Crossposted from MyLeftWing where Sabbath Time is a regular weekly series.  Given the stresses of this past week,  I’m hoping my friends on other sites will find the approach helpful.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI’m tired,
tired of playing the game,
ain’t it a crying shame?
I’m so tired,
God dammit I’m tired!

– Lili Von Shtupp (Madeline Kahn, in Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles)

It’s been another hell of a week.  DeLay indicted, Frist investigated, Robert’s confirmed, Miller cuts a deal, Obama posts on dKos and reactions abound.  One thing is clear to me –  around the leftie blogosphere – we’re tired.

Armando posted about it.  Raybin said GBCW on dKos and MLW .  Numerous other examples of people who are holding onto the last bit of their rope.  I think we’re working so hard, fighting so hard for what we believe, and have seen so many setbacks that even the victories ring hollow – we’re sure it will turn out bad – somehow they’ll weasel out of it yet again…

We need to find ways to rest.

To avoid burnout, to recharge. I think one way is to once again embrace the concept of Sabbath time.  As I wrote in the first installment of this series on MyLeftWing

Sabbath, obviously, has a religious meaning. But is is much more than that.  In his book “Sabbath” author Wayne Muller says:

All life requires a rhythm of rest. There is a rhythm in our waking activity and our bodies need for sleep.  There is a rhythm in the way day dissolves into night and night into morning. There is a rhythm as the active growth of spring and summer is quieted by the necessary dormancy of fall and winter. There is a tidal rhythm, a deep, eternal conversation between the land and the great sea. In our bodies, the heart perceptibly rests after each life giving beat; the lungs rest between exhale and inhale.

We have lost this essential rhythm. Our culture invariably supposes that action and accomplishment are better than rest…  

Image hosted by Photobucket.comIf that speaks to you, follow me after the jump for a place of rest, relaxation.  This is a cool place.

Take a deep breath, hear music that is restful to you, put on some tea or cocoa, pull up a comfortable chair and enjoy the company of friends. This is a place to feed the wolf of peace, to  sharpen your blade – and refill your cup.

It is good that we are together this Sabbath time , I’m glad you’re here – what do you have to share today?
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Here’s that photo again. I find it relaxing. I love a fast moving stream full of rocks. The water has to go around the rocks – the rocks are not moved – but they are being worn down.  It’s a peaceful scene – unless you’re the water… or the rocks… or being carried along the current.

I think a lot of times, we in the blogosphere are being carried along the current – we spend tremendous energy on whatever the hot topic is – and that has some value – but I think it can also exhaust us. Especially if we forget to think long term.  The rocks seem unmovable – but we ARE wearing them down.  That link was to a great piece of encouragement by Roland X on Street Prophets.

Here are some other pieces that I found thoughtful or encouraging this week.  I encourage you to spend some time resting each of these places.  After all (as Morgan said on SP recently)  – “you can not pour from an empty cup.”

The Great Turning – by Renee in Ohio on Street Prophets

Dayenu “It would have been enough…”  by dhonig on MyLeftWing

As You are evolving by pyrrho  on MyLeftWing

Room at the top of the stairs by diane101 at BooTrib

both the cnj “bobs” and the bootrib folks have “cafes” that I’m honored to be an occasional part of – both are islands of laughter and community within these stormy times.  

I’m sure there are dozens of others.  People using poetry, story, laughter, and action to find rest and renewal and strength to go on.  I encourage you to share places where you have found Sabbath this week.  As Red Green says “I’m pullin for ya – We’re all in this together.”

This week – I’d ask that you send some good thoughts and energy the way of folks like Raybin, my friend doggie, the brilliant Soj – who have, for a variety of reasons, stepped away from posting.  I hope they are well.  I hope this Sabbath Time will remind us that we all get tired – and that we can do more, more effectively – if we allow ourselves time to rest, play, and renew.