Happy Sunday to everyone – today’s Café is open, so please come in, have a seat, put up your feet, unfold the paper, munch on a pastry, and sip some coffee or tea, and chat with your neighbor (not in that particular order). I can’t seem to find our specials board, so make let’s make them up as we go along.
We hope everyone is enjoying a fine restful weekend, and that the weather where you are is even half as fine as it is here. As a friendly reminder, next weekend will see the opening of the inaugural Froggy Bottom Photography Fair, with diary guidelines and submission procedures to be published in the very near future.
I’ll be out “wandering” today – cf. The Wanderer by Caspar David Friedrich above – so once again it’ll be self-serve in the Café today. Rest assured this should be the last time, for a while at least, that your Brother is abandoning you to manage the Café. Enjoy yourselves!
Thanks Brother. Good morning to all! I was just involved in a heavy discussion at the “place that shall not be named”. It is just too early, my mind is not working at what passes for its normal functioning rate. I’ll shut up and go have some coffee now.
Last night I finished “The Whole Truth” by Nancy Pickard, aka Kansas. It was fantastic! I started reading yesterday morning and could not put the book down until I finished it — I actually kept reading while I ate lunch and dinner. Talk about a page-turner! The twists and turns in the plot line were so original and unexpected that I only guessed one of them, among dozens, before it was revealed. Now, I’m off to Powell’s to order everything else she’s written…
You might be interested in this thread where kansas and I talk about the book.
Also, kansas has written a lot of books (my library has 24)but sadly a bunch of them are out of print so you might want to check your library as well.
want to hit the local used bookstores — I just found a book called Native Tongue by Suzanne Elgin (I think it was NLinStPaul that recommended it) at one of my favorite hangouts. Used bookstores are the best recyclers, because not only do you pass on the book, you pass on the ideas within as well…
So glad to hear you found it. I hope you’ll let me know what you think about it when you’ve finished. I was notified by Powell’s that they had the third in this series (the one I haven’t read yet), but I’m so overspent on my budget I can’t affort it now. Hope its still there when I can.
Powells sells both new and used book so you can look for out of print books there as well (and make Booman some money).
Just a reminder for those that don’t know — authors make no money from the sale of used books so be sure to support authors you like by buying new books, too.
I’ll usually only buy used if (1) it’s a book I can’t find new, or (2) it’s a book I own the hardcover version of, and want the paperback version for portability when I’m out and about. (The spouse and I usually have our daypacks packed with reading material; we refer to them as our “traveling libraries”. lol)
You can also try Abebooks.com- new,used,out-of -prints.
I had a weird experience a couple of months ago when I was trying to buy the Truth Series for my mom to read in the hospital.
I don’t know if they’re actually out of print, but they aren’t always on the shelf at the bookstore.
So, I put a bid on Whole Truth on eBay and 2 days later got a message that the auction had been shut down as inappropriate! I’ve bought thousands of books on eBay, but that’s the only time an auction was shut down. I still don’t really know why.
I ended up getting them at Half-Price Books (They give discounts to Teachers & Librarians).
Mom loved them.
I had a weird experience a couple of months ago when I was trying to buy the Truth Series for my mom to read in the hospital.
I don’t know if they’re actually out of print, but they aren’t always on the shelf at the bookstore.
So, I put a bid on Whole Truth on eBay and 2 days later got a message that the auction had been shut down as inappropriate! I’ve bought thousands of books on eBay, but that’s the only time an auction was shut down. I still don’t really know why.
I ended up getting them at Half-Price Books (They give discounts to Teachers & Librarians).
Mom loved them.
Just got back from a mystery convention and found your lovely comments here and on the other thread. Thank you a whole lot. Pardon me if I don’t stick around tonight to chat, but I just got back in town,and West Wing’s about to start! (Thanks again.)
Submission Guidelines now posted!
Read all about it!
Everybody go see this movie so it makes lots of money and Joss gets to make more Firefly flicks.
Could you take a look at the change I made to the guidelines diary?
And let me know what you think?
and I think doing an annotated diary is a very good idea.
Thanks, Andi!
I think it’ll be later today before I look at it again, though.
a bit of rest; there’s no need to get this all done at once. (Maybe you want to go see a movie?)
Hate to be a downer AndiF, but I saw Serenity last night and had some real problems with it. See my post here.
I guess you and I have different tastes in movies. But maybe before they go see it, people should decide whether they have more your taste in movies, or mine.
