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Today on the way home from work, I passed by the College of St. Catherine, which is a couple of blocks from my house. There is a beautiful rolling lawn in front of the school and I noticed lots of activity there. Turns out its the local exhibit of “Eyes Wide Open: Beyond Fear-Towards Hope.” Its “an exhibition on the human cost of the Iraq War” put together by the American Friends Service Committee. Since the literature says the exhibit has been in over 60 cities so far, maybe many of you have seen it. Boots for all Ameridan service members killed in the military were everywhere. More pictures below.
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There was also an exhibit in memory of some of the Iraqi’s who have died.

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Some of the soldier’s family members added special memories of their loved ones.

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No words are needed for this one.

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As I was leaving I noticed this soldier had just arrived. I wanted to take a picture of him without intruding on his privacy. I just aimed the camera and shot. When I looked up, he had been wiping away tears. I probably don’t have much in common with this man, but today we shared a broken heart.