[Cross Posted at Kos]
Making ‘Terror’ CommonPlace and Legal [and guess what They won’t be called Terrorists] !!!
Florida Law Lets Citizens ‘Meet Force With Force’
As above states ‘Welcome To Florida’, only thing missing is ‘Make Sure You’re Wearing Your Spurs, Chaps and Cowboy Hat!
And gives Reason to Playing Mr/Ms Mocho with a Deadly Weapon, quicker than fists or words To Make Point ‘You’re Tuff’!
Screw everyone Around me, you’re In My Immediate Turf and Subject to ‘Execution’ if I So Wish!
New ‘Terrorists’ will be Born Daily but not be Called what they Really are, instead known as Up Standing Citizens [Will Medals Be Handed Out?]!
“With this new law, people have an excuse to use guns and say it was in self-defense,” said Sobel. “If you get into an argument in traffic with somebody, you might assume he’s reaching for his gun, so I’ll get mine first.”
New ‘Reality’ Show ‘Quick Draw Civilians’, winners walk away with Prize!
LaPierre is still using those Meds and still giving Completely Idiotic Statements! There are Way too many Irresponsible Legal owners of Guns in this country [many being NRA members and using their guns against others], Hunters and Especially the Every Day Joes/Janes! How do I know, Years of Experiance of being around them listening and observing, and once labeled, in the military, as a Small Arms Expert.
“In Florida, avoid disputes,” recommends the newspaper ad. “Use special caution in arguing with motorists on Florida roads.
“If someone appears to be angry with you, maintain to the best of your ability a positive attitude, and do not shout or make threatening gestures,” says the flier.
Make Sure You Pick Up This Ad Before Traveling To The Fun In The Sun State Of ‘Friendly[?]’ Florida!
Below are a few links to today’s, Sunday 10-02-2005, Charlotte Observer and a Local News Channel of the Ongoing ‘Wild West Show’ Here.
Check your Local Papers/TV News or surf the Net and check other localities, Small to Large, you’ll see Similar in All. So much for the ‘Intelligent Human Animal’ and Living in a ‘Civilized Society’, that quite Simply is Heading towards Collapse
Ga. slayings alarm Mexican immigrants
What’s behind soaring homicide rate?
Body ID’d as North Meck senior
Police search for gunman in strip mall shooting
As a person living in Texas, where we uphold the “castle law” to the utmost regarding would-be assailants (and I use that term loosely) on private property AND we have a concelaed carry law, I will tell you UNEQUIVOCABLY, that if a law like the FLA one passes here, I will be packing up my family the very next day. (and needless to say, we have NO plans to travel to FLA, ever) — this is the insanity of the American public writ large. If i were in FLA right now, I would be scared shitless. La Pierre’s “good people” notwithstanding, what a moron!
Thanks for the diary, jimstaro!
And I’ll say it again: Nobody does violent insanity like Floridians. Places like LA, NYC and Detroit only wish they were as crazy as Miami.
plane ticket to Florida – $899
one week in Miami Beach – $3000
getting your head blown off by stepping on someone’s lawn by mistake – Priceless
to see this story on your front page. And then to hear your friends talk about how awful you really are. Is it just Florida, or is it the whole damned USA?
Or maybe (my personal theory) the bush family’s influence?
Florida, but they Passed this Idiotic Law which by reading it Far Surpasses any other on the Books!
Two other states are presently looking at it, and wouldn’t surprise me if actually there were more!
I now live in North Carolina, from Central New York. While I knew Gun Owners in New York their Eyes didn’t Glass Over, like they were talking about the Best Piece of A** they just had like these Yahoo’s down here who seem to be carrying around Small Arsenals in their PickUps!
When Eyes Glass Over Talking Guns You’re Talking To An ‘Irresponsible’ Gun Owner!!!!!!!!!!

The last link Article, in Diary, about the Mall Shootings, happened Yesterday Afternoon at 2PM in a Full Parking Lot of Shoppers and Stores Open, apparently just missing a kid, with Everyone Ducking for Cover!!
Not in Florida but in Charlotte NC!
So think if Happening, Exactly as it did, under this Florida Law, than Think Of Defense of Shooter/Shooters Presented in Court, and they Going Free because of Law!!!!!!

Sad to say, our lovely Repub lege is working on a similar proposal here in Michigan.
No use of guns unendorsed!