Before he was (s)elected to office the preznit had been quoted as saying that “I don’t think our troops ought to be used for what’s called nation-building. . . . “
Something that rings true amongst most Americans, right?
In his ascendency speach following his second installment to the throne, refered to by some Americans as the “Diebold Debachle” (which was preceded by the highly partisan “Scotus Appointment” era) the preznit, much to the worry of many alarmed Americans and even some in the media, made dozens of references to his one and only reason left to have blundered into Iraq that had not been completely debunked as a minor justification to replace the other debunked lies:
Are you weary yet?
Click on to get down and dirty with some ACTION!
The internet is littered with articles showing strong concern for the preznits huge change in policy towards supporting nation building. Alarm bells sounded off in every corner of America after that infamous speach.
The echoing ring of these bells has grown since then, and poll after poll has shown that it is a sure sign that America is in total disagreement with bush’s policies, and the direction of the country lately. Zogby’s impeachment question showed a serious faultering of any support for the bush regime’s mis-direction by a large portion of those polled.
Mr bush: “We are beyond weary!”
Today a poll on the direction of bush’s foreign policy of “Spreading Democracy” through the use of force has been shown to be against the wishes of an overwhelmingly large majority of Americans:
America Rejects Using Military Force to Promote Democracy; Rejects Democratization as Rationale for Iraq War
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 U.S. NewswireA new poll finds a majority of Americans reject the idea of using military force to promote democracy. Only 35 percent favored using military force to overthrow dictators. Less than one in five favored the US threatening to use military force if countries do not institute democratic reforms.
The effort to promote democracy in
Iraq is generating little enthusiasm.
(emaphasis mine)
The bold part is clearly an understatement. Not only is bush polling badly across the board with all Americans, but even his support from conservative republicans is dismal, to say the least:
Seventy-four percent (including 60 percent of Republicans) said that the goal of overthrowing Iraq’s authoritarian government and establishing democracy was not a good enough reason to go to war. Seventy-two percent said that the experience has made them feel worse about the possibility of using military force to bring about democracy in the future. Sixty-four percent (65 percent of Republicans) are ready to accept an Iraqi constitution that does not fully meet democratic standards, and once the constitution is ratified 57 percent want to start withdrawing troops.
Given the large shift in Americans’ views, across the board, concerning every aspect of bush and republican policy I think it is imperative that we try and convince pollsters to return to the impeachment question soon.
Zogby had originally said that they would likely return to their impeachment question, but have since backed out of it listing many qualifications for them to follow through on this issue.
What exactly does all of that mean?
A whacky friend of mine (NeverSurrender) from the Aggressive Progressives Yahoo! group was in the mood for some free-thinking and on a lark called up Zogby’s to inquire “what would need to happen to get them to revisit the topic?”
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Being a business, it is hardly surprising that what she found out was that all it would take is CA$H!
Tell me something folks:
How much is getting to the truth worth to you?
Even if we don’t achieve the goal of Impeaching bush, the lingering question is a powerful political message in itself. It creates a picture of failure just by asking: “Should bush be impeached?”
Is it worth a few bucks? It is to me… Democracy is priceless to me. It is like trying to put a price on the Liberty Bell… You cannot put a real value on that symbol of America and her freedoms. But here, in this diary, you will have a good example of how we can get some Democracy into action, and promote an issue that most of us can agree on:
That smart girl, NeverSurrender, has gone ahead and started in motion an appeal to raise enough money to pay for Zogby International to ask the very questions we all want and need anwered.
This idea is very much in the birthing process, and there is still much uncertainty on many of the finer points.
- What questions should we ask precisely?
- How many questions can we afford to ask?
- How often can we afford to repeat the polling of them?
- “Place your thoughts here?”
I am certain that many of you can figure out some other issues that can easily arise in any grassroots effort of this kind.
I invite you to bring it on in this diary.
Below is an excerpt the Email I recieved from NeverSurrender. All I ask is that you read it and consider this issue.
From: “NeverSurrender”
Subject: Zogby Poll on Impeaching George W. Bush – PLEASE READ!
Last week, John Zogby was interviewed and asked about doing a poll on impeaching bush. He said he would not ask any questions on impeaching bush on his own initiative, that he would only do it if he is hired to do it. I called Zogby and he confirmed that he will do poll questions on Impeaching Bush and related matters if he is paid to do it.