Of course, this does not mean that you are not a great person, or cyberperson, rather.
cyberperson Time Waits
Don’t know about our tastes because I haven’t seen it yet (I’m going to this afternoon) but I read reviews from other people and critics that did like it. I’ll read your comments after I get back and see what I think.
The spouse was up too late again on the computer, so I’m letting him sleep in for a bit. I have to get him moving soon though because we have to get this place cleaned up! I’m getting frustrated and cranky (I feel like David Banner: “Don’t make me cranky; you wouldn’t like me when I’m cranky.”) about the situation.
Was looking at the calendar, and discovered that the spouse has a short work week; he’s off Thursday and Friday. Another reason to get this place cleaned up so we can go out and play one or both days. I really want to go up to Stanford University on Thursday to do some sculpture photography; there are some interesting pieces in the Rodin Sculpture Garden I want to share for the photo fair, and some other works in other parts of campus (there’s one called “Gay Liberation” that’s occasionally been the target for homophobic assholes).
Just about time to try and get the slug out of bed…will check back in later…
Good Sunday to everyone, hi Brother hope your day is good.
Katie, good word, Gack, I love it.
I am having my Sunday morning, watch the talk shows and then Wolf blitzer and read and comment on the computer, before I even think of eating.
Thanks Diane,
I was just repeating the sounds of my brain.
The stories of Indigenous people, regardless of geography, are often tales of individuals stuggling to hold on to ancient cultural traditions while at the same time making their way in a contemporary world that places little value on their skills, their culture, or their past.
“Worlds Apart: Indigenous People Bridging Traditional and Modern Ways of Life” is a special three-part series from Radio Netherlands that brings rich, first-person stories of native culture from three different regions of the world. The United States Plains States, the Canadian Arctic, and the outback of Australia: stories of the Sioux, Inuit, and Aboriginal people.
The poignant stories in “Worlds Apart,” produced by Michele Ernsting, Martha Hawley and Dheera Sujan, are offered to public radio stations for broadcast during the Thanksgiving season, a holiday that calls up a moment in US history when indigenous people and Europeans shared hardship and bounty.
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‘Mornin’ and ‘Afternoon folks.
Not having the strength for the network and cable airheads, I experienced a rare Democrat sighting on C-SPAN. It was Nancy giving a press conference on Thursday. She covered much about the Culture of Corruption.
Favorite quote: +/- “I’m getting too old and impatient for all this.”
Now there’s someone I could work for.
Nancy quite often has these press conferences, (I am a cspan junkie), but they often don’t get played until late at night or weekends, so folks often miss them.
Many hearings are played late at night too, I often go to sleep with one or another on.
Strangely, Pelosi has been maligned often on Dem. sites, but I think many have missed these press conferences.
She pulls no punches when talking to the press on these occasions, to my mind at least.
Momma bought a chicken
thought it was a duck
put it on the table
with his legs stickin’ up…
“Bottle up and go”
John Lee Hooker
Gotta go…have a good one…later
another lil’ blues riff, in E,A,B…(with some 7th’s and 9th’s thrown in at will…and don’t forget the hammer, and finger pitch variance on the A string ; )
I gotta dead dog momma,
smell like a dead dog do.
I gotta dead dog momma,
smell like a dead dog do.
If you don’t stop your mess’n round woman,
your gonna smell like that dead dog too ; )
(now the slide break)
Aaahh the blues, devastation, depression, and you can dance to it…
LMAO ; )
peace bro
LOL! Right on Pig!…the old 1-4-5, all ya need ta know…hammers on – lift offs – left handed [fret bd.] picks…lawdeee, I got the bends
Good to see ya! Yer last visit was an omen…deLay indited the very next day…good on ya!
Peace bro
LOL…wait to see what happens tomorrow ; )
FBC seems to be running off the page. Or is it my specs?
It does look extra wide.
Did Brother just add that image?
Looks OK here…I’m running osx w/ safari…image was in orig post
APELDOORN, The Netherlands — The collection of elephant statues of prince Bernhard was sold for a total amount of 379,250. The sum is much greater than the expectation of 14,000. Thousand persons traveled to palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn.
Some small elephant statues valued at 20 to 50, offers ranged from one hundred to a thousand Euro. The revenue of the sale will be a gift to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of which prince Bernhard was a founding member and honorary president. The money will be used in preservation of the rain forests on Borneo, Indonesia.
The Prince, known as the ‘Flying Prince of Conservation’, was the honorary president of BirdLife International’s Rare Bird Club, and a dedicated fundraiser for conservation efforts.
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“Good night, and joy be with you all.”