This is why I do not trust the DLC/NDN.
Yeah the “New” Media machine… only they forgot to tell every one that it is turned inwards to attack progressives and to silence dissent and push their own agenda within the party…or whats left of the party.
This the the “messaging” I have seen so far with out even trying to look for it:
What are they waiting for, some DC media consultant to figure out how to get a 15% commission on the ad buys (which is all the money is gonna go to this late anyway)?
Look, that page the you put up a link to of the DNC’s shows just how pathetic the effort has been. A text file for slapping on a fundraising graphic? Same old ATM shit. No wonder it has 0 Comments.
I have always wondered how much of the Dean internet phenomenon was good planning, and how much it just sort of happened as a result of Dean’s unique passion and message. I suspect that the passion and message produced the tide, and some smart folks took advantage of it. Now the Dean internet gurus have the DNC’s resources, and we’re going to see whether or not they’re as smart as Howard Dean and the netroots made them look. So far, it’s not looking good.
I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ACCIDENTAL ECHO CHAMBERS… particularly when this was already laid out:
Daou would like to see the netroots go after the media and Democrats more, instead of Bush. Now, you could just say it’s not an either/or, and I’m sure Peter would agree with that, but I’m more questionable about the media/democrats part of the triangle or equation. I think the netroots already goes after the Democrats pretty hard, way harder than the right goes after Republicans, thats for sure, but targeting the establishment Democrats is as useless as targeting the DLC. Especially as long as we are still giving them money. We’d be much better off tuning the resources into changing the Democratic Party at the candidate and organizational level. With all the progressive money thats been spent, it’s shocking to me that we’ve not seen a 527 effort in this regard.
The newly minted consultancy class has forgotten that most of us bloggers were standing right besides them in the last election battled… we were there… we know how this works.
Yeah, it’s stuff like this that has opened my eyes as to the lack of transparency on the internet.
I am also worn out from the “anti” messaging: anti-Bush, anti-GOP, anti-Santorum, whatever. Concerned Democrats should note that the Kaine-Kilgore race is statistically even in a state where Bush’s approval ratings are low and Kaine is campaigning on the coattails of a popular Dem governer. This does not bode well for DLC GOP-lite strategies.
This is typical of the DLC and if this anti-woman fundamentalist wins then the DLC will shout that they are proven right and will continue to push forward more anti-women Dems like this one
because I read this morning that Salazar will sell out women on Roberts. Plus I wrote last week to the only CO dem running for governor (an anti-women baboon) asking for a reason why women should vote for him. No response.
I just can’t to this anymore. All this despair with no outlet for hope.
So true. I spent the weekend talking to people about Referenda C & D.
If an alternative to Bill Ritter doesn’t appear, I’m stepping down as Precinct Captain. I worked too hard to get Ken fucking Salazar elected, and I can only take so much. Ritter seems like an idiot to me, in addition to his opposition to women making their own health care decisions.
I will still vote for him if it comes to that, but if these are the kind of candidates we’ll get, then I say let their energized base do the volunteer work, because more left-leaning Democrats have carried that water long enough.
What’s that? The conservative Democrats aren’t energized? They don’t have any volunteers? There really is no motivated base of people who actually support the Salazars and Ritters on their own merits?
Well tough shit. I’m helping other folks this time around, even if that means one State Senator, two County Commissioners, and a candidate for school board. Time for the DLC to grow its own grassroots.
Bill is odious. I can’t understand why people like Salazar and Bill want to run as democrats yet not adhere to the platform. It may be that they want the resources and energy of the base. Kudos to you for stepping down as precinct captain if no Democrat shows up.
I can’t and won’t vote for an anti-woman candidate any more than I could slit my wrists directly.
Time for the DLC to grow its own grassroots.
They are a cancer that has creept into the grassroots poisoning everything in its path…
that the Gang of 7 will vote ‘yes’ on Roberts, so the Salazar vote does not surprise me.
only CO dem running for governor (an anti-women baboon) asking for a reason why women should vote for him. No response.
Well, I think he just told you not to vote for him, and I hope you oblige.
Look on the bright side — you’ll be saving some $$ with such crappy “Dems” to choose from.
Are these people so delusional to think that people are going to step up to bat for Kaine like they did Hackett…duh… Hackett was a Democrat…