Recent data from the latest Pew Research Center Poll indicates that a substantial portion of Americans now believe the United States should go ahead and set a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq. Fifty seven percent (57%) of the American public believe we should immediately set a time table for withdrawal. That number is up from July’s forty nine percent (49%) figure. Additionally, thirty nine percent (39%) of the public now believe that Iraq will be “another Vietnam.”
Sixty three percent (63%) believe that Bush does not have a “clear plan for bringing the situation in Iraq to a successful conclusion” (as opposed to thirty percent (30%) that do believe he has a “clear plan”). But quite notably, by a margin of seventy one percent (71%) to eighteen percent (18%), the American public believes that the Democrats in Congress have not presented a “clear alternative for how to deal with the situation in Iraq.”
What does this all mean?
Quite clearly, it means the public is being ignored by our so-called leadership. It means, we the people, have decided– the war is over! If sixty three percent (63%) believe George Bush is on the wrong track, and seventy one percent (71%) percent believe the Democrats offer nothing better– it’s safe to say our present leadership is failing us. The American public want an exit plan, but nobody is giving it to them.
The results also go to show that a substantial portion of the Americans dismiss the president’s assertion that a timetable for withdrawal “will help the terrorists.” After all, if fifty seven percent (57%) believe we should now set a timetable for withdrawal, then it’s fair to say a clear majority either disagree with the president’s reasoning, or believe the damage resulting from maintaining the status quo poses a greater risk than that caused by ‘helping’ the so-called terrorists. Either way, it’s fair to say that 57% dismiss the ‘help the terrorist’ excuse/justification for whatever reason.
What do the people of America have to do for the “leaders” to pay attention?
The public is increasingly growing impatient with the occupation of Iraq. When will the “leaders” finally muster the courage to admit– the war is over?
Meanwhile, a bomb went off in Iraq on Monday, killing ten people and injuring twenty others…..
Great diary and analysis of the trend in key numbers.
We the People – leading and directing our politicians for the next steps we expect them to take.
It’s for the sorry asses like Tony Blair, living in a dome of spin, who can’t hear, yet still gets away with it. Their rhetoric should be exposed for what it is – HOLLOW – and without merit. Their new creed: “we won’t cut and run” is so easy when you let others carry the guns, do the killing and catch the bullets for you.
I have said it before, Blair is more dangerous and evil for the talent he has to convey credibility. He should be put to task for all the promises he never kept. He would pursue peace in ME for Palestinians with their own state, convince George Bush on issues of the environment and climate change, launch an united affort to relieve the African people of the scourge of poverty and aids.
“The way to stop the innocent dying is not to retreat, to withdraw, to hand these people over to the mercy of religious fanatics or relics of Saddam, but to stand up for their right to decide their government in the same democratic way the British people do.”
“I never doubted after Sept. 11 that our place was alongside America, and I don’t doubt it now. And for a very simple reason: Terrorism struck most dramatically in New York, but it was aimed then and is aimed now at us all, at our way of life.”
So easy, reversing cause and effect. Reverses from being the perpetrator of agression in Iraq, to its victim. What a bs, receives a standing ovation.
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