Like me, you all love Moscow Times columnist Chris Floyd’s writings — “High Crimes and Low Humor in the Imperium.” This time, he’s interviewed:
Katrina Wilcox: Given the chance to address Congress and the administration, what would you say to them?
Chris Floyd: I wouldn’t say anything to them. The Bush Faction are not people who are going to be moved by soaring words into changing their position. There’s no point in “speaking truth to power” with them. They are utter cynics. They know what the truth is; they know very well what they are doing to American society. And they don’t give a damn. It’s what they came to Washington to do. If they could be moved by appeals to reason, compassion, principle, logic or genuine patriotism, they wouldn’t be where they are in the first place. Anyone among them who might respond to anything like that has already been weeded out long ago. I wouldn’t waste my breath on any of them. …
Then Chris paused. “No wait, that’s not completely true.” He paused again, then continued, “I would say one thing to them, a single question:”
“If we gave you, say, $200 billion in cold hard cash, would you all just go away and leave us alone?”
As for Congress, Chris said, “[W]hat could you possibly say to them? You could only repeat what the Emperor Tiberius said about the Roman Senate, after watching them spend yet another session bowing and scraping obsequiously before him: ‘Men fit to be slaves‘.”
Now, a “rant joke” from Real History Lisa:
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing.
He concludes by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.”
“OH NO!” the president exclaims. “That’s terrible!”
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands.
Finally, the president looks up and asks, “Just how many is a brazillion?”
BELOW, via Howie in Seattle, a rant against the FLOOD of coverage on Katrina and Rita, with nary a glance at other critical stories:
Sunday, Sept. 25, 2005 – NEW YORK – Quite the week, eh?
- About 150,000 Americans rallied yesterday in Washington against the Iraq quagmire.
A decorated Army officer has revealed sickening new details about the torture of military detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Bill Frist is up to his kitten-killing eyeballs in an insider trading scandal involving stock in a family-owned business that was supposed to be in a blind trust.
- David Hossein Safavian, the top Executive Branch procurement official until he resigned last week, has been arrested as part of a probe into the dirty dealings of king of sleazy lobbyists Jack Abramoff — a probe that threatens other leading Republican players as it expands.
- Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather said Monday that there is a climate of fear running through newsrooms stronger than he has ever seen in his more than four-decade career.
- An administration insider told ultra-right-wing rag American Spectator that Bush’s regime is “sunk.”
- And Bush has been hitting the bottle again, according to the National Enquirer.
So with all of this juicy, red-meat political news ripe for discussion, what do you think was the top “political” topic of this pundit Sunday? I know, I know, why do we even bother asking?”
– from American Politics Journal (which has LINKS to all of the above stories). They run down all the usual offenders.
Great joke and God I wish we could give them all 2 billion just to go away!
It’d be worth the extra tax burden to give them the $200 billion.
Sadly, they’d only accept it under the table. Right?
(I changed the title .. I’d started out to write something entirely different, and forgot to change the title ;))
200 billion would be cheap if they would actually go away, but I think they would likely not accept it. It’s apparently the big power trip that produces orgasmic results for Bushco.
Kinda OT — well, it reminds me of the IDIOTS who voted for Dubya (how easily they can be talked into most anything), but I just got this e-mail:
I hope that that e-mail is a joke.
I wish I knew where the enquirer got there source for the booze up.. that’s very juicy.. but of course people are trying to nobble it simply because it’s from the enquirer.
As for Dan Rather… I have to wonder where the climate of fear is coming from. IS the Bush Admin laying pressure on them? Are the corporate sponsors pressuring them? Are the owners conservstive loyalists and putting the screws to the editors because US Media is a big joke and they want the big perks all big corporations want?
Did you see a source for the Dan Rather thing, Susan?
PS. I loved the joke 🙂 I’ll steal it!
I emailed everyone and their brother in the media this weekend because I was so pissed about the all Rita all the time crap. They also did not cover the helicopter “crash” in Afganistan that killed five US soldiers and the car bombings over the weekend in Iraq. They are as worthless as it gets. Bush keeps trying with all that he has to inject a police state and the hurricanes seem to be the excuse he is using.
