Welcome to the FBC, come on in a have some fun with us.
Coffee and papers to the side…
Do words and phrases that are commonly used by politicans get on your nerves, here’s a few that bug the heck out of me:
The blame game,
Let’s not point fingers
Playing the Race Card
Cut and Run
When they stand up, we will stand down
This is not a time to discuss, let the investigation go forthWhat words or phrases drive you crazy?
Hi folks, cafe is open, I will be over here working on this crossword and sipping my tea.

Ooo, I’d love to go to that cafe.
The phraseI’ve learned to loathe is, “At the end of the day.”
Just stopping by to say hi. See ya later.
Hi Kansas, I’ll add to your “at the end of the day”
“as we go Forward”.
So at the end of the day, as we go forward I will stand up as they stand down and let’s not play the blame game, while they play the race card and of course OsamaBL is wanted Dead or Alive.
Just a little early morning silliness.
Honestly, I don’t need to be driven, I’ve been here for years.
Breaking News allowed at the breakfast table?
Here the community meets to hear the latest bits of worthwhile info …
Draft Agreement EU-Turkey Talks!

Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula
Plassnik said her country was
"listening to the people" by
questioning full membership for Turkey.
Austria link to Croatia deal ::
Del Ponte reported Croatia now cooperating fully with the tribunal.
The EU stalled talks with Croatia can now resume. Sufficient for Austria no longer to block any move to begin the accession talks with Turkey, which were scheduled to start today, October 3.
CNN Robin Oakley reported the Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is in flight towards Brussels, EU headquarters, where upon his arrival the ceremony for Turkey EU membership talks will commence.
It has become clear during these discussions, the position of Austria was an exception, the other 24 countries stood firm to begin the agreed talks with Turkey.
As was predicted …
▼ ▼ ▼
Evening Oui, how are you doing today.
Thanks for the news briefing for EU.
I haven’t yet caught up on all the happenings in this neck of the woods.
A “Liberal Nazi”. Yes, that’s right… you heard it here first. On Friday, my 16th anniv as I was a Chinese diner getting food for the family, I walked into hearing that the owner’s son was in Iraq. A bloatd piece of shit with a wannabe military haircut and a wrinkled Old Navy flag t-shirt was drooling while he said “We be proud of your son” (here’s where my phrases I hate “LIBERTY, FREEDOM) So I walk in and the lady greets me and I say that I heard her son was in Iraq. I’m quiet. I’m reserved. I ask her what branch, how long, when was the last time she heard from him. How does he sound. Questions of concern with words of support.
She shows me the local rag and asks if I was at the Peacie Vigil in town. I reply that I wasn’t because I was in Washington DC.
Bloated puss Daddy with his mousy wife, who he probably beats looking at the way she sat shaking next to him and never made eye contact with ANYONE, then interrupts, “WHAT DID YOU THINK OF ALL THOSE PRRRRRRRRRRROTESTORRRRRRRS?” His voice and demeanor and the scared look on his 3 kids told me what alot about him. You can see hate in someone’s eyes as they feel you out with such questions.
I took a step toward him and looked him straight in his beady eyes and I said that I was one of those protestors, that everyone in my family is military and I had every right to march proudly with Veterans and Military Families and concerned and caring citizens.
As they say in the military (I think) – He stood
down. But he began muttering to himself and making comments to his family. I was seated waiting for my carry out order two tables away.
The owner asked me about Washington, I told her of the fabulous feeling of empowerment, the diversity, seeing American in all their glory and the shock of seeing armed gunmen on buildies. Mr. Mutter said something abot “shoulda killed all dem hippies”. So I looked at him. He said nothing and couldn’t look at me.
Then he muttered about “Liberal Nazis”. “Those fucking liberal nazis, that’s how Hitler got power. By those damn fucking liberals taking power away from governments” … Ok… so much is just WRONG with this huh.
First off he’s saying this to his kids while they eat at a family restaruant. And two… Liberal Nazis???? Is that like those Black Guys in the KKK?
I wasn’t going to be rude and interrupt his mutterings. I thought about going out to the car and getting my husband who doesn’t need wannabe haircuts and clothing to show his support of Americ and he still stands as a soldier. But I was kinda wanting this jerk off to comment to me directly, ne never did. I did get a hug from the owner though.
Wayne said that those types you can not help. They are just stupid. “Liberal Nazi” that shows the level of his stupidity. He muttered to his family because he wasn’t sure of any of his statements. Otherwise he would have addressed me in a debate. But alas he KNEW he was an ignorant moron and therefore he had to hide his shameful white trash ways by talking into his plate while he fed his children more hate and ignorance.
Sadly, I think more of this will occur till we get Bush and his fellow DUHmerikkkans out of office.
