I don’t know if anyone caught this today BUT Crooks and liars has a great video of Stephanopoulos dropping WHAT MAY BE A HUGE BUSH BOMB in treasongate:
Definitely a political problem but I wonder, George Will, do you think it’s a manageable one for the White House especially if we don’t know whether Fitzgerald is going to write a report or have indictments but if he is able to show as a source close to this told me this week, that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions.“
George said it so calmly. Clearly he knows what the ramifications are to this tidbit of information.
I just read this on thissite Pundit Pap. which has a full reporting of all the Sunday talk shows. This is how it was described on the site.
Then came the surprise revelation from George Stephanopoulos that is guaranteed to make waves — and headlines on tonight’s network news shows: “I wonder, George Will, do you think it’s a manageable one for the White House, especially if we don’t know whether Fitzgerald is going to write a report or have indictments, but if he is able to show — as a source close to this told me this week — that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions?”
We have a democrat who served in the military getting flogged on national security by a republican who didn’t serve. We have a reporter going to jail for protecting a leak from a west wing staff person. We have Santos’ campaign confused about how to respond and confusing their message. But does this one end up with a “D” win?
Choking back tears, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF star Donald Sutherland warned this week: President Bush “will destroy our lives!”
The star of the new ABC drama, which follows the first woman President of the United States, lashed out at the real White House during a dramatic sit down interview with the BBC.
Sutherland ripped Bush and his administration for the war and Hurricane Katrina fallout.
“They were inept. The were inadequate to the task, and they lied,” Sutherland charged.
“And they were insulting, and they were vindictive. And they were heartless. They did not care. They do not care. They do not care about Iraqi people. They do not care about the families of dead soldiers. They only care about profit.”
At one point during the session, Sutherland started crying: “We stolen our children’s future… We have children. We have children. How dare we take their legacy from them. How dare we. It’s shameful. What we are doing to our world.”
Sutherland went on rip Karl Rove’s “methods and means” against people like Cindy Sheehan.
“We’re back to burning books in Germany,” Sutherland said of NBC’s editing out of Kanye West’s comment on Bush during a hurricane relief telethon.
When I was a kid I used to go to a lot of Montreal Expos games… Often you would see Donald Sutherland sitting there in the front rows along the 3rd base lines taking in a game. I always bought bleacher seats if I was paying, lol, but my Dad would take me or would give me his along the 3rd base line sometimes if he didn’t need them for business or couldn’t go himself. (Reminiscing about when I used to love baseball, now I have given up on “steroid ball”. I’d rather watch AAA or AA now.)
I don’t doubt that “most” Canadians, even the ones that live in the USA now, feel the same way.
There aren’t any Dems like Jeb Bartlette (sp?) either, much to my dismay. So a fantasy republican would also work. It would probably remind Fiscal conservatives of what they are missing in the current republican party. Just like Bartlette makes me yearn for a Dem who has the courage of his convictions and a great speech writer. 🙂
Very Janeane. I love her to pieces. She is her own lady, and it comes across on screen.
She was GREAT! WOW! Fabulous performance. And she looks beautiful.
I don’t know if anyone caught this today BUT Crooks and liars has a great video of Stephanopoulos dropping WHAT MAY BE A HUGE BUSH BOMB in treasongate:
Dare I dream?
“as a source close to this told me this week, that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions”
Sounds like sweet music to my ears! I don’t know who his source is, but I like the song he is singing!
It may be Sunday, but it looks like it may be pay day to me folks!
I just read this on thissite Pundit Pap. which has a full reporting of all the Sunday talk shows. This is how it was described on the site.
I guess will see tomorrow if it makes the news.
We have a democrat who served in the military getting flogged on national security by a republican who didn’t serve. We have a reporter going to jail for protecting a leak from a west wing staff person. We have Santos’ campaign confused about how to respond and confusing their message. But does this one end up with a “D” win?
Choking back tears, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF star Donald Sutherland warned this week: President Bush “will destroy our lives!”
The star of the new ABC drama, which follows the first woman President of the United States, lashed out at the real White House during a dramatic sit down interview with the BBC.
Sutherland ripped Bush and his administration for the war and Hurricane Katrina fallout.
“They were inept. The were inadequate to the task, and they lied,” Sutherland charged.
“And they were insulting, and they were vindictive. And they were heartless. They did not care. They do not care. They do not care about Iraqi people. They do not care about the families of dead soldiers. They only care about profit.”
At one point during the session, Sutherland started crying: “We stolen our children’s future… We have children. We have children. How dare we take their legacy from them. How dare we. It’s shameful. What we are doing to our world.”
Sutherland went on rip Karl Rove’s “methods and means” against people like Cindy Sheehan.
“We’re back to burning books in Germany,” Sutherland said of NBC’s editing out of Kanye West’s comment on Bush during a hurricane relief telethon.
Filed By Matt Drudge
When I was a kid I used to go to a lot of Montreal Expos games… Often you would see Donald Sutherland sitting there in the front rows along the 3rd base lines taking in a game. I always bought bleacher seats if I was paying, lol, but my Dad would take me or would give me his along the 3rd base line sometimes if he didn’t need them for business or couldn’t go himself. (Reminiscing about when I used to love baseball, now I have given up on “steroid ball”. I’d rather watch AAA or AA now.)
I don’t doubt that “most” Canadians, even the ones that live in the USA now, feel the same way.
Many of Drudge’s reports don’t check out. But I hope this one is true. I’ve always loved Donald Sutherland. He’s a great man.
So is the republican going to win or what? I don’t want to get into the new season if that is going to be the outcome.
Yes, Alda’s character is a “good republican”. Problem is, there aren’t any in sight here in the real world.
There aren’t any Dems like Jeb Bartlette (sp?) either, much to my dismay. So a fantasy republican would also work. It would probably remind Fiscal conservatives of what they are missing in the current republican party. Just like Bartlette makes me yearn for a Dem who has the courage of his convictions and a great speech writer. 🙂
Hey, what’s a guy gotta do around here to get on the blogroll? Only G-rated responses allowed. O:-)
Thank Ewe!
I like to watch the West Wing because I believe the world would be a better place if we had a Marin Sheen administration.
Hell, we’d be better off with a Charlie Sheen administration.