry to help him out. We walked for miles and hit every monument.
Super – SOULing (some great stuff at the Wall today and Military Tracy, BroF, Ryan and I paid our respects and did a few deeds for Scribe and Chocolate Ink) non-stop tears. More later on that… another day.
What is it was all about. Take it with you and keep it with you.
We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us ladies and gentlemen.
Today was very emotional for us fellow hitchhikers of history and heartstrings. Camp Casey was visited by us several times, I think Super, Tracy and I were being drawn to it. It’s not something one is supposed to walk away from – ever. How can you? You either take it with you or you leave a piece of you behind. Either way… you’re changed.
I’m stronger. I’m more focused. I’m more determined to stop this madness.
So many monuments to war. We need to fill this town with monuments for Peace, Love, Compassion. We need those… NOW!
Goodnight from DC
I must, must, must have a caption for that first pic!!
I see you and Tracy up front, supersoling with the flag, the CabinBoys, and I think, teacherken — CabinGirl is the dark-haired beauty standing next to the boys?
I just love putting faces wiht names — that is, if they don’t mind!!
And of course, this diary isn’t ‘bad”, you silly!
i recognize BrotherFeldspar and your brother, Ryan — who is the guy with the NOW t-shirt? And is that StevenD in the middle? Who is the guy behind the CabinBoys?
My son Daniel is behind the Cabin Kids. We just returned home this evening.
Ugh, one of the worst pictures of me…but at least my kids are cute!
Thank you all for going! Good on ya.
So glad you could march in DC, historic.
We had our meetup last night in SF, will post something later, I hope.
I am sure highacidity will jump with glee when she sees your photo.
Oh crap- now I am bawling again.
Too bad I am not so lucky as to find a strange man in my hotel room though.
How come Tracy gets all the luck? (KIDDING KIDDING)
fuck fuck fuck fuck…one for every day of the week because I SHOULD’VE FUCKING BEEN THERE!!! (despite my fears)
DJ, you look abso-fucking-lutely GORGEOUS!!! (And Democratic guys are DEFINITELY hotter than Republicans!)
The spouse and I soooooooo owe you a Sharks game when you get home…
Beautiful pictures DJ…and so sorry you couldn’t get through to me. I stayed off the computer most of the day so I would get your call but checked in here a few times and of course that must have been the times you tried calling.(and cause I was to stupid to download the Wave program diane/shirstars told me about).
I still feel like I was part of the march though just from what all of you there have sent back to us in pictures, diaries and comments. Thank you all for being our eyes and ears and making us feel the excitement and unity emanating from D.C. and all of you.
Thank you. You all look beautiful to me.
ABsolutely wonderful diary, DJ. You’re ALL beautiful. Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for making me feel as if we all were there with you. The rally/march here was great too. My digital is broken but took the old fashion kind. Will post when I get them developed and scanned.
I admire you for going and thought of you all, all day yesterday at the rally. I mentioned in another thread one of the highlights of my day. I ran into Rich who was my shuttle driver while down at Camp Casey at the rally here! It was great…big hugs from him. Small world huh! Great job girlfriend!
Thanks so much!!!
It is wonderful to see you all and know that you were there representing those of us who wished to be there but were unable.
What a beautiful bunch you are, one and all!
Big Hugs
DJ-I’m sitting in the computer room with tears rolling down my face. Lady Luck was smiling down upon me the day we met in cyberspace. You are truly the sunshine in my life. 🙂
Oh my. . .I’ve been so out of touch I completely forgot about the march. . .(hangs head in shame)
Thank you so much for sharing the great pictures, Janet – you’re the best!! (You must have an awfully generous husband. If I posted pictures of myself on the Net hugging a variety of hot men. . .well. . .I don’t think I’d have any blog privileges left to speak of.)
I hope you all had safe travels and a wonderful trip. Based on the pictures alone, it looks like a memorable time was had by all.
Bless you for representing! HUGS and admiration. . .
“I associate myself with your remarks”, Anom, (watching too much cspan hearings, I confess) and seems I have the uncanny ability to click on recent comments and find the one comment you have made in sometimes days/weeks. LOL, don’t know why that is but maybe it is our physic connection.
Always, always, always, good to see your words here and I still do miss you over on VB…Scribe has a very nice diary over there, you would no doubt enjoy, so…….
Invitation goes out to others as well, don’t forget about us over there…
(Assuming you’re out there. . .)Thank you for the kind words, my dear. It’s always so good to “see” you!! I’ve been immersed in a research project for awhile, so I haven’t been in a position to visit any sites, watch any news, or write. (But something must have drawn me here the day Infidel posted his “good-bye” diary. . .heavy sigh. . .)
Aside from my standard preoccupations, last week got pretty ugly. We were hit by a tornado on Wednesday night – as I stood in the dark asking my husband if that really loud noise was the “train” sound we’ve all heard of. (Apparently it was) I couldn’t be more grateful that no one in our area got hurt and at least our house survived unscathed. Our neighborhood, however, looked like a war zone, and we were out of electricity for about 40 hours. (The helicopters and chainsaws starting around 6:30 on Thursday morning provided the first clues that something had gone terribly awry the night before) Knowing it was such a small event in the scheme of things – yet still so terrifying – made me even more upset for the people on the Gulf Coast and everything they’ve been through (and continue to go through).
