Who’s awake?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Who’s awake?
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i am up, what’s on your mind
I’m flogging my diary regarding the fact that Houston law enforcement took three weeks before they began to take down accounts of rapes in the Dome and the Convention Center from those fleeing Katrina devastation in New Orleans.
Which means that there is now a concerted effort to dismiss what occurred in New Orleans because Bush doesn’t want to foot the bill.
Witness the opinions of Charles Murray in the Wall Street Journal; the radio fulminations of one of our former cabinet members–a recovering gambling addict–about aborting black fetuses to reduce the black underclass; and on NPR, a psychologist attributing tales of rape and murder in the Dome to mass hallucinations. All this in the wake of reports in the NYT and WaPo that there were fewer than 10 bodies found in the Dome and the Convention Center and no one has reported a rape.
How can anyone report a rape if no one wants to take down an account?
We can foot for their boy scout jamboree in Iraq, but hell no for Americans.
Wondertwin powers activate…
Alex Ross kicks @$$…
Up and kicking – Friday, so it’s holiday here in Sudan. Connection to the internet is sporadic, pretty tough for a news-junkie.
I’m here. Sort of. Waiting on the coffee still.
Yesterday was my wife’s birthday. Today is our anniversarry. After twenty years, I still can’t figure out how I let that happen :o)
Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs. Super!
Thank you and good morning :o)
to Mrs. Supersoling, and happy anniversary to you both!
The spouse and I have made it 14 years plus…and I haven’t killed him yet so he must be doing something right! 😉
As would be said in another forum, many blessings on both your camels…
Thank you so much :o)
Mrs. Super is tickled by all the good wishes :o)
That’s great.
Got about an hour before work to decide what photoshop/satire mischief to get into today… any suggestions? Thinking about a piece re: Miller, Libbey, Rove prison love triangle… ; )
Too bad Martha is out!
Good morning friends. I am up too but I really don’t want to be. It is 2:47AM here and I cannot get back to sleep. UGH!
Super, Happy Anniversary! Hope you and the Mrs. have a special evening planned!
What do you all think the spincycle will provide us with today? Supreme court nominee? Wouldn’t that take the eye off the Plame/Rove/Libby/Miller gate? Or is it just the opposite? I have a very sick feeling about all this!
So sorry you can’t sleep, but you should try again. My first waking thought this morning was realizing John Roberts really did get sworn in yesterday. That’s a bad dream come true.
Any ideas as to who the next nominee will be? They really need someone that has no track record to speak of. No opinions written, maybe someone that has not been a judge before?
Catch you all later in the day. I am off to bed….again!
They don’t do subtle. I have a sick feeling it’ll be Prisilla Owen or God forbid, Janice Rogers Brown. That way when the D’s protest they can say, well she was good enough before, what’s the difference now? I can’t believe how badly the democrats have allowed themselves to be led around by the nose on this.
I agree, there is too big a tendency for George and his friends to rub our noses in the fact that they have control of everything. Guaranteed to be awful.
If your first waking thought was the makeup of the SCOTUS…you are spending WAAAAAY too much time thinking about politics!
Was your second thought flowers or a love note?
Happy Anniversary!
Damn….you got me there :o)
Right out in public too!
I’m up, trying to convince one of the kids it’s time to get ready for school…need coffee.
but I’m not happy about it.
the ability to wake up is, without a doubt one of the most insidious Democratic plots hatched in the last 50 years!
Uck. It’s that time of year when you shower and it’s soooooo cold in the morning that you don’t want to strip off your warm PJ-wear and then you stand there and freeze for a while and think about hating work and then it starts to warm up and gets better …. marginally. 🙂
Congratulations to Super and Mrs. Super. 20 years is damn impressive.
Actually, we’ve been married 17 yrs. That’s just one of our anniversarries. We met 20 yrs ago, and that day happens to be one day before our son’s birthday :o) He is 18 and our oldest. To top it off, my birthday is on Valentines day so you can see how it can get a little busy for me a few times of the year ;o)
Thank you for kind wishes.
Hi super! It’s the commitment that matters, and 20 years’ commitment speaks very highly to a person’s character. Not that we haven’t seen in many other ways these last few months, how great the BTers’ characters are. :o) Hope you have the best day possible!
The Today Show led with a clip of Bennett’s remarks day before yesterday! I think all of us that expressed our outrage might have had an impact. Otherwise why didn’t it hit yesterday? I saw a few minutes of him on “Hannity and Colmes” last night. He totally misrepresented what he said. Tried to confuse the fact that he clearly said “black babies”. It made me think about how cool the internet is because, due to SusanHu’sl link, I was able to actually HEAR what he said. He really can’t get around the fact that it was the racist thing I’ve heard in years!!
