It hasn’t taken long for the big blog boys on the right and left to sound off on Harriet Miers. Not surprisingly, Markos and John Aravosis are already salivating. Apparently a Bush insider is just dandy for them. They seem to think this is a huge GOP blunder. Markos goes so far as to claim that Miers is a moderate — though how he would figure that, given that she has virtually no paper trail, who knows?
Here’s another take:
Karl Rove is no fool, and perhaps John and Markos and gloating Dems are falling for a feint. What happens if there’s enough suspicion and resistance on both sides of the aisle so that she cannot win an up or down vote?
Is Harriet Miers simply a red herring nominee whose rejection would set up nomination of a certified radical? Think about it….
[posted on mediagirl.org….]
After all, while Miers has some questionable episodes in her partisan past, it’s also clear that she’s not quite the right’s cup of tea.
Remember, we’re entering an election season, and the radicals need political cover, and Miers is not it. They push back, and Bush then is “forced” to name a radical wingnut like Owens or Brown or some crazy outsider like Dobson himself (don’t laugh … well, okay, laugh), and the GOP goes into the election reinvigorated with hot excitement in its base, and renewed energy to push back the fiscal conservatives who would spoil the party and end the pig-outs at the taxpayer trough.
In other words, Miers is the attenuated virus to stimulate the white corpuscles in the right wing body, thus strengthening the body against infection. Miers could be rejected and a verifiable wingnut will be called in to unite the right.
Meanwhile, such developments would further alienate the Democratic Party-über-alles folks from progressive voters, who already are rather mistrustful of aspiring flacks, perhaps for good reason. In other words, it could be that Miers was nominated to be rejected by a bipartisan bloc, leading to reactions that will strengthen the Republicans while pitting the Democrat appeasers against their progressive voter base.
Too crazy? Too Machiavellian for Karl Rove? Come on, be honest now.
[Update: Lindsay notes that the set-up theory has been posed elsewhere by Tom Goldstein…
The nomination obviously will be vigorously supported by groups created for the purpose of pressing the President’s nominees, and vigorously opposed by groups on the other side. But within the conservative wing of the Republican party, there is thus far (very early in the process) only great disappointment, not enthusiasm. They would prefer Miers to be rejected in the hope – misguided, I think – that the President would then nominate, for example, Janice Rogers Brown. Moderate Republicans have no substantial incentive to support Miers, and the President seems to have somewhat less capital to invest here. On the Democratic side, there will be inevitable – perhaps knee-jerk – opposition. Nor does Miers have a built in “fan base” of people in Washington, in contrast to the people (Democratic and Republican) who knew and respected John Roberts. Even if Democrats aren’t truly gravely concerned, they will see this as an opportunity to damage the President. The themes of the opposition will be cronyism and inexperience. Democratic questioning at the hearings will be an onslaught of questions about federal constitutional law that Miers in all likelihood won’t want to, or won’t be able to (because her jobs haven’t called on her to study the issues), answer. I have no view on whether she should be confirmed (it’s simply too early to say), but will go out on a limb and predict that she will be rejected by the Senate. In my view, Justice O’Connor will still be sitting on the Court on January 1, 2006.
and Rick Hansen Interesting….]
[Update 2: FWIW, from the National Review’s site:
Don’t worry, it’s all just a Rovian strategy to pick someone who has little apparent qualifications so the Dems can spend all their capital attacking her. Eventually, Bush will give up and she won’t be confirmed. Then, he announces his TRUE pick, and the public runs out of patience for the dems trying to defeat two in a row. Eh? Eh?
Look at how already, mere hours out of the starting blocks, the Dems are already once again at odds with their progressive base. Reid has come out endorsing Miers, which has won him few friends. And no doubt if Miers is rejected, Kos and company will jump back onto the game of blaming us progressives for our “pet issues,” which does nothing but bring Karl Rove joy.
And the Dems in ’06 will be in total disarray.