I wish there was a way to hurt the media in their pockets. I am on a quest for an answer. I threatened not watching, not buying sponsor products and I get the standard form email reply back. I am at a loss. Is our country too far gone to do anything about it? Even our reps are silent/absent.
YES! I am saturated with the flood coverage, and have turned to alternative programming, like that on FSTV or to just listening to the Internet radio … got Al Franken on right now.
I suppose, sigh, that CNN/MSNBC/FOX are getting huge ratings because of the floods, so they dare not cover too much else.
The only good thing about it is that we’ve FINALLY left the island of Aruba! WOOHOO!
Oh, and as you know, CNN et al. aren’t even covering the more troubling stories, such as the killings of looters by Blackwater security guys.
I missed Friday’s Democracy Now! but Darcy tells me that Jeremy Scahill’s report on Blackwater was shocking beyond belief. Must listen to it soon.
Ack. NM! I saw the second link and the reference was there. ^_^
I should have KNOWN that your wer with it!
SORRY! I’ll make a note in the story to make that clear to people.
And someone diaried Dan Rather here, oh, over a week ago. It was quite good.
and stay. Then demand more.
They want it all. Everything.
Another thing Democrats would do well to keep in mind: the Bush, Frist, DeLay and scum supporters, those who vote thse liars and crooks in will get disgusted with the lies and deceptions, they will gag. However, they will look for a less tainted Ollie North or David Dukes type before they will ever support a Howard Dean or Al Gore.
It’s not like the country didn’t know that Dick Nixon was a crook and liar when he ran again.
…willing to allocate $200 billion for these guys is if they sign a contract in blood – their own blood, for a change – guaranteeing that they won’t return to power sometime in the future the way the NeoImps (some dating their first arrival in our faces all the back to Jerry Ford’s Administration). A buy-out that bars them from ever again serving in any governmental capacity at any level anywhere but does not immunize them from criminal indictments should we ever get leaders with the gumption to prosecute them.
What is bothering me most about this fantasy scenario is that I fear it isn’t the money itself that gets them off.
It’s the greedy feel of acquisition and conquering and forcing others to submission that gets them off. And it’s the plotting and conniving and winking and co-paying of all their cronies that get them off.
I have a very acquisitive relative who doesn’t get off spending money. Au contrare. The relative gets off on taking money.
It’s how you keep score.
The financial wheeler-dealers, traders who bet the shop on currency swings or the corporate raiders who take over companies, do it for the kick of power, of beating others at the game. They already have plenty of money; additional gain is just icing the cake.
So, too, I suspect with political manipulators. It’s not the money, it’s the power, the sense of self-importance, the idea that they can do whatever they damn well please because who is going to tell them otherwise. There is no reasoning with them. They cannot be bought off or rehabilitated. They are beyond redemption.
Throw the entire administration in the clink and toss the keys into Lake Ponchartrain.
I would nto give them one damn dime! NOt after the screwing they gave us here in America and whole world. I am so angry at the government! We MUST change the climate and do it this next time or else we are really in a world of hurt. We MUST change the path to depression and the 18th century thinking. These rudimentary caretakers of our world is way past needing to be removed from society as a whole.
I must run, Folks. I am packing once again for going back to Memphis. This will certainly be a very bad week for me as far as seeing you guys at all. Please do take very great care in your daily lives and be safe. I love you all…….hugs…..
PS: either dubya is back to drinking [ as if he ever stopped] and doing the coke, or he has a lot of ajusting to be made in his medication. This has been obvious since once I saw him come off Marine II and stagger like he really was tanked..and held onto Laura. Now when do you see this …he holding onto Laura. It was shen they arrived at Camp David to celebrate the beginning of the war and the dead. Remember way back then????!!!!
Even Kipling knew that “paying them to go away” doesn’t work:
ha! that’s the best thing I’ve read in a long time. The only thing to say to the Bush administration…