Looks like he’s going to be on the Today Show in person and will probably try to do the same thing. His smug partronizing attitude just enrages me. I might not be able to watch.
Tom Oliphant (God I love him) was on Imus talking about what a boob Bennett is to try to spin what he said instead of just admitting that he never should have said it and then apologizing profusely.
He shouldn’t even be given an opportunity to apologize. To have said it in the first place reveals that he’s not capable of seeing how disgusting it is and should disqualify him from being given any more visibility. People like this should be deported.
Deported? Who would take him??
Happy dyas to your and the Mrs., super! My husband and I always celebrate ours in October (though lately, it’s not been much mroe than a, “oh, hey honey, it’s our anniversary, wow, we’re still here, pretty cool”, type of thing) on the day we met, because our “declaration and registration of informal marriage day” involved not much more than a trip to the courthouse and then we both went back to work….
It’s disgusting to me that a piece of s..t like him is even given an opportunity to explain himself on nat. television. The only plus is that it will be out there for all to see.
Our DINO mayor in St. Paul is having the fight of his political life as he runs for re-election. Last year this guy, who is completely backed by the Chamber of Commerce, actually endorsed Bush and campaigned with our Republican governor. Now the local D’s have endorsed another candidate who beat the incumbent handily in the primary. Yesterday the DINO incumbent had a press conference where he said that his endorsement of Bush was a matter of principal – not politics and is asking the public to not hold it against him. So he’s running scared from Bush – a sign of things to come do you think?
Oh, and by the way – if this DINO was operating on principle, he’d admit he’s Republican and live with the consequences!
By the way, before you write this off as coming from a city that is heavily Democrat to begin with, I will say with all shame, that St. Paul is the city that launched Norm Coleman. He was this DINO’s predecessor who initially ran for mayor as a Democrat (yikes!!), switched to Republican while in office and was re-elected!! The city redeemed itself though, we did NOT support Norm in his run for senator.
(Click picture for larger image)
Happy Birfday Mrs. Super- Happy Anniversary to the Supercouple. Congrats on all those years together.
We just hit 21 this year– looking back- it seems like we did the right thing-(so what if we met and married in the space of 30 days?)Ohyes,we did.
This morning, first diary I read, I was sorely tempted to give somebody a warning-1 rating. But, I decided I wasn’t awake enough yet. I may still circle back and defend the right of anyone here to indulge in “Dem bashing” to their heart’s content. I mean, “our Dems” in Congress have been doing such a wonderful job of representing progressive, liberal values no one should dare criticize them. <sarcasm>
Miller’s release: There’s been a deal cut, no doubt in my mind. I have the sinking feeling it doesn’t serve justice. <sigh>
Delay: I was so happy but now… a plea bargain, some say, another slithering side-stepping of justice. <heavy sigh>
On a more hopeful note: The closing on our house sale might just, finally, go thru today and then I’ll be able to buy some full-color BooTrib bumper stickers.
just posted a diary over at dKos (that has now been FP’d) that I think is pretty interesting.
I just read that — some good-sounding stuff in there, but also a number of things I take issue with, especially this:
in the end, a cynical electorate is a selfish electorate.
Sorry, Senator, but a cynical electorate is the ONLY way that this is a government for the people — I have been politically cynical and decidely UNSELFISH for most of my life.
Thanks for the point to it though, e, it was a good read (couldn’t bring myself to view the comments though…)!
I’ve stopped, or at least, slowed down my posting at DailyKos — too much group-think. But I went ahead and posted a response to Senator Obama’s commentary.
Senator Obama is my representative, I voted for him and he has a great voting record so far. He is also articulate and an excellent writer.
But today’s commentary is probably the worst thing I’ve seen from him. His call for unity behind a disunified party, his call for moderation in the face of a radical right-wing agenda reeks of politics as usual.
I almost wonder whether he was asked by someone in the party to write this in an effort to quiet the faithful. The good news is it didn’t work. It is the reasons it didn’t work, though, that I find interesting.
I think the DailyKos site too often forgives compromise, discourages strong advocacy, etc. Kossians tend toward group-think and conformity within the blog. So, even when you come to the community advocating tolerance for these same things, the tendency is for the group to flame you. In some ways, Obama has thrown back at Kossians what they themselves advocate –and they don’t like the way it looks. That, at least, gives me some reason for hope.