Cross-posted at dailyKos (where it will vanish in a heartbeat)
— Barack Obama (D-IL)
I’ve been thinking about this tone all day. In my view, there is very little truth in it, especially when one is mindful of the photos and words RubDMC has been posting for the past 269 days.
Maybe America does think the way Senator Obama says they do. But if that is true, I’m just as ashamed of that thinking as I am of Abu Ghraib.
Some more snippets of tone and truth. I report. You decide.
— President George Bush Sr. (R-Unapologetic Empire)
U.S. arms sales go to dictators
Washington, DC, May. 25 (UPI) — President George W. Bush may have pledged to promote democracy around the world, but most U.S. arms sales to the developing world still go to prop up dictatorial regimes, according to a new report.
The report, issued by the New York-based World Policy Institute, found that a majority of U.S. arms sales to the developing world go to regimes defined as undemocratic by the State Department. It also says that U.S.-supplied arms are involved in a majority of the world’s active conflicts.
— Michael Ledeen, holder of the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute (R-Evil Unapologetic Empire)
The Arithmetic of America’s Military Bases Abroad: What Does It All Add Up to?
According to the Defense Department’s annual “Base Structure Report” for fiscal year 2003, which itemizes foreign and domestic U.S. military real estate, the Pentagon currently owns or rents 702 overseas bases in about 130 countries and has another 6,000 bases in the United States and its territories. Pentagon bureaucrats calculate that it would require at least $113.2 billion to replace just the foreign bases — surely far too low a figure but still larger than the gross domestic product of most countries…
However, to imagine that the world would change if they were removed from office is naive. The tragedy is that their political rivals have no real dispute with their policies. The fire and brimstone of the US election campaign was about who would make a better ‘Commander-in-Chief’ and a more effective manager of the American Empire. Democracy no longer offers voters real choice. Only specious choice.
Even though no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq – stunning new evidence has revealed that Saddam Hussein was planning a weapons programme. (Like I was planning to win an Olympic Gold in synchronized swimming.) Thank goodness for the doctrine of pre-emptive strike. God knows what other evil thoughts he harbored – sending Tampax in the mail to American senators, or releasing female rabbits in burqas into the London underground. No doubt all will be revealed in the free and fair trial of Saddam Hussein that’s coming up soon in the New Iraq.
— Arundhati Roy, Speech on Accepting the Sydney Peace Prize
— Tom Frank (in The New Republic)
— Dwight Eisenhower
— Chalmers Johnson
American Friends Service Committee
US Labor Against the War
Peace Action
Department of Peace Campaign
Thanks for the graphs – in particular the lower one.
Military = 396 billion
Cumulative for all the others listed = 352 billion
Imagine reducing the military component – say by half – and spending it on programmes that reduce poverty, improve health and promote education throughout the world.
There would no longer be a need for a vast military and no opportunity for the owners of the military complex to suck all these resources out of the tax-payers pockets. Military spending could probably be reduced even further.
The corporations, lobbyists and corrupt political machinery (yes, many Dems too) will obviously never have an incentive to support peace and democracy for all. All vividly demonstrated in the war in Iraq. But the MSM will not cover such an angle – they are riding high on the same hog.
that the 15% cut proposed by Dennis Kucinich, which amounts to 60 billion dollars, is more than all other nations of the world spend on the militaries. Just the increase that George W. Bush has added since taking over is more than anyone else spends!!
That is incredible.
Great diary, btw.
Democrats’ rising star
Tone, Truth, and the Democratic Party ◊ by Barack Obama
I read with interest your recent discussion regarding my comments on the floor ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) during the debate on John Roberts’ nomination. I don’t get a chance to follow blog traffic as regularly as I would like, and rarely get the time to participate in the discussions. I thought this might be a good opportunity to offer some thoughts about not only judicial confirmations, but how to bring about meaningful change in this country.
Maybe some of you believe I could have made my general point more artfully, but it’s precisely because many of these groups are friends and supporters that I felt it necessary to speak my mind.
Nearly 800 comments!
Good-will is slaughtered by comments and ratings, I just cannot comprehend this —
Please communicate this with Dean.
You will keep each other in check and win 🙂
by jrdigre on Fri Sep 30th, 2005 at 14:06:03 PDT
Others have rated this comment as follows:
chicagochristianleft 2
FenderT206 4
fedupnyc 1
Jayhawker 4
BooMan :: Please invite Senator Barack Obama to cross-post here, we’ll debate with due respect.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
If you’re talking about Democrats, they are indeed united with Republicans about militarism. They’re for it. Read what Arundhati Roy said, think about the budget, and then tell me with a straight face that is not true.
We are at war with a country that did not attack us. We have killed perhaps 100000 people needlessly, and destroyed utterly much of their country. For no particular reason. That is a war crime. If another nation did it, we would demand their leaders face trial.
So let’s have some honesty here. This is a reality-based community, I hope.
What, about Oui’s comment, are you objecting to?
standing behind me, he/she could have addressed that reply.
In 3 years plus, you will not find a single comment or diary of Oui, creve coeur or new creve coeur that in any limited way, supports or considers the position of today as legal, wise, just or … just fill out the blank space.
Therefore, I considered it not necessary to answer the comment.
My two comments in this diary is to find cohesion and unity. The Democrats have always been a party where minorities come together, each with there own special cause. I understood that is what America is about, a country of immigrants. Individual freedom, unity of States and Liberalism is an important pillar in the War of Independence and the Constitution.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Walking the Republican Walk of Devisiveness – automatically leads to aggression where FEAR replaces HOPE.
All effort needed to
No need to fight within the Democratic family of different personalities, when the enemy has full power in the White House and Congress. You cannot win elections in North- South Dakota, Utah or Idaho with a Massachusetts Liberal platform. Agree that many issues to win elections and congressional seats, are local and inherent to state politics and their constituents.
Do find a common base of acceptance, respect and trust when debating the issues within the democratic movement, do not limit discussions by advocating your own dogma or single issue venture. Solve the problems at home, but do cooperate with the global community to give support and relief to the poorest on planet earth.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Very interesting charts, graphs, and statistics.
We have bases in 103 countries? And there are about 190 countries in the UN, right?
If the purpose of the Military is to protect America’s interests… then might we be better off closing some of these foreign bases?
Seriously, no country in the world has the military might to invade us. Our foreign bases don’t do anything to protect us from the nuclear powers. And the only thing G. W. Bush says we have to fear anymore are “terraists”. And we’ve seen that nothing makes new “terraists” faster than foreign occupation.
So, other than letting us “project force” (aka intimidate), why do we need a base in every other country in the world ?
You get a secret code ring, but you have to buy your own jihad parka. Land’s End has the best one, cause more pockets.