Then again, this gambit may not exist at all. Or she may be confirmed anyway. But that’s hardly cause for gloating on the left. Sterling Newberry offers caution:
All it takes to get the left to roll over is a well coordinated right wing campaign that Mier is unacceptable to the right. The right did the same thing with Roberts – screamed that he wasn’t acceptable. This is part of the strategy people – have the right scream so that the muddled middle has to think that she is one of them.
When “US v Rove” comes before the court, you’ll see what this really means – Bush is lawyering up the court, appointing two long time conservative hacks to the bench to block anything that might lead back to him.
(As a sidebar attraction, Ana Marie opts to chase the obviously pertinent question of whether Miers once fought Gang of 14 poster-child Priscilla Owen over a man. Anyway….)
For a good run-down on links around the blogozoid, including the unhappy wingnuts who’ll assist in the potential Rove gambit I posit above, go see The Heretik.
more crazy that the Flight 77 theories.
Does the GOP have the luxury of taking a total thwacking, a complete breakdown of Congressional unity, with DeLay indicted, and Frist, Rove, Libby, Bolton, and more possibly in the dock?
You think their solution to their problems is to deliberately destroy what is left of Bush’s support by losing a confirmation battle?
No. Your other theory makes more sense. They are packing the court with loyalists to protect them from the legal fallout of their crimes.
Or…a case of ‘spontaneous destruction’ of the Pres. BTW whose counsel ‘did’ he take for this appointment, hers??????, since she was head of the committee.
I am trying to picture that conversation!
…is that W can afford the hit, because he’s not up for re-election, but his allies in Congress need some real mojo. If she gets rejected by a coalition of Dem and GOP base reps, then he has a virtual mandate to push way right and have a showdown over a wingnut appointment–
–which would feed the GOP fundraising troughs, stop the fiscal conservative pushback within the GOP (which is being led by Newt, among others), and give the right a strong position going into the coming election.
Meanwhile the Dems will be in disarray, with no real focus. And they can’t campaign on Supreme Court nominees.
It’s just a theory. But even if she’s approved, the Dems are weakened while the GOP gets all riled up over their issues and gets great turnout next year.
Interesting take Media,….I wonder too if this could be a “wag the dog” move to take attention off something else, like oh maybe Rove, Libby, Miller, et. al.or just general corruption!
My gut feeling is that she will not get out of the nominating committee or is it just wishful thinking.
BTW several senators said they had a feeling last week it would be Meirs as the nominee.
Rove isn’t perfect, but he isn’t stupid, either.
I’ve speculated before that the Right will bitch and moan about Harriet, but if she gets in they’ll be pleased as punch once they see her in action. This is a woman who’s devoted decades of her life to Bush Jr. Is there really any doubt he doesn’t know where she comes down on Roe v Wade? Seriously?
If that happens, base is placated, Bush wins a public fight with Dems and the press, and aside from a few ruffled rightwing pundits’ feathers (and the important ones will be secretly clued in anyhow), its a total victory. All the stuff you speculate on for the Left comes to pass.
It is a complete feint, exactly as you say.
Either way, its a total victory for the Republicans.
The nice thing about the right-wing being all blustery about it is it’ll suck all the oxygen out of the news cycles for the next 7 weeks or so during the hearings.
Having proven they can’t handle a hurricane and a lost white girl at the same time, how’s the media supposed to deal with the right (playing) angry at the right and cover Delay, Frist, Rove, Scooter, and the rest of the corrupt clown bunch?
Unlike Democratic plans, this one actually has options, and a pre-planned fallback position that leads to partisan victory.
I’m not at all surprised our brilliant blogging blowhards are falling for this. “The right wing bloggers hate it, we must be winning!”. Oh dear, poor boys, its a much bigger world than just your little tiny blog universe. Since when to the intermediate reactions of the rightwing jr bloggers have boo to do with the long term plans of the Republican Juggernaut, unless the lessers have gotten their talking points from the greaters?
is where we have a problem:
I count myself among the people (including Pat Buchanan) who has never trusted the Bush Crime Family to be sincere in their anti-abortion stance.