I’d be remiss not to mention the actions of my personal hero, Mr. Anom. When the power company told me it would likely be 4-5 days until electricity was restored, I almost lost it – knowing I might be on the verge of losing my biggest client if I was unable to deliver on my Internet research. Detecting my distress, Mr. A jumped into disaster recovery mode and got my computer network (located on two floors and three different rooms) and lighting hooked up to a generator, and continued to monitor everything so I wouldn’t lose power. Then, after working almost straight through Friday to Sunday, I conked out pretty hard last night, only to wake up this morning to a sparkling clean kitchen. What a gem!! (Except, um, in a moment of over-exuberance I kind of offered up some future “gratuities” that I hope he quickly forgets ;^)
As soon as I’m in a position to do so, I’ll be over to visit VB – I miss you and think of you often! Thanks for the heads up regarding Scribe’s diary! And hey – don’t forget – tonight’s THE BIG NIGHT – the season opener of Boston Legal!!
I hope everything couldn’t be better in your world, Diane. Hugs and love! (And a tip o’ the hat from Steve ;^)
Janet, you did a great job with this diary and I just love seeing all the pics, in all of the diaries, and putting faces to names. You sure are ‘pretty in pink’ and the ‘bell of the ball’ as well!
Well my pride in all of you and all of us as well is just sooooooooooooo big right now, love and hugs to everyone, everrrrrrryoooonnneeee.
Can’t wait for all the back stories.
Question, about Tracy, will she be driving into a storm on her way home and when are you all heading home. Can’t relax till all are safe at home.
Janet, thanks fpr the pictures. My wife is saving the images in which we appeared. Much obliged.
Hope your day today went well.
Isn’t DC such a wonderful city to be in? I am sorry that you had to share it with the criminals living there….Bush should have been there to see you all and welcome you all to his home…whoops OUR home. I hope you got to see some of the sights at the Mall close up and personal.
Thank you all for being there and sharing your experiences with us here. YOu get a hi five from me always!….AND YOU ARE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL LADY TO BOOT…
Thanks for the great pics, Janet, and for a view of those very different “pink ladies” from the anti-ERA women I used to work with in Texas some years ago! You all are super!
Janet, it was so great to meet you and Ryan in person, and you were so great yesterday! Way to represent! 🙂
Have a safe trip home.
Now look here,Janet, this making me cry has GOT to STOP!!
Janet, Military Tracy, ShyCat, and all of you…I’m so sorry I couldn’t join the crowds in DC!
I promise you I was fighting the same basic battle, just on a much smaller scale, though, against a conservative ideology that wants to put hatred and division and being “right” above love and acceptance and peace–in my own church, no less.
The whole story of my own homefront battle is diaried here at Street Prophets.
Things broke fast Thursday night; I hope y’all got my message at the hotel and from Pastor Dan and others.
Thanks so much for sharing the story and the pictures– you all look glorious to me!
Ah, well, maybe we’ll meet up at Yearly Kos?
Wow, Mrs. Brown! Just read your thread on what’s going on in your church.
And the first thing that came to mind was Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”.
How sad that this very young and apparently narrow-minded and surely frightened young man is still stuck in the early eighteenth century, 1741 to be precise. Good luck. Good thoughts going with you.
Brief update: (I’ll diary this all later in depth)
I was able to find out that the ad hoc committe that presented that awful report only met three times, never kept minutes, only 7/11 members were there when they decided to go ahead and present, and that the entire basis for their conclusions came from “well, this is what people came up and said to us.” That was it– no surveys, no phone calls, no interviews– just rumours from disgruntled folks already in their circle.
So this weekend we were able to get any major decisions postponed, at minimum, and now we’re pushing for a more universal and democratic survey of the church and perceived problems.
So it was worth it to stay home…but I still wish they could have picked a different weekend to try to hijack the church’s theology!
Again Janet…you are a force to be reckoned with and I join you in the fight. All of you…Super, Tracy, CabinGirl, Goose, Boo, Boston, Pastr and Mrs, Rena, Cabibboys, Steven, so many I will always admire and respect what you did this weekend and the hope you have brought here to us. Now lets get busy and get rid of these idiots!!!
Good meeting you there. I don’t know what your bro was talking about. I don’t see anyone cringing in the photos. Good luck on continued peace efforts.
Dear DJ – I’m late to your diary because I was out of the loop until Boo pointed to it in his dKos diary today.
Better late than never, eh?
Thanks for posting this, and for everything else that you do. You’re so full of passion and spirit and hope for what’s right and good. You’re a dreamer, and goodness knows that we all need to dream. You dream for the rest of us when we can’t quite get there ourselves.
Peace, RubDMC = Jerry