Unreal. “Liberal Nazi”… 🙂
Wow, Janet, what an experience…good for you for confronting “the man” and speaking your peace, and he “stood down”.
he was just a jerk.
Now I gotta stand UP and get some coffee or something into my bloodstream. It’s pretty bad when I can’t comprehend my OWN post LOL
How do you always seem to find these people to get into it with? My brushes with wingers are usually more subtle. Well, kinda. The time the guy almost ran me off the road to tell me “I love Jesus so FUCK YOU!” in response to my Who Would Jesus Bomb bumper sticker.
Yesterday I was stopped at a light and I could see there was a family of four in the sedan behind me and they were all reading my various bumper stickers. The one that gets attention lately is the black square with a big W in it and you think it’s the usual I love George Bush one but down below the W it says “still..an idiot”
Anyway, Mom and Dad were in the front seat and the two pre-teen kids were scrunched up in the middle of the backseat straining to read the stickers. Mom and Dad were sadly shaking their heads. I can imagine the kiddoes saying “Daddy, what does ‘we’re creating enemies faster than we can kill them’ mean?” Undoubtedly I was the most radical thing these kids had ever been exposed to.
Well, I remember a Kossack having a run in with some on the road and they freaking started to stalk them and follow them. Scary.
Second Nature, it all comes about to me living in a really really RED part of California in an area that isn’t known for it’s high standards in… well, in anything LOL
“I love Jesus so fuck you”… yup, maybe we live near each other?? 🙂 Be careful folks they’re feeling the burn and are getting testy.
I’d be honored. A double?
Clink! 🙂 Thank you! I’d be honored to knock one back with you – I LOVED your diary about Obama and MLK!
“Clink” back atcha! Here’s to drinking liberally.
Just plain old English Breakfast tea for me. And a ban on the phrase “tax and spend.” This one leaves me howling at the moon. It’s what governments do. No taxing + no spending = no government.
I feel the same way, Kelly. How do people who use that phrase as a complaint think that government is supposed to work? Is it supposed to fund itself with charitable donations that it never spends? Hey, there’s an idea — we could have museums all over DC with framed oversized checks…and no military or services, anywhere, ever. But wait, how would we pay for the museums? 🙂
I finally stayed in town for a weekend. It’s refreshing to start Monday morning without the fatigue of driving 100 miles to a birthday party or 500 miles to help friends move. In other news, I joined the local Drinking Liberally group. Sounds like fun!
Hi manee, how was your trip to Ca.
Drinking Liberally! Sounds like quite a group.
the drive between Blythe and Needles was murder, but I had good company with good music cranked up.
(phrases I hate: “legislate from the bench”, “Massachusetts liberal”, “personalized accounts” ala Bush’s Social Security sham
Time to dust off that bottle of

that we’ve been saving for suskind’s return…and hold the coffee.
He can bring his own damn bottle…:{)
These clowns running the show in DC are gonna drive me to drink.
drink liberally is to drink without limits. I’m ready for a shot, even though it’s before noontime. The only consolation I have is not seeing the smirking chimp on t.v. this morning.
The word that drives me crazy, no, pisses me off is “democrat”….as in “the democrat senator from MA” or “part of a democrat strategy to slime Tom Delay”
It seems to be a new part of repub framing, like “democratic” sounds, well…like a GOOD thing, part of the democratic way our country works. Leaving off the “ic” makes it sound like something you spit out as an insult. I swear, if I hear Ken Mehlman say it again I’m going to open a vein.
Should we start calling them “republics”…sounds vaguely communist.
will set me off. Especially the word ‘leader.’
Janet, I want to know what that sign on your back says. You seem to have a magnetism that attracts the fools.
Alice, I’ll agree with you about Scotty! I am just listening to the press conference right now, and I personally cringe every time he say the Pres. ‘thinks’ this or that….How can he say that with a straight face, are we to believe now that the Pres. actually thinks!!!!!!
yes, he should say “if the president cared even one shit’s worth about this he would think XY and Z.” I always feel like smacking Scotty’s doughy face.
Hey! Who put this post it note on my ass?!?!?!
Just been a weird week. Naw, can’t say that, I have run ins all the time it seems. Must be luck of the blonde… 🙂
You mean it’s been there snce the CabinBoys put it on you at the Capital City?
Time to do the laundry, girlfriend… 🙂
Like most children, they were too afraid to go near my backside – so just stuck the post it in my hair LOL
I dunno… I’ve always seemed to have run ins from time to time. Basically cause I’m not a local redneck … LOL but I think I do carry myself differently nowadays. I’m not scared. I’m not “simmering down”. But I do know that the difference is now I no longer feel that anxiety over it. I have more confidence when in those situations. If you look at them for the most part – they are very scared, uneducated hatemongers. Easy Cheesy.