To be sure, they are willing to erode abortion rights, offer up the platitudes to the anti-abortion crowd, but they are the business of business.
And neither Poppy, nor Barb, nor Laura are really pro-life, so why should we assume the monkey is?
The question is: who is getting screwed here? We know the nominees are pro-business. But are they anti-abortion? And, whether it is Buchanan or Parker, no one trusts the Bush Crime Family. No one.
So, rather than take a stand that I know what I don’t know, I remain agnostic about how these nominees will effect reproductive rights.
And the only advice I have to offer is that the Dems make her ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION. If she won’t, the Rethugs are going to freak out, and if she answers honestly she cannot be confirmed.
why should we assume the monkey is
Because it will sealed the wingnuts to the GOP forever… and when this wingnut Pope declares that all Catholics will go to hell if they support prochoice candidates… that leaves the GOP the receptical of all Catholics including the emerging Hispanic voting class. They will be to the GOP what Frican Americans are to the DEM a stauch unmoviable voting block
Rove is about making this stolen victorz permanent…
Bush is reborn again. Remember, God wanted him to be president. I would not discount that. The Jesus Factor is pretty fracking scary.
If Bush really were pro-business, he’d have been with the fiscal conservatives all along, cutting the budget. He make take directions from Cheney on that, but his heart seems to be on being the Second Coming.
As for reproductive rights, who can say. I read somewhere of her involvement with Texans for Life. Who knows? She’s obviously pro-corporate and comes up with ways to justify stronger government.
At any rate, since Dems have already started applauding, she won’t have to answer any damn questions. The real question is whether the radical right Senators will go along with this. This all could be a set up for a show to inspire a reinvigoration of the right, just when they’re looking like they’re disintegrating.
difficulties believing Bush is really born again either. Based on what? His assertions?
Maybe he is. I don’t know.
As for pro-business stuff, he is absolutely looting the treasury and the money ain’t going in his pocket. He is getting rid of high marginal rates, the dividend tax, estate taxes, EPA regulations, etc.
He makes up for his lack of balanced budgets by giving everyone Chinese cash and tax cuts. He is a thief.
And his situation is much more dire than you portray it. Rove is no longer in control of the party or the message. Events are overtaking him. They (the GOP, not Bush) cannot afford to lose this confirmation battle.
Plus, they stepped in a cowpie by reinforcing the cronyism Katrina brought out. No. Rove fucked this up. This is bad politically. Losing over it will just be a total disaster.
I don’t think his born againism is so easy to dismiss.
What does the GOP stand to lose by losing a confirmation battle against a “moderate”?
They need to reinvigorate their base, especially now. They go soft now and they lose their funding and their voters next November.
I think this is what it comes down to. You think Rove somehow underanticipated the reaction, risked the cronyism charge, made a bad political choice, and risked losing a political nomination that could become a disaster.
You haven’t said why you think he did it? What would he have to gain with the Miers nomination?
As is said below, they could have picked any right-wing sweetheart and forced it through. It wouldn’t even be him doing the forcing, just egging on the base to force the Senate to do it for him. They’ve got lay-down Lieberman and his band of 7 capitulators. Before today, did you doubt they could find another winger candidate who’d make the base happy who they could force through?
So that’s the $64,000 question. Given they had a very good if not perfect shot to push a hard-winger in in the first place, why Miers? If you think it was fear of losing the nomination, why not pull another Roberts? Why risk losing with a Miers?
Unless you’re saying Rove thought he could get Miers through, but the GOP surprised him by this reaction. The only White House to ever have dress rehearsals for congressional announcements (metaphorically) got caught unawares?
I get that you think Miers was a blunder. Why do you think they made the blunder?
I think Katrina was less of a disaster than we thought. Oh, it could well have been. But Rove’s buddies in the media jumped in up to their necks, screaming about how horrible it was. Now, over a month later, what little reporting is still covering the affair is all about how the horrible liberal media overreacted to try and smear the President and his loyal allies in the Republican party, who did everything right. And how all the screw-ups were really the fault of Democrats at the state and city level. Big loss for El Presidente there.
