ePluribus Media article Anatomy of a Faith Based Empire by writer Philip Curtis explores one area of ever-expanding “multilevel-marketing diploma mills.”

A snapshot of Curtis’s conclusions:

In State-sanctioned, faith-based prison “laboratories;” Bible-based mental health-counseling licensing standards; and Scripture-grounded child-care certification thrive in Texas in 2005. Loosening of state standards — and a reorientation to more closely align to evangelical strictures — began under the leadership of then-Gov. George W. Bush in the 1990s, and it flourishes today to the continued monetary benefit of unaccredited, multilevel-marketing diploma mills.

(—-snip —–)

Continuing education credits required by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) … can be met by such courses as:

Satan and The Saint — Studies include: 11 Things Satan Can Do To A Christian, 6 Things A Christian Can Do To Himself, 10 Things Christian [sic] Can Do To Each Other, 8 Things Satan Cannot Do and 7 Things A Christian Can Lose

What do you think? Harmless or Harmful?

Other contributors to the work are: mkt, nybri, susang, susie dow, sawcielackey, wanderindiana, luaptifer, avahome, Biblio, bronxdem, Jill Lehnert, kfred, ricardo4, sue in ky, JeninRI, naderhader, kiw.

Note: ePluribus Media has our “not-quite-ready-for prime time” Journal up at ePMedia Journal  We are pretty excited and would like to invite our many BooTribber friends who have been so supportive and so incredibly helpful to come take a look!