ePluribus Media article Anatomy of a Faith Based Empire by writer Philip Curtis explores one area of ever-expanding “multilevel-marketing diploma mills.”
A snapshot of Curtis’s conclusions:
In State-sanctioned, faith-based prison “laboratories;” Bible-based mental health-counseling licensing standards; and Scripture-grounded child-care certification thrive in Texas in 2005. Loosening of state standards — and a reorientation to more closely align to evangelical strictures — began under the leadership of then-Gov. George W. Bush in the 1990s, and it flourishes today to the continued monetary benefit of unaccredited, multilevel-marketing diploma mills.
(—-snip —–)
Continuing education credits required by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) … can be met by such courses as:
Satan and The Saint — Studies include: 11 Things Satan Can Do To A Christian, 6 Things A Christian Can Do To Himself, 10 Things Christian [sic] Can Do To Each Other, 8 Things Satan Cannot Do and 7 Things A Christian Can Lose
What do you think? Harmless or Harmful?
Other contributors to the work are: mkt, nybri, susang, susie dow, sawcielackey, wanderindiana, luaptifer, avahome, Biblio, bronxdem, Jill Lehnert, kfred, ricardo4, sue in ky, JeninRI, naderhader, kiw.
Note: ePluribus Media has our “not-quite-ready-for prime time” Journal up at ePMedia Journal We are pretty excited and would like to invite our many BooTribber friends who have been so supportive and so incredibly helpful to come take a look!
Hmmm …
Church of St Therapon at Mytilene
◊ Prefecture Lesbos ● District North Aegean
DNS & WHOIS therapon.org ● TheraponUniversity.org
WHOIS results for therapon.org
Domain ID: D3051411-LROR
Created On: 13-Jan-1999 05:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On: 19-Dec-2004 12:27:21 UTC
Expiration Date: 13-Jan-2007 05:00:00 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: Wild West Domains, Inc. (R120-LROR)
Registrant ID: GODA-03749003
Registrant Name: Linda Ratcliff
Organization: Unlimited Marketing
P.O. Box 1094
Crockett Texas 75835 US
Admin ID: GODA-23749003
Name: Dave Reiner
Organization: Host2Host.com
1119 Univ. Dr., #1503
Bismarck North Dakota 58504-6613 US
Phone: +1.7012240190
Email: reiner@host2host.com
Tech ID: GODA-13749003
Name: Linda Ratcliff
Organization: Unlimited Marketing
37B Blackbeard’s Hill
St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands 00802 US
Phone: +1.3407767654
Domain .com .net .org .info .biz .us web
> therapon X X X X
Domain ID: D3051411-LROR
Created On: 13-Jan-1999 05:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On: 19-Dec-2004 12:27:21 UTC
Expiration Date: 13-Jan-2007 05:00:00 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: Wild West Domains, Inc. (R120-LROR)
WHOIS results for theraponuniversity.org
Domain ID: D24335330-LROR
Created On: 06-Apr-2000 18:13:16 UTC
Last Updated On: 20-Dec-2004 11:20:16 UTC
Expiration Date: 06-Apr-2007 18:13:16 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: Wild West Domains, Inc. (R120-LROR)
Registrant ID: GODA-03749065
Name: Linda Ratcliff
P.O. Box 1168
Crockett Texas 75835-1168 US
Phone: +1.7012240190
Email: reiner@host2host.com
Compare with above —
Organization: Unlimited Marketing
P.O. Box 1094
Crockett Texas 75835 US
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Ahhhh, errr, Perplexing, isn’t it Oui!
February 2000
Mike & Linda are Y2K O.K.
We have leased the Wooden Nickel to Mr. Scott Rigall of Crockett. The lease took effect at the stroke of midnight while the whole world was celebrating the new millennium. Mike & Linda were rejoicing in the fact that a new life has begun after 15 long years.
Linda will be marketing DataBases, designing Websites, teaching school in Japan and conducting seminars in faith based childcare.
Mike will be heading up a 3 Million dollar Motel and Conference Center named Samaritan Inn. The center will be constructed in Crockett and used to host seminars, conferences, and schools for Dr. Paul Carlin’s Therapon Institute (http://www.therapon.com).