And now we get Miers. Sure, she’s a crony. She’s also, from what little we’ve seen so far, slightly more fanatically religious than Cotton Mather. Sure to make the theocrats happy, after the corporatists got their man in with Roberts.
Oh, and very definitely anti-choice. Which explains Reid’s enthusiastic support in a nutshell.
If I’m expecting trouble for the President’s Men with such things as Federal prosecutors, conspiracy charges, Espionage Act vioations because a plot to manufacture evidence to go to war in Iraq and later trying to cover it all up has been uncovered, then I think I’d want someone on the Supreme Court that’s in my pocket.
You know how Republicans like to fix votes so they know in advance the outcomes.
Who knows what interesting legal challenges may result from this Plame-WMD-Niger uranium cock-up? Or to which courts the various lawyers will scurry? But I bet the personal lawyers of all those involved have been in conference with the presiden’ts legal advisor, now nominee, considering scenarios and plotting tactics in their defense for the past two years. And part of the strategy leads to the steps of SCOTUS.
On the other hand, might someone step into the mad vortex that is the Bush Adminsitration and tell them (#1 & #2) to go quietly a la Nixon and avoid the chatoic disintegration of their government destined to make a mushroom cloud out of the Republican Party? For that will surely follow if Fitzgerald has the goods on the Libby-Cheney-Rove et al. conspiracy and BushCo digs in its heels.
Who might that “nominee” be? Colin Powell who was hung out to dry in the UN by this same ring of plotters? He’s probably laughing. Bill Kristol who’s watching his PNAC project go up in flames? Libby Dole who seems to be presiding at the wake of Republican candidate recruitment and so has lots of experience as a grief counselor? Or the President’s faithful guard dog with the size 6 feet?
From my chair, the best action for the Democrats in this nomination is to ask really pointed questions regarding the Plame-WMD-Niger mess during the hearings. Then to vote “no” on the nominee en bloc. That way all the dirty laundry’s in the public eye for the ’06 voters to see AND only the Republicans will be to blame for approving someone who may prove to lack jurisprudence, judicial temperament,or the ability to write opinions or handle the work-load. By ’08 it should be fairly obvious what kind of Justice Harriet will make.
It’s a win-win for the Dems, whether Miers is the deciding vote in some P-WMD-N-gate legal maneuver, or an imcompetent jurist, or the person who ends up telling Junta-in-Chief to go quietly.
And from what I can tell this is meeting the approval of the establishment wannabes.
I don’t see that Bush needs cover for his administration. He has the presidential pardon to clear all names.
But maybe she’s wingnutty enough to get through. It’s far from clear.
Either way, it seems Roe is effectively dead now.
dodge an “unindicted co-conspirator” levy? Wouldn’t you want to do whatever you could to avoid such a label? Same for your veep.
Like I said above. I dunno.
…that they really don’t give a crap about what people say about them. Their policy is defined as “whadayagonnadoabowdit” politics. Everything they do is giving the finger to people who might object. No reason for them to change now.
I predict a parade of outrage come pardon time at the end of Bush’s term.
when you’re executing presidential policy, when you’re politicking.
But it doesn’t hold water when widespread scandal threatens the Republican Party. At this point it isn’t just a cabal of insiders — much as in Watergate.
Nixon didn’t go quietly because he underwent a contrite conversion to morally upright character, heartily sorry for his sins. He was pointed to the door by the Republican Party who recognized irretrievable damage when faced with it.
“Nation’s first and only unindicted Executive co-conspirator is a Republican president” is beyond what the Party Machine will accommodate. It’s a mushroom cloud kind of thing.
There’s too much writing on the wall spelling failed agenda — social security revamping and the Quagmire Formerly Known As ‘Mission Accomplished’ — that was supported by the Machine. Obviously “their man” isn’t anymore; the time to cut and run, or at least compromise with and conciliate the Loyal Opposition is here.
I’d like to feel so optimistic.
