I’m not following this issue nearly as closely as I should be (although, I did just add a link to them on the right side of the page a few days ago.) I know Marian from our Central Ohio DFA group has written:

Endorsing (and campaigning for)RON and expanding our membership are immediate goals. With all that’s coming up in 2006, we have our work cut out. Anyone who’s interested, sign up at www.dfalink.com/ohio.

Just a little while ago, DavidNYC front-paged a story about Reform Ohio Now over at Daily Kos, adding that “RON is the most important thing happening this fall.”

The Most Important Election of 2005


With less than a month to go before August 2nd, the blogosphere began to rally around Paul Hackett’s campaign for U.S. Congress in Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District.  Whatever the reason you cared (a fighting Democrat or you as a Democrat just wanting a fight), the world took notice of our efforts while the collective blogosphere set the terms of the debate for 2006.  Reform Ohio Now is the equivalent of six Paul Hacketts… and then some.  

(See action items at the end of the entry.)

Read the rest of the diary here.

Click here to host a Reform Ohio Now Houseparty.