Here’s another one. The last one was blistering hot. What? You don’t like being dismissed as useless?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
On Larry King Live tonight.
Coulter vs Van Heuvel
eew vs intelligent beauty
Sheet, when I saw AC’s mug I switched off. Did I miss anything? Like KVH cutting AC a new one.
You missed Larry King with a follow-up, correcting a bs answer by the smirking Repbulican congresswoman.
being sick in bed.
Haven’t even been over to Orange Empire for a couple of days…and this is what gets stirred up?
Look, you don’t agree with marches, then don’t f-ing march. Markos spent 9/24 with his family — that’s important too. I ended up staying home from the SF march because the spouse was sick. Not everyone is called to march — they also serve who also stand and wait (and write checks). That doesn’t mean you have to denigrate those who choose to exercise their right to free speech in a more public way than just sitting behind a web server and talking about how to promote the status quo of the Democratic party by coronating more “sure things”.
You know, I never thought I’d find political wisdom in TV Guide, of all places, but this gem was in the middle of the piece about the new show “Commander in Chief” (which is waiting on the DVR for me and the spouse):
“The show is not nonpartisan. It’s antipartisan. We hate both parties. The country is not their first interest — they are their first interest.”
Yeah, I’m rambling — probably means I need to get my ass back into bed and dream of Tom Delay in an orange jumpsuit…
that life is back to normal in the MSM — Rita Cosby is talking about the Holloway case again/still/forever and ever amen….
Hay, I thought that you were going back to bed. 😉
someone dismisses me to lick their boots! I feel my humor returning so long as I just don’t really think about it too hard.
Spankings and boots! This has the makings of a great thread! 😉
“These boots were made for walking….”
Why, Brother F, is that a picture of Condi’s new footwear?
I would have never pegged you as a submissive.
You have top written all over you. An act?
Dance, Scotty, dance.
OMFG…Scottie needs a vacation. This president has done so much for the people of America. Tell that to the 2 million plus homeless people, tell that to the families that lost loved ones in New Orleans while he golfed, tell that to Cindy Sheehan and all the families that have lost loved ones in Iraq for NOTHING.
By the way….another subject. I hater Ann Coulter, She is a worthless mouthpiece for the right and she really made an ass out of herself on Larry King. The other reporter(sorry I forgot her name) was eloquent and kept her composure but looked at Larry a couple of times and just rolled her eyes. It was great!
Funny you should mention New Orleans…
Even now, they simply cannot admit that they’ve made mistakes.
Admitting mistakes is against the GOP rules. Just ask Tom Delay!
“stench of corruption”?
“arrogant use of power”?
“flouting rules and sometimes laws”?
These are not phrases you heard from the tightly compressed lips of the mainstream media even a few weeks ago. The crack in the facade has been ripped open, the dam is breaking, Toto has pulled back the curtain–and watch for the piling-on by those great practitioners of pack journalism.
Oh, it’s going to be a lovely autumn.
Anybody else out there feeling battered? Our country is in the throes of ‘battered spouse syndrome’—-hide or fight–stand up or get mowed down.
I vote to stand and fight.
Battered spouse syndrome it is indeed. I’m used to getting my ass kicked by the other side. It’s being slapped around by by “our” side that has me stunned.
Yesterday, to my infinite amusement, Kos posted a long anti-feminist rant, immediately followed by his bewilderment at the lack of support by women for some Democratic candidate or other.
Put two and two together, and there is hope for the “reality”-based community yet.
I felt that way yesterday but I’m ba-ack today to stand up and fight.
illegitimati non carborundum– Don’t let the bastards wear you down! (Dunno if that is grammatically correct- Latin grammar is beyond me– but it has a lot of nice hard consonants).
Starting to feel as if they have gone from fine sandpaper to very coarse, lately!
Booman is playing with fire. I’m gettin’ my kettle corn ready for the fireworks show.
Top shelf diary.
Due to that diary I finally just officially removed DKos as my homepage in firefox.
MLW and Booman are my first and last stops each day.
I am not done with DKos, but I am really sick of being told I am not valid by someone with half the actual political experience I have.
Welcome beagleandtabby!! Does the name indicate your canine preference? If so we’ll have to chat beagles in the Froggy Bottom Cafe here sometime. My “bad boy” is 15 year old Henry.
a three year old beagle.
tabby passed right before last years election. I was explaining to her the importance of the election two or three days before it happened and what it would mean if Kerry won and what it would mean if Bush won and two nights later she went out and got hit by a car. We decided she new Bush was going to win and didn’t want to stick around in this world.
We now have two new tabbies, but my blog name has always been beagleandtabby so I stuck with just tabby.
welcome beagle and tabby. Glad to have you here. Just jump right on in and enjoy yourself and we will certainly get to know you better. Hugs and again, welcome……..
So Booman just jumped into the fire over there again. I had been there trying to find a diary that moiv referred to in another thread and happened upon boo’s. Stayed around to see how it developed. Surprise…suprise. Now its waayyy past my bedtime. I know kos is busy and all, but why doesn’t he EVER join in? Its kind of sad seeing Armando have to carry his water all the time.
that this comment from Armando is quite hilarious.
Isn’t that incredible? he actually blames k/o for the current condition of the site? Are they so powerless over there that they can’t get control of the situation?
Armando’s pulling a Republican tactic: blame someone else for your own failures. That’s not pretty.
Do you all think this was a serious comment? I didn’t read it that way, but I wasn’t around when k/o was on the front page, so I dunno.
