In many ways my political consciousness was shaped in the sixth grade. That year I was expelled from morning exercises (just for the year) and rejected Christ as my personal savior (forever).
They don’t really have that much to do with one another in my mind, but I’ll let you be the judge since today I’d like to talk about “Under God”. (more below)
Ticking time bomb that I am, I was set off by this story at In case the link ages you could try searching on the author, Robert A. Strong; title, “Original pledge was heartfelt”; or syndicator, The Baltimore Sun.
That lead me to Francis Bellamy here where I learned some surprising things.
Bellamy was a Mason. I am a Mason. So were Washington, Jefferson, Madison…
“Under God” was an initiative of The Knights of Columbus, an anti-Masonic organization. Conspiracy? If you want to pursue that you might want to look here and here .
But that pales besides the revelation that Bellamy was a, a, a, Socialist, (shudder).
Now it all makes sense to me. No wonder the DAR and the American Legion were all over him.
Am I free or not free? During my moment of silence can I read my history book? Maybe out in the hall. Can I show up for choir practice, but blow off Sunday School?
Godless communist that I am what I really wonder is this-
Life on earth is supposed to be suffering, damnation is separation from God. Perfect your soul any way you want to, but lift up your feet.
I want to spruce the place up a bit (earth that is, what were you thinking?).
I sure am. What was I thinking?
Do we want them to join the Democratic party in defeating the Republicans in Election 2006 and 2008?
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About 3 pounds of fat.
I am only qualified to speak about Blue Lodges and how to run them into the ground. I have several excellent recipes for liver, bacon, and onions.
Skull & Bones are nothing but frat boys, us townies know how to spot them and spank them. G2? You know about G2? Maybe this one. All fronts to hide the real conspiracy.
I have abandoned the trappings of the old testament along with my worship of scraps of ribbon, you don’t need a jealous God to spot an invisible thief. Generally they jump up and down and say “Look over here! I’m getting away with it!”.
Me, I’m not active enough to jump up and down. The only time I leave the computer is to get another Entenmanns‘ Chocolate Chocolate donut (God’s chosen donut) out of the fridge. Social? That’s where everyone at the party chugs isn’t it? Politics is for suckers who think that things can change.
Humans are equally tasty with fava beans and I always go skinless because I’m watching my cholesterol. For sushi I like an inside out California roll with uni.
Jesus (or Meta Jesus), I’m not here to argue about usury. The only temple I’m interested in is Dagon‘s.
Need any help? Oh… All I can get.