I’m in a hotel room, thousands of miles away from my home, on a unfamiliar laptop and never had a photo diary before.  Hope this works. Just getting a few photos out to share with you all. I think the massiveness of this march is from the connections made from one stranger to another stranger where friendships were made for a few seconds that will carry with us forever and the chance meetings that will create a path for us to help lead our lives with peace, healing, love and justice.

All I can say is that I love you all. This is not a war, this is genocide. This is lies. This has to stop. We must march every damn day that we have breath in our lungs.  We must carry 9/24 and the people we met there – with us forever.
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l-r Tracy, me – CabinGirls boys, Dan O with his dad StevenD, (can’t recall name), Supersoling, BrotherFeldspar, Ryan, & BostonJoe.

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Beautiful Supersoling

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Our beloved BrotherFeldspar

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a thousand words can not describe what this photo means to me. Each time I see it, I want to hold supersoling and make this war go away. Just for him.

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I LOVE THESE LADIES (will diary that later after this weekend)

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making new friends is one of the great things about trying to stop a war criminal. Justing, RNinNC – aren’t they gorgeous? Great guys! We kept each other out of trouble at one leg of the march 🙂

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PastorDan!!! Holy Hottie!!!

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This one is for the SFKossacks and HighAcidity

Sorry if this is a bad diary, just wanted to get some of these moments out to you all. More later.

Update [2005-9-25 22:1:2 by Damnit Janet]: Sunday, Teary Sunday

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Gooserock’s dog!! Let me tell you, BrotherFeldspar is a fantastic tour guide and dear friend. If he ever needs, like a transplant or help removing some bodies or other “deeds” he has MT, me and SS and Ry to help him out. We walked for miles and hit every monument.

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Super – SOULing (some great stuff at the Wall today and Military Tracy, BroF, Ryan and I paid our respects and did a few deeds for Scribe and Chocolate Ink) non-stop tears. More later on that… another day.

What is it was all about. Take it with you and keep it with you.

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We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us ladies and gentlemen.

Today was very emotional for us fellow hitchhikers of history and heartstrings. Camp Casey was visited by us several times, I think Super, Tracy and I were being drawn to it. It’s not something one is supposed to walk away from – ever. How can you? You either take it with you or you leave a piece of you behind. Either way… you’re changed.

I’m stronger. I’m more focused. I’m more determined to stop this madness.

So many monuments to war. We need to fill this town with monuments for Peace, Love, Compassion. We need those… NOW!

Goodnight from DC

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