The idea that the New York Times can suddenly abandon its responsibility to the commonweal and the truth, abscond with their billions – firing thousands – and CHARGE us for free opinion is just too much to put up with without an outraged howl. I posted the following Letter to the Editor, after much searching for the venue. I hope it is published.
To The Editor,
Dear NYT,
You have, many months since, ceased to be relevant, decisive or in any way meaningful to the informational processing of this country’s thought. Your front page was once my online “main page;” but that was eons ago. And your Op-Ed pages, as weakly independent as they are, cannot entice me into spending anything on the wasteland that is modern reportage.
Your moneyed day is over, people. We won’t pay for your weekly rape of timber for useless bales of newsprint. And we certainly won’t subscribe to you in online form when infinitely finer thinking (and writing and analysis) is available, for free, on the Web.
We don’t love or respect you any more. Get some guts and gumption! Tell the truth like it is, for a change!
A voice in the savage wilderness.
Although I still actually get the newsprint version, I don’t understand why the Times is charging for opinion but not news items. Isn’t the online advertising really financing the whole site anyway? It is strange.
I wished they had leadership in that newspaper that really cared about what is really happening in our nation and world….they just dont.
When they get their head out of Millers ass they might wake up and smell the coffee. this is so sad to see this happen.
Thanks for the letter…
Their action serves to make their newspaper even more irrelevant in terms of reality.