><>May God richly bless y’all<><
Mike & Linda
[DOC] Directory of Community Organizations
File Format: Microsoft Word 2000 – View as HTML
Therapon University. Research. Alton Adams Music Research Institute … Contact: Ms.
Linda Ratcliff. Title: President. Tel: 774-6080. Fax: 777-4312 …
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DAIRY
Mike and Linda’s contributions to Carlin’s enterprises are given extensive treatment in Part 3 of the series.
I could find a Part 2 of series —
Using Prisons as a Laboratory and Prisoners as Subjects
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I should have specified that the Part 3 of the series is not yet published at the ePM Journal site. I will check on the publication date.
Kelly C. Ruggles
Spokane, WA 99203
2. On or about August 7, 1998, Ruggles signed an Independent Sales greement (“ISA”) with J. Scott Rigall (“Rigall”), d-b-a Pioneer Financial Concepts, based in Crockett, Texas. Under the terms of the ISA, Ruggles agreed to offer and sell securities in the form of units of Alliance Leasing Corporation’s equipment leasing program to investors in exchange for a commission of 8 per cent of the amount invested.
7. On March 20, 2000, the United States District Court for the Southern District of California granted the Commission’s motion for summary judgment against all defendents in the Alliance matter. The Court determined that Alliance’s owners and agents raised over $46,000,000 from more than 1,500 investors throughout the United States through fraudulent sale of unregistered equipment leasing investments in Alliance. The Court ruled that the defendents defrauded investors in connection with the offer and the sale of these interests by making numerous misrepresentations and omitting to state material facts about the investments.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
(see comment: link to Linda Ratcliff in Crockett, Texas)
Registrant: Therapon Skin Health, LLC
Registered through: GoDaddy.com
Domain Name: THERAPON.COM (http://www.therapon.com)
Domain servers in listed order:
Domain Name: THERAPON.US (http://www.therapon.us)
Domain ID: D2248332-US
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Registrant ID: GODA-0987538
Name: Therapon Hostmaster
Organization: Therapon Skin Health, LLC
2081 Dime Drive
Arkansas 72764 US
Phone: +1.4797517345
Fax: +1.4797518947
Email: hostmaster@therapon.com
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DAIRY
Lookeee here!
Crockett is right there inFUCKING East Texas!!! Right along the route of the racist rednecks.
Go figure, eh?
I looked into just one part of this empire: The Therapon Insitute.
No mental health problem left untreated might be their motto. Their program is . . . well, how shall I put it?
A wonderful idea? The solution to lack of parity in treatment of mental health problems?
No, not at all. It is closer to state-sanctioned insanity. It’s the prospect of real people with serious mental health problems going to see Licensed Belief Therapists who have gotten their “certification” by taking a $240 correspondence course. Or possibly seeing a church staff member, who by spending $450 and just 44 hours training, is now a Pastoral Liscensed Counselor. Furthermore, thanks to their former Gov. Bush, the state of Texas hornswoggled at least a couple of their real professional licensing bureaus into recognizing this training for
Continuing Education Credits.
What is truly outstanding, is that they are looking for state franchises, to take in the money, err, I mean, serve as trainers in other states. Sorry, Florida is already taken!
Ok, confession time here: I was trained as a shrink in the old-fashioned way. Years of graduate study. Years of closely supervised work with people who needed help, who had mental health problems and related difficulties.
Wow. I spent 7 years in Texas working on a doctorate in psychology when I could have gone to the Therapon Institute had it only been around then. What a waste of my time. I think I should ask the state of Texas for a refund.
That’s what I hate about all this. Same as the trophy bridge in Alaska — sucks up all the money and there’s nothing left over for levees.
Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in the power of prayer and of faith. But this stuff is just the power of scams.
The list of policies and programs implemented by the Bush regime that we need to cancel and repair the damage from is incredibly long, but somewhere near the top of that list we need to cut off the funding going to these religion-based swindlers.
