Hi everyone!  Isn’t that neat!  I’m just trying out some of Newt’s dirty tricks to apply to one’s political enemies as revealed in the above The Nation article.

For only a half a million dollars in campaign contributions, you too can be put in charge of partisan dirty tricks working for a political action committee!

Just ask the new vice-chairperson of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Cheryl Halpern! She can tell you all about using dirty tricks:  during her tenure at GOPAC, ole Newty’s political action committee, she was in charge of getting the magical bag of tricks into candidates hands!  Money = access in the GOP!  

The positive words were hardly surprising; they included “caring,” “freedom,” “liberty,” “moral,” prosperity,” and “strength. But the “contrasting words” — which GOPAC said should be applied to Democrats and their proposals — were rather hard-edged: “betray,” “bizarre,” “cheat,” “corrupt,” “destroy,” “disgrace,” “greedy,” “incompetent,” “intolerant,” “radical,” “shallow,” “sick,” and “traitors.”

This is to say that Gay Hart Gaines, the number two on the CPB’s board as of this week, was a leading official of an outfit that advised Republican candidates to brand Democrats “traitors.” She now is in a position to search for bias in public radio and public television programming.

“She now is in a position to search for bias in public radio and public television programming.”

Awww… how cute!  Don’t you love the smell of cronyism in America.  It’s that sweet mixture of shit, decaying bodies, and George W’s breath after a night of doing cocaine, that “shallow,” “sick” man.  

You try it!  It’s fun!

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