One bully at a time Janet, I have been known to intimidate men who are 300 and 6’4′.Funny how they back down when they are really challenged. One of these morons came to meet me at the door of a bar once- hub backed off and said’uhoh’- I just walked right into it, “I can handle this”, the moron was so astonished he backed right down and actually offered his hand to shake.. Then I cruised right our — I was the F-in Queen of the Universe- this guy had been bullying people for years- I made him a puppy.HAH- STAND UP.It actually works, any Demopols listening? Hmm?
Honey, I can believe it 🙂 And I’m glad we’re in the same corner 🙂
I was wondering while I ran and did errands and such this morning if maybe I was wearing some sign… that there was some reason for me to be coming in contact with more BushApes. And I don’t have horns coming out of my forehead nor do I walk with a tude.. but I think the answer maybe that this regime is really given permission for the bigots, bullies and backwater types to come out of their shell. Plus I think they are feeling threatened by the lastes news, polls and after many marches they feel the need to get all riled up.
But… I have always been around these types where I live and have always been “engagin” LOL
I know,hon,been battling them all my life.They particularly hate feisty women who they can’t challenge to duels in parking lots. And, that gives us a lot of power- cause they don’t want to be perceived as bullying a woman- on the other hand they can’t stand to be bested by a woman either. Luckily we don’t have to live with them.My approach is usually the ‘shrinky’ one– “so what makes you say that?”. very effective,cause most of the time, they don’t know.
–for every trend and public opinion that has in actuality been fabricated and relentlessly driven into punditry acceptance by the thinktankocracy. It’s the aunt or uncle to “some would say.”
(Removing my Floyd R. Turbo hat.)
‘Mornin’ and ‘afternoon folks.
A brief morning glimpse showed snow capped Olympic and Cascade Mts. once again. Woot!!
Well it’s downstairs to the shop for another boring day. Bore, bore, bore.
Literally–drilling deep holes.
Ok, the curiosity is getting to be too much for me. First, the cut off faces of you and your wife. Now all this talk about a crafting business. Are you ever going to tell us what you make?
I love hardware and tools. Good photographs of things like planes, chisels and saws are my idea of sexy (so let’s just drop all that crap about women not being visual) and nothing is sexier than the Garrett Wade catalog. I hope this doesn’t get me busted for posting obscene material but here a couple of gorgeous Garrett Wade porn shots:
Those are sexy pics. indeed, Andi, as a long time craftswoman, I have always treasured tools. When my son was young he used to steal my tools, like planes and take them out to use on logs. Lock and key could not keep him out.
But he did grow up to be a tool lover himself and now uses, buys and treasures his many mechanical tools that he puts to constant use.
Currently he’s into welding and just bought his third, count them, ever bigger welders…
I guess now is as good a time as any to confess my long-term fascination with Fine Homebuilding.
Oh god yes — if the subjects in your premature ejaculation study had been looking at that, no one would have been able to measure the elapsed time.
We had a subscription during the several years we were building our house (those the ‘final’ touches and fixes have a way of dragging on and on) but we finally dropped it because we couldn’t cope with the gaping chasm between what was in the magazine and our handiwork.
Another porn publication along the same lines is “Wooden Boat”.
Oh God, did you have to bring up that one? Here’s my current nautical wooden bucket of lust!
cedar guide boat, pretty, pretty — oh damn, now my monitor has drool all over it (good thing the photography isn’t as good as Wooden Boat or I might have shorted out my keyboard).
We have their video from the features they’ve done on Vermont public television…sigh.
Oh that’s beautiful! Don’t you just want to pet it? Here boatie, boatie. Here little boatie boatie.
OOOOOOH i LIKE IT-!!!They are beautiful-funny how I don’t get excited by finely crafted men–but the tools- and I am talking hardware- (geez-digging myself a bigger and bigger hole here),never mind it’s too deep already and I am only five feet tall. Anybody got a ladder?
Nothing better than finely crafted tools and hardware…
really say that.
Uh oh! Soon “they”‘ll try to ban carpentry and home repair.
Dem steeenking libuhreals will make anything sound sexyuuuall.
to have done my bit to help drag down the level of discourse at BooMan.
The only real question is how many of us will fit in the gutter with you. 🙂
it looks like it will a very companionable number.
Ya you did
we will have opportunities to steal the line for use IRL.
I never thought I would stumble on to such delicious porn in the FBC. . . ah, me. . .is there anything better than fine tools. . .the smell of sawdust. . .the grain of the wood. . .