Not only is the looting of the treasury an important issue with these creeps, the more important thing is that they can do extraordinary damage to regular people seeking help.
The abuse of power in the name of God is perhaps the lowest form of human predation.
I think these people forgot the command to render into Caesar what is due unto Caesar. With that in mind, these people obviously have never read our Constitution, which prohibits the establishment of religion. This is a horrible case of fanaticism and a fundamental lack of respect for law and order.
When I lived in B’ham, I met an enterprising man who made his living by buying little ads in the New Yorker etc. and advertising “ecological” clothes dryer(and other such stuff) mail order.
He thought it funny that he was making a “buck” appealing to those silly Yankees with their tree hugging agendas.
The ecological clothes dryer — for 25 dollars — was of course, either a clothes line or a batch of clothes pins — whichever was cheaper for him with a higher profit margin.
When I read about Therapon, it just sounded to be the same kind of deal. A scheme, a scam, a suckering of the unsuspecting.
When Karl Rove is willing to commit treason to discredit political enemies, underlings like the person you mention follow suit. And then, they claim to follow orders like John Roberts did when defending his attempt to gut the Voting Rights Act in the Reagan Administration.
From my series of GOPWEB diaries —
David Bohigian was named Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives [pdf file] at the Department of Commerce on July 16, 2004. Mr. Bohigian also serves as the Director of the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, where he formulates and recommends policy positions and initiatives to the Secretary.
Prior to joining the Commerce Department, Mr. Bohigian served as a Managing Director of Idealab! . Idealab! creates and operates companies, with approximately 50 businesses in various stages of development. With Idealab!, he served in several management positions for various portfolio companies, including Chief Executive Officer of Ice Jewelry. Later, he led operations for Idealab’s London office.
David Bohigian, Richard Powell and Andrew Stern, founders and former managing directors of Washington, D.C.-based incubator, VenCatalyst, have also joined idealab! New York as managing directors.
Mr. Bohigian joined Idealab! after it acquired the company he founded, Washington-based VenCatalyst. Prior to founding VenCatalyst, Mr. Bohigian was a partner at Jefferson Partners, a Washington, D.C.-based venture capital firm. Mr. Bohigian developed policy understanding and experience through serving in the office of Speaker Newt Gingrich, including during the first 100 days of the 1995 Congress: the “Contract with America”.
Mr. Bohigian received his J. D. from Washington University and received his B.A. in journalism, cum laude, from Washington & Lee University. He is a member of the Missouri Bar Association and the Eagle Scout Association.
by Oui on Thu Jun 2nd, 2005 at 07:09:18 AM PST
TexasCC – Texas Christian Coalition
TexasCC covers the Texas GOP like a blanket, a vast organization has been created in support.
Pro-Family Links
● Christian Coalition
● National Right to Life
● Family Research Council
● Focus on the Family
● Eagle Forum
● Texas Eagle Forum
● Concerned Women for America
● Dallas Association for Decency
● American Family Association
● American Family Association of Texas
Political Links
● Republican National Committee
● Democratic National Committee
● Texas Republican Party
● Texas Democratic Party
● White House web site
● Free Congress Foundation
● Accuracy In Media
● Project Vote Smart
● Richard Neill’s Texas Education
● Leadership Institute
Legislative Links
● United States House of Representatives
● Thomas Legislation Search
● United States Senate
● Texas House of Representatives
● Texas Senate
● Governor’s Office
Ministry Links
● Billy Graham Ministries
● Prison Fellowship Ministries
● Jews for Jesus
● Campus Crusade for Christ International
● Promise Keepers
● Tony Evans Urban Alternative
● Exodus International
● Real Man Radio
● Wallbuilders
● The Bible Answer Man
exclusive to rense.com ◊ by Eric Jewell
by creve coeur ◊ Sat Apr 9th, 2005
by creve coeur ◊ Fri Apr 8th, 2005
by creve coeur ◊ Wed Mar 9th, 2005
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Link 3660 doesn’t seem to exist :: the reason.
Can’t explain here.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Maybe their plan is to drive all us progressives crazy and then force us into faith-based therapy. That would serve us right.