A few hearty souls braved the Mall area again on Sunday to visit Camp Casey and see the memorials clustered at the west end of the Mall. Here are some of the photos I took.
I’m going to try something a little different with this diary, by putting the photos in the comments below, one by one. If anyone has a question or comment about a particular shot, you can address it directly. There are 16 photos in this collection, just so you don’t keeping waiting impatiently for more once I’ve posted them all.
Brianna and Cabin girl told me this was here..I don’t know how to thank you enough for these pictures, and Janet?, for doing the rubbing of my brothers name. I’d given up every getting to actually see his name on the Wall, and now you’ve given me that.
There you are at last, baby bro..(I can almost sense him grinning and saying, “Well, you couldn’t get here, so I came to you!”)
Thank you all from the depths of my heart. This is a miracle to me.
Dear scribe,
Not to take credit, but Janet certainly doesn’t have hairy, ape like arms like the one’s in the picture :o) It’s me, only because I was tall enough to reach it. Your brother’s name is very high up on the wall and I suppose it should be that way.
It was a very small thing to do, and I think I can speak for all of us who were there when i say it was an honor. It was very touching and emotional and I’m so glad we could be there in his presence.
Take good care
I love your hairy ape like arms! I’d love them if they were Janet’s too! They are loving and caring arms, and loving hearts all the way around, to do this for Jerry, and for me. Bless you all.
Meeting this man who had been to Crawford to feed the weary and hungry gathering there, knowing we were there at the same time……..he had tears in his eyes. I am no great believer in any cosmic plan but every so often something reaches out and grabs you so forcefully by the heart, a man comes out of nowhere at the same exact moment that we were there and reaches out and embraces us……..causes me to reconsider my dis-belief in such grand plans.
Not far from the stone marking the spot where MLK gave the “I Have a Dream” speech.

There is just something about this pic that touches me very deeply-can’t explain it.
Maybe I can explain it. I was feeling very ambivalent and almost confused by our trip around the monuments on Sunday, not to mention sad and angry. I can see now from all the pictures of me that have been posted that the sadness is there in my face. I don’t always look so somber and sad. The anger comes from the way this country exalts itself above all others as the beacon of freedom and justice for all, but the truth is that we are a big third world country with a small elite ruling class with a lot of monuments that lay bare our hypocrisy for anyone openminded enough to see.Damnit Janet said in her diary that there are so many monuments to war and it will be a great day when we finally have a monument to peace, but I don’t think we will see them soon, not soon enough anyway. Not soon enough for Janet and not soon enough for Casey Sheehan and all those who’ve died in this useless atrocity.
Washington is a beautiful place, but it’s all bullshit to me.
I am quite ready to not subscribe to any exceptonalism that the US has abrogated to itself. All nonsense of course- but as NotBostonNotJoe :)–said earlier Howard Zinn has made a great contribution to the debunking of that myth.It was not a big surprise to me -but I am a child of the 60’s, and my big bro was the original war-protester,Woodstock attender,bearded hippy who was — (really) invited to the Manson ranch.
Hope you enjoyed ’em or were moved by ’em. This weekend was very draining both physically and spiritually, but its long-term effects will be very, very positive. We are on the march!
Great pictures, BroFel.
How are you doing today? I heard you must have walked 5 miles going to all the memorials yesterday…the Cabin boys just woke up…
Walking kinda funny today, and probably for the rest of the week. Glad to know y’all got home safely, but I hope the boys’ new-found fame doesn’t go to their heads! That reminds me, I’ve got one more pic of Camp Casey coming up.
If I happen to be in it looking as tired as I felt, maybe you should leave it out, LOL… š
I guess I’ll have to keep the guys from finding out that they’re blog-famous now…
I have been known to walk funny -from different causes.Did I just say that ? yeah, I did.
Back row: Military Tracy, Damnit Janet, and Cabin Girl.

Front row: Cabin Boy the Elder and Cabin Boy the Younger, with the son of jsmdlawyer between them (in a special guest appearance).
Crispy Critters in that picture!
look how cute you all are!
Just wonderful pics, Brother, I can feel the emotions you all must have been feeling.
I wish we could get these various pics from other members all on one photo site, what about setting up a photo sharing site that you all can post your various pics. to. Yahoo has a photo sharing page, btw.
Brother lots of great reports about what a kind and generous person you are, but I already knew that…big hugs to you!
Fantastic idea, and it would let others post their pics too. Naturally, there were a zillion pics taken this weekend, and it’d be nice to have one spot, well away from Booman’s server, where Tribbers can go see them. I’ll kick around some possibilities this afternoon.
for obvious reasons…
Obviously, the Cabinkids have been raised by some pretty cool people.Or so rumour has it.:)
Thank you Brother Feldspar for the very moving photos of Camp Casey. I appreciate the memorial pics with Supersoling’s pointed commentary. Also good to see CabinGirl and her famous family! A beautiful crew: Tracy, Janet, and the Cabins.