As I write this, only 12 readers have posted comments on Soj’s amazing blog, Flogging the Simian, in response to her announcement that she is hanging up her keyboard.

I know everyone’s attention is focused on hurricanes and marches, but I’m still shocked at the muted response.

On her web site, here, Soj says she’s shutting down FTS and retiring from most other blogging activity.

The truth is that someone decided to ruin all the fun for all of us and butt their nose into my private business. I’ve always had my two lives separated – my offline world and my online one. That’s the way I wanted it and that’s the way I set it up and I’ve got my own reasons for it. And someone decided to ruin all the fun and be a smug ass about it and go to incredibly great lengths to find out where I “live” online. And they managed to do it, and now they’re all snide about it.

This happened on Tuesday I think, and I’ve been sitting here all week trying to figure out what to do about it. I love writing, I really do – it’s not even about the money or the “job” of it, it’s part of who I am. But I can’t do it if I can’t write in peace. Everyone else in my offline world knows this and respects this. But it just takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel I guess, right?

So what does this mean? It means it’s over. It means it’s finished. Kaput. FTS and everything I’ve worked on for the past two years is gone. I’ve spent all week trying to figure out a way I can do keep this place but I don’t see how I can do it.

I’m not sure what this means, except that we’re losing a very important voice. Anyone with ideas about how we can help her out?