It was snark, which is what passes for serious discussion over there these days.
There’s a lot of denial over there. Some things never change. That’s unfortunate.
Excuse me, but do you no where I can find a reality based community?
This man is a complete tool of the DLC.
i’m too tired/distracted/ADD/whatever to really do this right now, but i am wanting to hunt down this business of earle’s failed indictment against hutchison.
any texans with the inside scoop? smoking gun doesn’t seem to have any info on it. beyond that, i’ve only gotten as far as this silly bio page:
which is unsourced. according to it, though, her husband was a colleague of our very own Albertorquemada at vinson & elkins.
oh, and this christian science monitor article:
it just seems like we will hear no end of this story, so i thought we might as well start diggin…
speaking of digging…here’s a fun one for the tinfoil hat-inclined. last saturday – rally day – a crane operator dropped a beam on some power lines that knocked out the amtrak service for a few hours. if anyone is feeling energetic and cares to snoop around, i found some interesting-looking links with this google search:
It’s late, and folks are all het up over various things, so I thought it time to drop some cornball humor into the mix. Significance here is that this came from the very Republican father of an old friend:
Yes, I know it’s a groaner, but when the Repubs are joking about the price of gas, I begin to sense a shift in overall political attitude.
from ronnie earle
Whew. Whew.
I have a feeling that one is going to be a sig line favorite very soon…
I find it amusing that people chastise the Log Cabin Republicans for being non “purist” and part of a team “Movement” that is set out to destroy them…yet at the same moment try to promote this self extinction phenominon amongst “special interest” groups in the Democratic party.
It is just as ridiculous for Democratic women to support the Casey’s and Kaine’s as it is for Dreier and other Gay Republicans to support DeLay and Bush.
And for all of Dreier’s loyality it took one second for them to throw him overboard because he is GAY. This is why Kos and the DLC/NDN are SOOOOO wrong. “special interests” groups did not fall off of the turnip truck yesterday… we see Kos and Rosenberg and Al From for who they really are… OPPORTUNIST… out to make a buck. They could not give a hoot about civil rights of Americans as long as they sit their butts in a seat of power.
So I hope that people like Meteor Blades takes a good long look at a dejected Dreier and has a long discussion with his friends.
Recent events have changed my mind. But I, too, had been skeptical about protests. My skepticism began in the year 2000.
The WTO protest in Seattle had occurred. I had not followed the WTO protest closely. I had learned enough about it to generally agree, in principle, with the protesters. The media began reporting that there were plans being made by the same groups to protest the Republican National Convention — AND the Democratic National Convention.
It was the planned protests of the Democratic National Convention that surprised me. What to protest? OK. I’ll accept that there will be people at this Convention that can make a difference. Visible protesters could make a difference, right? But what specific ‘difference’ is the goal? I found myself glued to the morning news shows, looking for the protest reasons.
Warning: I do not remember which of the events it was. I do not recall names or networks. So any quotes at this point are paraphrased from memory. But this really did happen.
Finally I saw a protester being interviewed. The protester was a young woman, an organizer working with an ‘umbrella’ group that had taken responsibility for organizing many smaller interest groups. I do not know which ‘umbrella’ group. I tried to research this but found there were several at the time. Perhaps one of the groups mentioned in this article: Perhaps ‘Just Act’ itself.
The interviewer asked her what was being protested. The answer was somewhat dismissive. “Oh, a variety of things”. The interviewer attempted to get more detail, and none was provided. There was talk about being confined to protest pits. There was talk about how much fun protesting was.
The young lady was asked about some protest activities that had resulted in arrests. The answer was again somewhat dismissive. “Oh, some anarchists showed up and caused some trouble.” Her next words were something about the anarchists ruining the fun (or maybe she even said “party”).
I was floored. What were they protesting? Some issue I should support? No answer was given. Why were there arrests? No issue was mentioned. I was left with the impression that thousands of kids had showed up to party and their party was ruined by arrests.
It occurred to me that the media might be suppressing coverage on the various issues being protested, and that this young lady was complicit – or at least a pawn. I considered that the young woman might have just been too inexperienced to understand that the media time she received was a precious opportunity. But, and the saddest thing for me: I finally decided against all of that. I retained only the impression that the coverage was probably fair. And that modern protesting was nothing more than a big party. And I was so disappointed.
I know this is a long story. I know my facts are sketchy. But I offer it only as a possible explanation for anti-protest opinions recently expressed. I think maybe a lot of people’s opinions about protesting were formed, reinforced, or at least re-shaped as mine were, during the year 2000, during these events. I have changed my mind. Others may not.
exactly how many “#2 men” can al qaeda have?!?!
it’s a good read.
I check out Kos all the time. I’ve been watching this march fiasco over there (and now here). Just read Booman’s diary over there and it was awesome as usual. I come over hear and read a ton of “Markos is a shithead” comments.
I then realized I don’t have much of an opinion about Markos himself and wondered why? I mean I go to that site and read all the time? Then I figured it out… I could count on one hand the total number of diaries written BY Markos that I’ve read in the past year.
Then I realized, I don’t go there because of him, I usually don’t listen or read a damn thing he says! I go there for the diaries and the comments.
I guess it’s just me… But after reading all of the comments here, I’m glad I don’t read his stuff, I might end up despising him as well!
but the house is voting today on a bill regarding endangered species – please call your rep and make sure they are voting against pombo’s bill.
protect endangered species