Very Orgasmic. . .LOL
That’s so funny that you use that phrase, Andi. We’ve been calling This old House “house porn” for a long time.
In our case, we’d have to name after Roy Underhill (the woodwright’s shop).
I think the one I really dislike the most is “9/11 changed everything” duh…funny how they only say that when they want us to climb onboard with whatever crap they are trying to sell us at the time. I would be interested to know how the failies of those murdered on that horrible day felt about being used like that.
It’s snowing here in Calgary today. My body doesn’t like snow. 🙁
I just turned the upstairs AC back on after 3 whole days of fresh air! My 82 year old father in law was in Calgary last week (he still does consulting work at his age!) and said it was too darn cold. Sounded good to me, but snow?
82 and still consulting and traveling? Wow.
Yes, the weather has sucked. We didn’t have the nicest summer and now the snow has come too early. I’m still hoping for an Indian Summer though.
Come down to Raleigh. We’ll drive down to our beach cottage on Topsail Island. Water temp is still around 80 degrees.
Where is BrotherFeldspar?
Where are they? I’d send out my dog, but she only can sniff out poptarts or junk food in the back of the car.
Who dares disturb the great and powerful Oz?
🙂 Hey, do you like wine? Fudge, chocolate sauces? That sorta thing? I need to get a small thank you package out to (how did Ryan put it?) to an incredible activist who is a great activities director…
And a dear friend, who makes me wish they had those “beamer thingies from Star Trek” so I could just beam on over to DC and share lunch at the Corner Bakery 🙂
Man, that walk did me good! 🙂 Miss you!
No need whatsoever. All my thanks are in your stories of facing down right-wing goons. You are FEARLESS!
Not fearless. I’m a great big moose puppy of shivers sometimes.
I’m just tired of being scared. I’m just tired of being called names simply because I love my country and love freedom … and because I love you guys and gals 🙂
I hate walking away from an encounter or incident where you’re beating your hands on the steering wheel saying, “I should have said THIS or I should have done THAT”… now Ihave so many of you all supporting me, I have learned a few things or two in these forums and in marching that enables me to … not bash the inside of my car as I go “DOH!” 🙂
Plus, last week I AND MY FAMILY had to do quite a bit of things that are completely out of our “comfort zones” and I think it freed us up a bit more. To do something even though it scares the shit out of you and still do it – it makes these cavemen rednecks seem like nuttin’. 🙂
Saying what you mean when the time counts, regardless of consequences — that’s part of my definition of fearless. I think you’re dead on with the increasing desperation of these loonies; I’ve noticed a few of my “moderate Republican” friends have become really touchy at the slightest hint of criticism. It’s some sort of “circle the wagons” attitude, or a cornered & wounded animal (not sure which). I think it’s making them even more slavish to this administration, if that’s possible.
Whoooooooot! Ryan just sent me a CD of our pictures. Cripes…this means I have to put some thoughts down and add photos to em.
BrotherFeldspar, would you like a copy of this CD by chance?
Let’s see ’em first, then you can email me the pick of the pics. 😉
A photo of Steven D and BrotherFeldspar mooning the White House?? 🙂 just kidding.
Delay has been now chanred with ‘money laundering’,
So what’s everyone doing, out celebrating the new Delay charge at some other cafe???? Is it the service, no waitresses around, and is that why everyone stopped ordering?
it was a buttload of homework I had to supervise. Now on to making din din.
Goodnight all! Sleep tight and all that warm happy stuff.
Question, what day is commander in chief on…I thought it was tonight and what station…
I want Gina Davis in that persona for President!!!
It is on Tuesday nights on ABC. . 9 Eastern, 8 Central, 7 in the Mountain States. . .you probably get it at 8. Cuz California is special. . . .;o)
Phrases I never want to hear again:
Legistlating from the bench
Activist Judges
You’re either with us or against us
Gotta fight em over there so we don’t have to fight them over here
The imaginary dog ate my imaginary tardy slip…
Was out running errands today; baseball playoffs start tomorrow so I wanted to get as much done away from home as possible, so tomorrow I can work on cleaning with the TV on (or the radio, depending on which room I’m cleaning). Spousal schedule tomorrow is noon – 8, so I’ll have him in the morning to tote stuff over to Goodwill; got a box of old cookbooks (the ones that don’t have the nutritional information; I’m trying to be as mindful of what I put in my body as possible), our old boombox, and some shirts that are now too big for me. 🙂 At least there’ll be fewer things for me to trip over while I’m cleaning.
Need to crash soon, hoping to get up early to have breakfast and do some more grocery shopping; with the late schedule tomorrow, we’re just going to go with frozen dinners and will put off planned meals for a day.
Have a great night, everyone…