by Col. W. Patrick Lang (Ret.)

The spin moguls in the administration and their faithless lackeys in corporate offices evidently got busy after Aaron Broussard’s on-the-air denuncuation of the slowness of federal relief efforts in Louisiana.

That was on “Meet the Press” 3 weeks ago. Today Tim Russert told the world that the MSNBC website and “Blogsters” had “investigated” Mr. Broussard’s activities and statements and had decided that he had “gilded the lily” a bit in what he said about “the cavalry” not showing up in time to keep people from dying.

Russert ungraciously played the tape of Broussard weeping over what he sees as the “abandonment” of his people and the unnecessary death of a friend’s mother. He then challenged Broussard to defend himself against these accusations of lying and exaggeration.

I don’t want to think the worst of Russert. Let us assume that he was giving Broussard the chance to defend himself. Let us hope that this is true.

The spinsters should give up on Broussard. He will beat them every time.

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Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2