It was a given that Cindy was going to be arrested on Monday. Know many more family members of dead soldiers from Iraq will be arrested too and I have no idea how many times.  Iraq Veterans Against the War and just plain old Iraq veterans against the war are going to be arrested…..they carry scars they will never be able to fully mend inflicted on them by liars and war profiteers and they happen to live in a democracy that doesn’t want to hear them.  Be assured that veterans from the Vietnam War will be arrested and arrested and arrested because this country said NEVER AGAIN and now the motherfucking promise has been broken and nobody fucking cares enough to make this fucking nightmare STOP!  Most of them lost everything a long time ago and the only thing they had left that lulled them to sleep at night was NEVER AGAIN  and the only way they can stay sane is to go protest and be arrested!  Know that most likely at some point I will be arrested because I know how soldiers are coming back from Iraq and I know that it is being ignored and I know that they are sending the broken back into combat to become irreparable and this mission is all FUCKING BULLSHIT and nobody who counts in ending it all wants to hear me or gives a flying fuck and I would rather go to jail ashamed of my country and this government than live free whispering lies to myself over and over again while I put on my Mary Kay every morning in Stepford.  You could see people like Janet and Ryan arrested also because Vietnam and PTSD robbed them of a father and childhood and this nation promised them Never Again and they made the best of the lemons they were handed. It is happening again though and the children of parents with PTSD will have their childhood stolen from them.  The only Never Again people like Janet can give those children is that NEVER AGAIN will it be done on their watch and people ever be able to claim ignorance to the facts that it is and will happen again, and if their voices aren’t heard they may also take that last step towards being acknowledged.

Being arrested is our final calculation because our heart and soul demands it from us and that is how calculated it all is.  It is the only way left now that we can hope to be heard. If our loved one is dead we have run out of time to be heard.  If our loved is in combat in Iraq or heading back to Iraq or broken from Iraq and needs some fixing we are living on borrowed time to be heard.  If we carry the scars from the last morally unjust war or the wounds that are beginning to scar from this morally unjust war, time for us is haunted and a new time must arrive NOW before the boogeyman carries us away finally. We would rather scream behind bars than alone in the dark!  It is like calculating the making of a tuna sandwich at noon.
I have no idea of what benefit any of it will be and the only way to know if you are meant to be one of the arrested is that you will know it.  Most likely you know it as you read this.  If you are not meant to be one of the arrested then you may be one of the observers that will make sure we are not forgotten and that the truth of our stories is told and told until the truth is known more than the lies they will try to tell about us all.

It is likely that we will make our best effort to be present and arrested at the most advantageous places and spaces that will show themselves to us in the upcoming days, that is as much strategic calculation as there is to us.  The price of gasoline and the destruction of financial health will probably be what makes the citizens of America much more angry at Bushco than we will.  They may only support us in any fashion at all because we enjoy a common enemy.

I have read the opinion of some though that Cindy Sheehan may have made a strategic error and I have to take the time to once again let everybody know that Cindy doesn’t have much of a strategy and she never really did.  The facts and that simpleness makes the woman nothing but credible.  She is what you see and what you hear from her lips.  Cabingirl met and spoke with the FAMOUS Cindy Sheehan in the bathroom in D.C.  I guess she calculated that she needed to pee and strategically those public facilities were what she deemed the best to use.  She does have the courage of a lion though.  She has courage and she has conviction and she has a dead son who will never rise from the grave.  

I hope it doesn’t disappoint anybody that there isn’t more calculation of strategy involved in getting arrested protesting the war.  Those of us about to be arrested would rather leave the deceitfulness of serious strategic calculation to Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi and the rest of the fucking liars from hell!  You have to admit they have enjoyed a glowing success from it all so far.  In the end the truth always overcomes and the truth always wins because MAN HAS BEEN INFLICTED WITH THE OVERWHELMING NEED TO SEEK THE TRUTH AND BE SET FREE!

If you are reading this then you are a player in some fashion.  I don’t know if you are a recordkeeper (couldn’t help using that) or a fighter for the justice of those jailed or both.  Perhaps your destiny lies in being arrested for your own sanity’s sake.  What is most important is that we desperately need each other through all of this, and where ever you find yourself in this struggle just follow your calling, do your best, and we will overcome together!