I don’t see anybody else coming forward, so it looks like it’s up to us. If we don’t raise the impeachment question in a poll and introduce it to the public, nobody else is going to do it. And we desperately need this kind of information out there, to get the impeachment movement rolling, to start the conversation, and to reach people who aren’t involved now, maybe out of intimidation and fear, and who need some support and encouragement to stand up and speak out. Once there is one poll and it is in the public domain, more polls and more discussion will follow.
I’ve opened a PayPal Business account under the name Zogby Impeachment Poll. There can be several people “on” a Business account with different levels of access which I why I chose this one, so there will be checks and balances and no one will think anyone (me) is playing around with the funds. We also need a business account to accept credit cards and debit cards. (The Premier Account has the same fees, but only one person can have access.)
If the Pro-impeachment camp can’t raise the money for this, we’re not much of an anti-bush movement are we? THIS would make a difference!
Surely we anti-bush activists can raise $5000 or even $10000.
There is no minimun donation amount, but I think most people would consider $5 affordable and reasonable. If not, whatever you can afford is fine. Shoot, if we get 5000 people to donate $2 each, or 10,000 people to donate $1, we’re on our way. I already have 3 pledges of $100 and one for $50, so
we’ve got $350 in the kitty and are off to a good start. If for any reason this effort fails and this doesn’t work out, all the money donated will be returned, less the 2.9% +$0.30 cent fee that PayPal that takes for business and premier accounts.Please join in and contribute whatever you can, no matter how little. Every dollar counts and every dollar will help.
If all else fails, the name of the account is Zogby Impeachment Poll and the email address is Either one, probably the email address should get you to the right place.
Here are the details of how it will work.
We could either have our own poll, if we had a lot of questions, or we could be included in what they call the “bi-monthly omnibus” with only one question or a few. We would be provided with the poll results and all the demographic breakdowns: age, religion, sex. red state/blue
state, etc.The cost is $2000 for the first question, $1000 for every additional question. (There is a discrepancy on the cost of the first question, it may only be $1000.)
We also need to have people submit the questions they would like asked. You need to take some time with this and try to phrase the questions the way poll questions are worded, so there is no implications or slanting. I have a Zogby poll, provided by Luke/Lukery who started this whole issue going that I have uploaded to the files section of Aggressive Progressives so those members can check it out. I will send the poll to any owner who wants it for the file section of their group.
I’d also like to get a website up, one that looks decent, one page is all that is necessary. I’ll buy the domain name and pay for the hosting.
Is there anyone out there who does web pages and would like to volunteer? (Maybe I can do it myself, but I haven’t done a web page in 3 years, so I’m rusty and not up to the latest technology and I’d like it to look somewhat professional.)
I’d ideally like to raise at least $10,000 to ask an array of
questions, on impeaching bush and cheney, opening a new investigation on 911, the plame case, criminal charges for Katrina, etc.Raw Story
09/21/2005 @ 12:40 pmSays he would consider poll if paid
“I might ask it again, but I won’t be pressured to ask it,” he said. “If somebody wants to hire us to ask it, I’d consider that.”
The Effective Alliance
Join Us & Take Back Your Country
Before you donate I suggest you verify some of the information, as I would suggest for any donation you consider making to any cause. But I can tell you that NeverSurrender has worked hard for a long time in the efforts to get bush out of office and also to, hopefully, get him impeached.
Below are links to some of the other results from the US newswire press release of the Poll that was released today.
And thanks for reading this!
The poll, a joint project of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and the Program on International Policy Attitudes, was conducted by Knowledge Networks September 15-21 with a nationwide sample of 808 respondents (margin of error plus/minus 3.5-4 percent). A full report and questionnaire can be found at and .
“For Whom the Bells toll”
“It tolls for thee.”
Will you answer this call to action?
If you have any questions about the cause and/or the person that came up with it, or you are interested in getting involved? I am certain that I can get you in direct contact with NeverSurrender. I just haven’t asked for her permission yet.
It is much better to do something, even a small thing, when the only other option is to sit on your ass and ignore the big things, like your country crumbling around you!