But in the absence of any sort of Democrat coherence — which is no surprise, considering that the progressive base is viewed with such suspicion — the GOP has nothing to lose by just plowing forward. They even have the MSM saying the DeLay charges are thin and baseless.
They are not going to retreat because Rove/Norquist are their geniuses, and if they run from them, who’s the boss?
If Bush can fool Harry Reid and MarKos Moulitsas so easily either he really is brilliant or they are stupid beyond all comprehension.
Given the deep skepticism expressed here, I’d say they are not so stupid. I would say denying the possibility of this gambit would be foolish, though.
But Rove is very smart and is running the entire GOP campaign. Miers is an insider and is perhaps willing to fall on her sword. And they play hardball.
I could be wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But we’ll see.
They don’t have to be stupid, just cynical beyond all human comprehension. Look, both Reid and Moulitsas are partisan Democrats who think in terms of political strategy. Neither is particularly liberal, and neither is operating from a set of core values that extends beyond the simple concept of political victory. They don’t give a damn who gets the nomination, or if the nomination succeeds or fails, just so long as the Dems come out of the confrontation smelling like roses. They’ve both made the calculation that this is going to be a big disaster for the GOP, and whatever they say from this point on is designed to encourage the GOP to walk into what they think is a critical blunder.
If a side-effect of that is that we wake up one morning to find that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, so what? It’s not like Reid or Moulitsas lie awake at night dreading that possibility. If anything, they have probably calculated that it will energize the liberal base — which is about all the “women’s studies crowd” is good for in their estimation.
C’mon, seriously now — do you doubt for one second that either of them would hesitate to let Roe die a natural death if they thought it would allow the Dems to take back Congress and the White House? Does anyone really believe that their high-minded principles would stand in the way?
I have seen variations of this theory several places – that Mier is meant to go down and then Bush will nominate the crazy loon he really wants. But I don’t see what this gets them. They can nominate the crazy loon they really want right now, and get him confirmed without having a loss to make them look weak.
If we could stop the crazy loon now, we could do it even better after Bush has had a loss and is more of a lame duck. Success breeds success.
First, prove that bipartisanship doesn’t work.
Then set up a fight over a wingnut, which will be ugly and rally their base.
What arguments that this is a faux nominee don’t address is that Miers is the choice-on-approval of Harry Reid.
I think this theory is probably about right. And the disgusting thing about it is that the only response the Democrats can make is to vote overwhelmingly to confirm her, to avoid the chance of getting the “real” candidate who’s waiting in the wings.
I don’t doubt this group’s capacity to come up with a hairbrained scheme like this, but I don’t think its whats going on here.
My reason is that I think all of Bush’s “born-againism” is one big fake. As most of you know by now, my entire family are all fundamentalist wingers from Texas. And the way Bush expresses himself about his religion does not ring true to me. One example was when he answered the question about who his favorite philosopher was. He said “Christ.” No self-respecting winger would ever say it that way. They would say “Jesus” or “Jesus Christ.” Thats just one example. He gives himself away regularly. He used the religious right to get elected twice and now he’s done with them.
Bush’s only religion is his reverence for greed. He wants someone on the court who will protect corporate business interests. Thats the be-all and end-all for him. And it looks like he’s found someone he can trust to do this.
Can she get through the Senate? Now thats a whole other question.
…no need to waiver. As the nominee being a red herring is a distinct possibility.
Though there are a number of folks out there spontaneously betting on this move being, pure and simple, an effort of, by, and for Bush himself.
His insurance. Miers has to vote in his favor, no matter the legal mental backflips that would require, not because Bush is <cough> the most-brilliant man <cough> she has ever met, but because they have the goods on each other.
Quid Pro Quo Harriet:
And all those tedious, sticky fumblings in the boardrooms of Texas, while you could only dream of getting out… getting anywhere… getting all the way to the S.C.O.T.U.S.
You know, if you were to put the words “George W. Bush”, “Harriet Miers”, and “sticky fumblings” on a 3×5 card, you could make a fortune selling those cards as a weight-loss solution.
I know I just rejected my dinner.